Do something about C4 now! (Boring long whiny rant)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duff_Chimp, Dec 15, 2012.

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  1. Luft

    "My opponent thoughtfully used the tools available to him and won. Nerf his stuff!"
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  2. 13lackCats

    Someone got blew up while they were trying to blew someone else up.
  3. kyre5

    whiny babby
  4. Autarkis

    Great, so we're done here.
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  5. siiix

    THEY FINE STOP THE DA3M CRYING AND WYNING on anything thats not a gun

    you whiners are pathetic
  6. Fluff

    This game is all about no skill.

    Things are used in a way they aren't in real life and causes problems which we shouldn't have to deal with.

    Mines) deposited, they will ONLY go off is something moves over them and depending on the type, they will not go off if a person moves over a anti-tank mine, cannot be tossed like a freaking grenade.

    C4) explosives that must be installed on any given surface, cannot be tossed, it's not a freaking grenade, it takes time to install C4, used ONLY... I repeat ONLY against buildings, very rarely used against anything else and even less never used to kill moving soldiers unless in a claymore format.

    Claymore) must be deployed, can be used against both soft and hard target but more effective against soft targets.

    None of those weapons are about a lemming attitude, none of those weapons can be tossed like a grenade.

    Welcome to LemmingSide 2 and Airside 2.
  7. Xandax

    haha - dying to C4 and wanting it nerfed ..... funny.
  8. Arrrr

    I cringe every time I read a comment like this
  9. Deamian

    First post read "I was playing planetside 2, having a blast holding off a Sunderer full of troops..then I died. Then I was playing planetside 2 and enjoying a fun battle defending a base! then I died. And Fluff.. quit crying about REAL LIFE and play the video game.. C4 against only buildings? what..
  10. ent|ty

    It's the chilling battle cry of modern gamers.
  11. Luft

    It's called "C4" because that's entered the common vernacular to mean "remote-detonated explosive device." Not because it's modern-era C4. How ridiculous would it be that we're still using C4 in the year whatever it is with nanites and crap.
  12. Deamian

    Oh i know if you change it to C7, or give it a new name completely can people still cry? ..oh yeah padded room gamers I forget, of course they will.
  13. SOE-MOD-05

    This thread has been closed for being non-constructive and degenerating into trolling and personal attacks.
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