VS Connery Population is dead

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Superdano, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Thades

    1:45 PM Saturday

    26% VS
    29% TR
    45% NC
  2. Stampz

    Current world population on Connery as of Saturday 12/15/12, 5:30PM PST.

    32% VS
    33% TR
    35% NC

    Also note that the Devil Dogs, the largest NC outfit, start their OPs at noon on Saturday during the weekends (needs verification). I stand by my early statements that during peak hours the pops remain relatively even.
  3. IrkenElite

    I'm sorry, but I started this game as VS on that server, and it was almost an entire population of fools who would rather spend their time screwing around in bases, flipping vehicles and other general nonsense. I left that server because the people playing VS had no interest in actually accomplishing anything. It's no wonder then that any self respecting VS player abandoned that server with great haste.
  4. Flarestar

    The biggest problem VS on Connery is having right now is a lot of the leadership of some of the bigger outfits got banned/suspended due to cert farming. So right now you've got a relatively solid population, but no cohesion at all. Hence why VS is getting rolled on Indar at the moment by NC, despite having a relatively equal population.
  5. Thades

    Generalize much? Yes, the only VS left on Connery are self-hating ship-tippers. Give me a break, I am BR 50 and have never once had my vehicle flipped over. I invested time and money into my Connery character early on, so I'm not just going to flee because we're outnumbered. This is happening on a lot of servers, and it's really SOE that needs to come forward with some remedy to this problem.
  6. Sevius

    As a TR player on Connery I have to agree. Its mostly a NC v TR fight. Though a lot of VS infiltrators or small fighter squadrons make things interesting.
  7. IrkenElite

    I can only speak from my own experiences. My every encounter with my own faction was filled with sabotage and tomfoolery, to the degree that at about BR12 I gave up and started over on another server, where I have not encountered the same issues. Your experience may vary.
  8. forkyar

    i disagree
  9. Suien Reizo

    And watch as late night comes around and NC drops off to 2x% while TR and VS begin to rise.
  10. Jaradcel

    Sauce? I roll to disbelieve (unless all the trolol hackers were barnies....) (Oh, and hi again Flare lol)

    I play GMT+8 at around 10pm to 1am regularly.

    Wish I had screencaps, but yeah, the Vanu seem to have gone (mostly) missing. Where do I find the little lost sheep? In Tawrich, at Crossroads Highland aaannnnddd Esamir. I saw pops for Vanu at 30, 30, 2 for the 3 continents, for NC it was 30,30,30, and TR had something like 50, 10, 70 0.o The TR zerg is nuts on Connery.

    Connery just has this bizarro world where Amerish is the only conti trading hands between TR/NC, Esa is almost always (ALMOST always. I saw it held by TR and NC over the weekend 0.0) Vanu, and Indar's been held by the TR for like, three weeks now give or take a few hours.
  11. RobotNinja

    You know...not everyone is spending their entire holiday glued to their computer, void of contact with actual human beings.
  12. Flarestar

    Source is I play with one of the outfits whose leadership got owned. That and we knew a few of the other prominent outfits. To clarify, they weren't hacking - just using engi/medic circles to cert farm.

    It's very much not limited to Connery. Quite a few folks were cert farming with engi/medic circles, apparently, and SOE whipped it out and mushroom stamped a bunch of them.
  13. Koadster


    Connery server pop as 11:54PM PST 17/12/12.

    VS population is fine. Considering its 33% each way with NC properly 40more people. Id say popcaps are maxed
  14. Jaradcel

    Fair 'nuff. First I've heard of that 0.o
  15. ent|ty

    The are? On Connery I play TR, and we are constantly fighting them off like the rats they are, ants swarming over the nearest hill, gnats flying in from above to alight upon our bases, a disease, a scourge.

    Just finished a HUGE (Non-Zerg) battle that was just crazy, and Vanu kept coming and coming and coming. No shortage to be seen here. The shortage is from TR running off to easier continents and fights.
  16. Jaradcel

    Considering you guys can effectively lock down north Indar effortlessly, and still have a significant presence on Amerish, suggests that the TR have bigger numbers than everyone else (if the pop numbers didn't explicitly already tell us this). 40% Indar, 1% Esa (because only Vanu are there amirite :p) 70% Amerish was what I saw last night. Insanity.
  17. Thades

    Just rummaging through the forums 'cause VS is 25% vs 60% on Indar & Esamir, and 5% on Amerish. Oh hey, look what thread I found. The numbers will be more even tonight when I'm working though so everything is totally fine and the servers don't need to be merged.
  18. Morpholine

    I'm a near-decade long VS member. Target rich environments do not scare me.

    That said, I cannot say my experience is the same, although I'm almost exclusively playing in Prime Time (what with having a job, and mortgage, and whatnot).
  19. TheScapegoat

    Logged in from 4-6 am server time today - VS had the pop, 2nd was TR, NC was down and getting boosted 8%
  20. Hunter_Killers


    Sure is fun when your opposition can have "Enemy Platoons Detected" on 4-5 areas. This isn't even getting into every single continent being snowballed by a single faction.