People! Please stop joining the Vanu!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Savvon, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Babaganoush

    I for one will never abandon the Terran cause even if there are 50 Vanu female infiltrator butts in my face.
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  2. Necron

    Funny, on my server we are usually 5 - 8% below all the other factions at any given time...
  3. ADFXOzymandias

    I play NC and dump all over Vanu every time. As far as I'm concerned being outnumbered 2 to 1 just means I have more targets to kill. Instead of demanding that people conform to your opinion of what's right, try learning new classes and play styles.
  4. Shivalyn

    Eh, the strafe isn't near fast enough to dodge shells that weren't going to miss anyways, even at longer distances. There may be an upgrade that allows you to strafe faster that I don't have, but I sure can't do it. Certainly no advantage over any rolling tank that just has to move forward or backwards to dodge at a much faster pace than a Mag can strafe.

    The boosting, I really don't use. It's very situational and never found a great way to use it. It's useful for crossing terrain but that's about it.

    I die constantly to Vanguards and their shields. Going up against prowlers depends on who gets more shots on the sides/who has the better upgrades. It's 1:1 for me against prowlers and I'd say probably 1:2 against Vanguards.

    Can't comment on the Scythe's rocket pods. Never fired them myself, can't afford them. If they do fire two at a time, then that should probably be changed to one at a time. But I'm of the mindset that all rocket pods should have a much greater spread anyways so not sure if it'd matter much in the long haul. I seem to recall the Vanu rocket pods are also weaker to compensate, much like the Prowler's individual shells are weaker to compensate for it being able to fire twice per reload.
  5. Aelloon

    They fire two at a time but individual rockets deal less damage. Also there's a longer delay between those firing.
  6. Thaiden

    Yeah well I guess you don't know what bullet drop means, stop whining and go get owned some more.
  7. Iksniljiksul

    Connery has a low VS population.

    Personally I don't like the feel of the weapons. I do however get annoyed when fighting VS with their sniper-like SMGs/LMGs and rocket dodging MBT.
  8. Suckinator

    Obviously, your opinions were born in a bandwagon and not from experience.

    Bullet drop does not even begin to move rounds under your crosshair until well into 180m. That is DMR range. You have even failed at complaining. I started as VS and migrated my main to NC because of the better TTK and more rewarding skill roof.

    I'll grant the Magrider is a death machine, but not everyone can just jump in and own, it still takes a good pilot to make a real effect.

    And Briggs and Helios, where I play are both even whenever I log in, with a slight underpop of VS during off hours. Stop lying.
  9. Glenndal

    One problem here is that because defense bonuses are poorly percieved and feel futile, while attacking bonuses are large and feel purposeful, people will tend to play on the faction with the highest population for now. Eventually they might settle into whichever character has the most certs because gain rates are really slow, but because certs tend to have sucn a small impact, that might not even hold players there.

    Boosting the amount of experience gained for faction population imbalance might even this out more.
  10. Aelloon

    But right now from the chart posted earlier VS had the least amount of players. Of course those are percentages across servers which might add up differently but overall "on average" VS had the least representation from the 3 factions.
  11. Keifomofutu

    I play all three west servers. Connery is the anomaly in having less vs than NC and TR. The other two are both vanu dominated with vanu having 2/3 continent bonuses at any given time.
  12. Elbryan

    NC are rage quitting and joining the ranks of the Magriders. ;)
  13. PieBringer

    The clear answer here is to buff Siege Mode. (if you call it anything else, you haven't been gaming long enough.)

    And the problem with learning how to properly fly a Scythe, or pilot a Magrider, isn't purely in my lack of ability to use vehicles properly (also known as I'm just terrible at vehicles), it's also that I lack the playtime needed. Two gigabytes of RAM will sort of shorten your overall playtime quite a bit... Also, AMP stations can go screw themselves. Out of every situation in the game, AMP stations are more of a resource hog on my rig than any other area. (Reminder: Continue saving up for gaming rig that isn't four years old.)
  14. Watiu

    On Waterson the VS is normally always the one with the lowest population when I log on.
  15. ssithlore73

    heh no one wants to play nc after they got the nerf in beta before nerf it was pretty balanced but im not complainin i went vs and its nice being at the top of the food chain oh and at night we are like ninja's u cant see us
  16. Glenndal

    You can't look at averages across different servers. What's important is how the individual server mechanics work out. If vanu dominates one server but is almost nonexistent on another, then both servers have a problem.
  17. AnnPerkins

    I don't like the look of the race but I would spend 10k certs if I never had to go up against skillriders and sycthes.
  18. Superdano

    This post is a troll if I have ever seen one. VS are out numbered on Connery, and have the lowest population throughout the day. If you watch the numbers carefully, we have even numbers for maybe 3 hours a day.
  19. Freyar

    VS are best.
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  20. Rocksteady777

    LOL what, are you little smurfs secretly joining the future?

    It's hilarious to me btw, because now the NC, who used to be the overpopulated ones, are seeing their soldiers walking towards a better, smarter faction.

    Besides, on my server, the population count has been pretty even every time I have looked at it so far. One time it was exactly 33 percent for each.