G2A Rocket Launcher - A Disappointment

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by WUNDER8AR, Dec 16, 2012.


    Bought this thing yesterday, fired about 100 missiles at least, yet I got only about 20 hits, all of them solely at "closer" ranges/ @ about minimum lock on distance. If aircraft are just a tad further away, my missiles seem to miss across-the-board.

    Ofc there's flares, but I can tell that most of the pilots I tried to take out did not have flares equipped or already deployed them before, nor did they lead the missile into a solid object. Missile tracking or aircraft hitbox must be utterly broken. Either that or it is a nobrainer task to dogde incoming missiles. If so a fix is highly needed.

    That said, I'm totally fine with the possibility to dodge heatseeking missiles, as long as it is not triggered by unententional bugs or tracking/ hitbox issues. There should be some sort of skill involved. Not just a simple maneuver or hitting afterburner.

    Ultimately there should be only 2 possibilities to get rid of an already incoming heatseeker Imho:

    1. Deploying flares
    2. Leading the missile into solid objects, by getting behind cover, to make it explode.

    Particularly #2 should be not too much to ask for since aircraft in this game are for one relatively fast and secondly agile as a helicopter, thus making the use of cover a relatively simple task anyway.

    I don't even know how many hits it takes to take out ESF with G2A rockets, let alone Libs or Galaxies. It is definitely more than one as to ESF. So considering that it takes multiple hits, the missiles should at least hit on a somewhat reliable percentage once locked and fired unless one of the two countermeasures mentioned above comes into play.

    If there's not going to be a fix for said bugs/ glitches/ hitbox issues whatsoever, you might as well remove flares entirely, since why would you spend certs on it if you don't need it anyway? (Dunno if at least A2A lock on weaponry does its job properly though) And you might as well make the G2A rocket launcher a default weapon that is available to everyone from the start. You cannot expect people to pay for it if the system is utterly broken. Or at least advertise it as a tool for deterrance, so people do not expect getting reliable results from it to start with.
  2. Lothix

    Yea, G2A rocket launcher is in a really bad shape right now:
    • Missiles miss when aircraft turns.
    • Missiles fly too slow, allowing aircraft to out-range them.
    • Takes too long to lock-on.
    • Lock on range is rather short.
    • Damage is really low. You can't even kill a Lib with entire ammo load.
    I think my ESF has only ever gotten killed once by a G2A rocket launcher. 90% of my deaths are due to my bad flying skills, crashing into friendlies or terrain. 8% from other ESFs and maybe 2% from MAXes.
  3. Kralous

    It takes 3 missiles on a stock ESF.

    Only with unlock can you out run missiles. There is the possibility of hitting their max range before they catch you though.

    Their tracking is fine, I watched a missile get up the backside of a mosquito, he tried to dodge, it did 2 full loops around him and popped right on the cockpit.

    Lock on range is rather short, but fair I believe.

    Nothing is ever meant to be done solo in this game, moreso with infantry.

    please enlighten me as to how soloing AA with G2A rockets justifies missiles missing due to broken hitboxes/ missile tracking and ezmode missile dodging.

    proper teamplay doesn't make up for poor coding. by all means it shouldn't anyway in the first place
  5. Monnor

    This 1000 cert joke actually does only 1 thing, just scare a little some pilots.
  6. Hoki

    ALL HA rockets are too slow. Someone should be fired for the state of rockets.

    Not really fired but slapped really hard and put on probation. I love rockets in these kinds of games but in PS2 you pretty much have to be standing on a tank's dick in order to shoot the ******.

    And forget hitting an ESF with such slow rockets. They nerfed the G2A dumbfire ability because it actually traveled at a decent speed.
    Oh god no can't have a decent long range infantry rocket, nerf nerf nerf. Then they gave us an even slower rocket as an anti-vehicle rocket.

    I don't even like lock-on rockets I feel ashamed when using them and I almost HOPE they pop flares because lock-on rockets are not fun.
  7. Kralous

    My head hurts after reading this post.

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  8. Kaoschan

    The Current state (Game Update 1)

    Normal Dumpfire rocket launcher
    * The same except it's projectile speed was INCREASED by ~10%

    G2A Launcher
    *Damage increased by ~15% (2 hits kill a ESF 100%, pre-game update 1 was 2 hits but ESF into "omfg you are on fire" mode)
    *Speed has been reduced by a whooping 60%
    *Projectile drop has been doubled

    G2G Launcher
    *Damage the same
    *Speed has been reduced by 60%
    *Projectile drop is doubled

    Additional information:
    A severe hit-detection bug is present which renders the use of G2A and G2G launcher questionable due to almost every 2-3 rocket doing 0% damage even on clear hits within 400m

    G2A rockets can also be outrun by a ESF without(!) AB or any kind fo speed-enhancing airframe. Flying in a straight line at max-speed outruns a G2A missile. Combined with the hit-detection bug G2A missile are currently worthless and completly random in their damage-dealign nature.

    Please fix it SOE, thanks in advance.
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    thx 4 the info. sounds horrible though.
  10. Patrician

    How do you know for sure that your missiles missed due to " broken hitboxes/ missile tracking and ezmode missile dodging"? It's quite possible that they are working as intended. One infantry is not supposed to be able to take down one ESF; that is not how PS2 works.
  11. HadesR

    Say's it all when they are more effective as mortar's Vs tank's than they are Vs Aircraft o_O

    I've seen it often enough that my missiles are detonating at the rear of an ESF, yet I didn't even get a hitmarker. just to give you an example

    I understand that PS2 is a game based around teamplay. but are you seriously trying to tell me that a heatseeking missile is supposed to automatically miss/ not cause any damage if there's only one person operating as AA unit at this particular moment? how is that codeable? and how's that justifiable from a marketing pov considering that G2A launchers are advertised in the shop as a one-man-operated tool for damaging/ destroying hostile aircraft by the use of AI-controlled missiles?
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  13. Cembrye

    Yes, the GTA launcher is a piece of junk now. Before I used to admire the skill and timing of veteran pilots dodging and escaping. Now I see skilless pilots just outrun them and/or the missiles mysteriously go into the air and disappear without hitting anything. They track the aircraft maybe 1 in 3 times, and of those maybe 1 in 3 actually hit.

    Happy days again for those Rank 70 rocketspammers....for infantry, not so much.
  14. Jestunhi

    Try using them.

    The tracking & hit detection seems to have plummeted since the last patch.

    Lockon range could do with an increase IMO but I have no problems with the damage it does.

    It shouldn't be easy to solo air vehicles, just like it shouldn't be easy to solo ground vehicles.

    But with the amount of hit detection / tracking issues we have now it won't be long until the pilots start ignoring lockons unless they are already damaged enough for it to be a real problem. Since a fair amount of the time the hit doesn't register anyway, why should they be afraid of them?

    GtA needs bug fixes and possibly a faster projectile speed.
  15. Nephera

    I am pretty sure that was either an air to air missile or a freak occurance.

    A2A missiles almost never miss their targets even if fired straight at an oncoming ESF and going past it.

    on the same note this is how i almost shot myself down earlier today when i had to dodge my own rocket making a loop around.
  16. Dr. Allcome

    Too bad you didn't check the forums yesterday. There were two threads, both complaining about the G2A launcher being a waste of money/certs. I started one of them, the other one was started by a Vanu player.

    Welcome to the club of people who wasted 7 Euro or 1000 certs on an absolutely useless item.
  17. Jestunhi

    It's only this latest patch which has screwed over the AA launcher. If it gets it's hit detection fixed and it's projectile speed reverted back the the previous amount it will be fine.

    People who whine about the damage are idiots trying to solo air vehicles. Well, why don't they go away and try to solo a ground vehicle and see if they do any better?
  18. CaptainZild

    G2A is a waste of money. It no longer even serves as a deterrent.
  19. absolofdoom

    Now I have to use the G2G lock-on rocket for shooting tanks, I miss having to actually aim and stuff. But the G2A launcher was the only one with decent enough velocity to hit anything at a good distance.
  20. Vargs

    I solo ground vehicles as infantry constantly. The only thing really limiting me is infantry resources for more C4/tank mines. Even taking them out with the stock rocket launcher is pretty easy depending on the situation. If there's enough cover I can get behind them and pop a couple rockets up their butts no problem. I certainly don't need a team of dedicated anti-vehicle players who are 100% useless against anything but armor, alongside medic+engineer support, in order to take out a tank or two. And every class I play has an option for dealing with them solo other than the infiltrator.