Triple station cash.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Posh_Diggory, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Jourmand1r

    I've tried 3 wal marts now.

    My only guess would be that Sony stopped shipping them when PS2 released because they actually have a game that isnt dead. Station Cash is worth something now.
  2. Posh_Diggory

    Still checking mine in the next day or two. Lol
  3. insane2170

    • Up x 3
  4. SerialNumber1221

    OK I got an email, says sale is on between 13th and 24th but says to check daily in game for deals...can't see anything specific about 3x SC but maybe that will be the special in the timeframe OP specified....
  5. SerialNumber1221

  6. MNO

    Is it only Walmart cards?

    I'm in the UK so obv I can't get to a walmart. But is it any Sony Universal Game Card?

    edit: Nevermind.. Walmart only. Nice....

    Essentially Americans get 2000 MORE SC / 15$ (1500 x 3 = . Even though it's already cheaper for Americans anyway. Ugh, maybe I should just go and support European devs instead, at least they won't alienate me because I don't use dollars. Blizzard ***** UK wallets too, it's a trend.
  7. Posh_Diggory

    That's a shame. :confused:
  8. SgtScum

    Guess I can drop a ten spot and get those bulldogs for my sundy.
  9. Golden_Dem0n

    Can anyone confirm this? I've got the mail with the 12 day's ad, but nothing regarding this...

    Well I hope it's true, if so I'll drop some 100$, otherwise I'll wait ;)
  10. Ganelon

    Now if only you could buy those cards in countries other than the US....
  11. Gavyne

    Nobody can confirm it until the day they announce it. That's how SOE's triple sc work, they tell you the day of the sale. So they already said the 12 days of holiday, so check every day to see if one of those days is triple sc.

    It should be one of those days, I remember there being one last december.
  12. Scorponok

    If it is true it would not come as a shock...its not like the first time EU gets screwd over hahaha...people in the EU should get used to it...i sure as hell have..Never put your hopes will be a big fall...set it low and be rather happy when something more comes along.
  13. MeveM

    Check ASDA, ASDA is Walmart.
  14. Kracin

    the cards are just plain ole SOE cards. no planetside mentioned on them.

    and they have a little blue box in the right hand side of it that says BONUS : 500 extra station cash. underneath a walmart logo
  15. Archey

    That doesn't confirm anything, at all.

    Anyone can take the already posted picture and say they got it in an email. On a side note the OP @ reddit said he found it in the game files, I took a look myself, nothing what-so-ever, just the old 2x one from Black Friday.
  16. sagolsun

    The triple station cash promo has to be announced just before it happens - this turns the promo into an impulsive purchase. If we know there's a promo coming we'll save up our cash to unload all of it during the promotion. Financially it makes little sense for SOE to announce it early.

    I do hope it's valid for the EU as well. I appreciate the risk that PS2 is and the cojones required to release a hardcore game like this, and I want to support SOE. While I'm at that I'd like to have a fair deal as well - however Europe, even the EU, covers areas with significant economical disparity. 7.5€ is about three-four hours of work where I'm at. A single sidegrade gun that cannot be swapped between characters, cannot be used on a different server, is subject to nerfs, buffs and changes, for three hours of work is not a good deal from where I'm sitting.

    I have about 30€ waiting to be put into this game, but I'm in no rush. I know precisely what I'm going to purchase with it and I'm just waiting for the triple promo to send it - it has been waiting there since I missed the beta triple promo.

    If this promo won't apply to the EU I'll just withhold my purchase until a promo appears.

    On another note is it possible to pay with USD instead of Euro? I have to convert currency anyway and USD seems like a far better deal.
  17. Jourmand1r

    I'm dropping 50 if its a triple.

    Nothing like buying everything in the game in one day.
    • Up x 1
  18. Fleabag

    Could be a photo-chop. No one seems to be able to source this after all?
    • Up x 1
  19. MNO

    Asda don't sell game cards. Walmart owns Asda but Asda is not walmart, walmart offers don't include asda.
  20. ErrantPilot34

    That's what I'm going off of, the "12 days" link has no mentioning of it and all these people could find on here is it on 2 random internet forums which for all we could know are lying...

    Also if this is true (hopefully) is it possible to like buy a SC card a week before the event (sense I won't be able to go out to a store on a Friday) and just activate it on the 21st? I'm assuming yes but just wanna make sure...