Next player to eject me from their liberator...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Weylin, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Esch

    As a regular Lib pilot, I think the other pilots on here bragging about ejecting others are pretty lame. Last time I checked, when someone was killing stuff with my guns they weren't 'stealing' anything from me, they were getting me XP bonuses.

    If I have a squadmate that wants to take a seat, I will land at a pad first and then lock the Lib. This has risks because some people get offended at being ejected regardless of circumstances and will start firing at you.

    So, please, let's be civil:
    - Love the idea in the OP, lock icon on vehicles would be awesome
    - VS pilots, if you're going to eject someone, do it on a pad. If you're NC or TR though, keep ejecting at altitude. We appreciate that you'd rather kill your own faction than us.
    - Gunners, if you get ejected safely, please don't take it personally or get offended and go attack the Lib. If you get ejected in flight, feel free to take whatever revenge you like.
  2. Weylin

    I want to clarify that these were not WarpGate ejects, which are understandable.

    When I gun a liberator, I really do try my best, and do what I can to help the team below (ie, kill that enemy tank before it kills an ally on the run) but every once in a while I run into a ******* who thinks it's funny.

    I'm not ramming into the Liberator, I'm landing on its wing and flipping it upside down while screaming into the mic in rage.
    I only do this to the idiots, don't worry.
  3. Edgar Allan Bro

    haha yeah it's hilarious. I do it all the time.
  4. Biytor

    Look out for Scuba Instructor...

    PS1 vets from Emerald should get that one.
  5. Vortok

    Finding nearby airpads to restock your ammo is hard.

    I think the only time I've ever been ejected from a vehicle was a galaxy drop - where it made sense. I thought it was cool he could kick us all out at the same time once we were over the destination, though having an option to keep gunners in a Gal/Sundy would be good too. Might've been ejected once at warp gate because a guy forgot to set it to squad/platoon and I reminded him by jumping in. Never been kicked from a Sundy that I can recall. Often times they'll see me on the map and slow down to pick me up.

    I feel sorry for you guys. Those of you that teamkill them after are just being spiteful, though. Be the bigger man ffs.
  6. dracotonisamond

    when someone ejects me midflight, i take great pride in C4'ing their planes next time i see them.

    i have no pity for you and your cooldown.
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  7. Xizwhoa

    The pilot puts his xp/cert gain in the hands of his gunners. If we hear you shooting your *** off and we aren't getting xp because your a ****** shot you gotta go. We aren't getting kills flying, we are trying to maintain air superiority. I shouldn't have to leave the fight to reload because numbnuts can't shoot you shouldn't have gotten into my lib period. Please try to c4 my lib too because you know, you'll find me on the ground somewhere... Lol.

    With that said, if you're kicking *** I'd never try to see if you can fly, because that'd be wrong.

    Now, if you can get your tank on top of my galaxy, you'd be my hero. It's been done, the gal just can't turn too fast lol.
  8. NateDiesel

    Set it so that one can only be ejected when the Lib has landed, not too hard. The pilot can still eject and the gunner doesn't get griefed. The best of both continents! Last post in this thread is from Dec. and it still hasn't been fixed...
  9. Big Cyz

    I purposely fly outside the warpy and eject people from 500m
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  10. Nyscha

    And enjoy getting my report for plane flipping which is against their rules.
  11. Kirklan

    Squad up with good safe people or fly your own. NO excuse for tk'ing.
  12. DeusExMachina

    Then i hope you'll get banned just for assaulting ppl without even reading what they said, at all.
  13. DeusExMachina

    By the way we can nicely see the oldschool definition of "noob" in this thread (new plvled players griefing older medium-leveled players either for fun or because of stupid conviction of being smart while being horribly dumb).
  14. innersphere1

    Dont go in other ppl liberators : WIN
  15. AUSGrizzly

    The a few things I hate about Pubblets and Libs...
    1: You just spawned one, your pulling around to bring it down for a landing so that you can a; pick up your gunner and b; make it squad only. MOMENTS BEFORE YOU TOUCH THE PAD, 50 Pubs come charging straight at your lib, all clammering for the seat that isn't even theirs. You then finally land with a full Lib without your Gunner (THE RIGHT ONE) and your changing to Squad only. They all get kicked, your Squad mate gets in, you start taking off BOOM!!! That pubblet you kicked was a HA and he just chucked a tanty cause you kicked him, you shrug it off, a rocket doesn't do much, next thing you know the AA Turret is shooting at you taking you down...

    2: Your friend is piloting the lib and your gunning, he hasn't switched it over to squad only because he picked you up where there was no one except you there. Never thought to do it later. You touch down near a fight or after one, he gets out to repair. 50 PUBS come charging at the lib, wanting to get in, the first that does INSTANTLY hits F2 demanding the Gunners seat...
    WTF Man, really...
  16. Accuser

    If I didn't ask you to get in my vehicle, I probably don't want you in it.
    And if you want to take a few more deaths chasing my Liberator with an ESF after I drop you, you're welcome to come get them.

    Setting a Liberator to 'squad' allows the gunner (who doesn't own it) to get in the pilot seat, frequently causing a bug that causes the Lib to appear flipped on the owner's screen. Plus the delayed seat switching is an inconvenience when people are in the wrong seat.
  17. Bambolero

    Listen to this fool.
    He drops you for the next lol...
    Because there are pro gunners waiting in line MID-AIR! to gun your noob Lib...

    The only place you gonna find a gunner is back to WP, and you need to fly there anyway.
    So why don't you fly the gunner back, kick him at the WP and spam chat channels again for another?
    Yeah, why think logically and be smart when you can be the idiot that drops people mid-air just to take it in the pooper 2 min later from a friendly you just TKed...

    And to the OP and people getting kicked mid-air:
    Whenever in a aircraft that isn't your own, use LA, the jetpack will save you.
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  18. Takara

    THIS...just like those *** hats in BF2 who get in the MG on your tank and start shooting at EVERYTHING that moves. THey get in your gal and waist every round of ammo. I often go to max height and dump these ***** tot heir doom. But generally...unless they do this silly thing, I generally leave them alone.
  19. CaptainTenneal

    To the people gloating about abusing pubbies and randoms, please refrain from complaining about low pops. You don't know if they are just new players fumbling around, the last thing we need is for the jerks in this game to crap on them. They won't be back.
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  20. Amouris

    Don't see at being booted from the Liberator but as an additional "smart" munition your pilot felt was needed. You can shoot while falling after all.