I believe in punishment for bad behavior. I TK.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Abomination713, Dec 10, 2012.

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  1. f0d

    isnt one of the rules in the game to not kill your own team mates?(hint - thats what the grief points are for)
    and nothing you have said so far is a legitimate excuse for killing your own team
  2. GamerOS

    Sometimes idiots walk in front of my gun while I'm shooting... often I won't bother letting go of the trigger.
  3. Abomination713

    Just to answer a couple of things...

    1. If you can't tell the difference between a game and reality, i have bad news for you.

    2. This is not a troll attempt and I have no idea how you people think my name is related to trolls.

    3. I'll just reverse what some of you had said. This is my time, my money and you can't tell me how to play. If my good time is going to be ruined, so is yours.

    Before someone decides to bring up that old familiar questions, lets me answer here. I am part of a very small outfit with like minded people and when I am with them, things get done very fast. A guy in my outfit is starting to lose it with our faction, just like I already have. The players in this game change people and it's only going to get worse.
  4. mcbobbo

    Psychology 101 – Behaviorism Chapter
    (Or why you should never, ever, ever own a dog.)

    Negative reinforcement absolutely must be directly connected to behavior to be effective in any way. Also it needs to be consistent, meaning they need to expect this same treatment from every other player in your faction. When you inhibit the progress of individual members without any input or guidance you are behaviorally conditioning them to avoid you. Period. You simply can’t argue the science. Crack open a book if you don’t believe me.

    Doesn't seem to help your cause in the slightest, considering this is a team-based game, unless they change factions - which is far from guaranteed.

    Consider these two scenarios:

    1) You shoot people when they piss you off, because you can.
    2) You warn people, in escalating fashion, and then shoot them if they don’t comply.

    One of these things is not like the other…
  5. ent|ty

    Though I don't agree with your TK'ing in general, I do understand that 'griefers' can be made, not born. Due to the ultimate stupidity or even apathy of other players, it can be quite frustrating. I just try to remember that perhaps it was an accident, or they're new to the game, take a deep breath and move on.

    But yes, after the 10th time you get run over by a tank, because they really aren't looking where they're going (I'm expert at dancing around tanks, even enemy ones at close range), and still running me over... you tend to run out of patience and do 'unteamly' things. Lucky for me, the anger passes quickly and I move on.
  6. Rhinokio

    sounds like maybe you need to find a capable outfit to run with. But as TR i fully welcome your teamkilling tactics, carry on
  7. Gustavo M

    Why on earth would someone consider a nearby person as a problem that needs to be avoided/taken away?
    Why shooting a player that was meant to HELP you to succeed In a game?

    Not saying that I would cry IRL If I shoot someone in-game by mistake, but... shooting team mates FOR NO REASON and enjoying such behaviour shows that such player has social problems, imho.
  8. Izriul

    Stopped here.

    Maybe they don't have ammo packs?

    People don't play the game around you. You do NOT dictate how someone else plays THEIR game. What if they are doing something at the time, being shot at or whatever? You do not take priority and it's people like you, who do crap like that, that probably put people off giving it to you. I bet you shoot them just once to say LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME.

    The fact that it gives experience, which everyone wants usually, probably means something else is on their agenda that's more important.
  9. Pr0ph3tx

    once again. The brilliant wisdom of a child of today's generation. So much arrogance it's disgusting.

    wall of text that says absolutely nothing to justify actions of a low life parasite that probably doesn't know real tactics if they bit him in the ***.

    You'll eventually be banned for your stupidity while the players you TK actually progress and get better.
  10. Izriul

    Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd, if you played Engi/medic and had 8 out of 10 idiots spamming Q calling for ammo/heals ALL the time who didn't even need it, or ***** who want something yet RUN AWAY FROM YOU EXPECTING YOU TO CHASE THEM, you can be damned sure people aren't going to run around after the little princess getting in a paddy. Anyone who shoots me because they want something get's lead in their face right back.
  11. Izriul

    Nope. The whole point of being whatever class someone wants to be, is just that, because THEY want to be.

    YOU want heals? YOU play a medic.

    You want teamwork? Join an outfit.

    Not ONE single person needs to justify anything to you. I bet you play a class that's absolutely no help to anyone and expect everyone to run around after you.
  12. that_darn_lurker

    If we've learned nothing else from this thread, its that everybody sucks and deserves to be TK'd, repeatedly, and without remorse.
  13. Ronin Oni

    If you actually formatted your wall of text to MAKE it readable... then people might read it...

    best not though, since you have nothing good to say beyond the fact you TK cause you're an entitled brat and want everyone to play your way or the highway.

    Sure, it can be frustrating when you need heals or ammo... but quite frankly I've seen more players ready to give heals and ammo in this game then any other FPS I've ever played.... So I think you're honestly just being a bit of a *****
  14. SiiZ

    I've done the same on occasion. One time after literally flying straight because I was scared to death another Scythe was too close to me he's zig-zagging on my minimap back and forth and crashes into me. We both die, I send a rage tell, spawn back at the warpgate and get a new Scythe. Again, I fly straight angled towards an active combat zone when all of a sudden a Scythe comes from below me and hits the front of my Scythe. This time neither of us die, but I immediately do a 180, wait until he lands to repair, and rocket pod him and his Scythe.

    Other times if people keep shooting me in the back when trying to shoot the other faction I will blatantly turn around and shoot them in the face until they are dead.
  15. Khethatipet

    So, people don't play the game the way you want them to play it... and then you TK them. Got it. I'm glad you don't play on my server.
  16. SiiZ

    (looks at signature)

    Don't piss me off...
  17. Xyeth

    Yep, I'll second this. As an engineer I've even called for ammo when I haven't fired a shot and all I'm doing is spotting, so take it easy on engineers until they get it fixed. Also, many times during a defensive operation, I'll carry bouncing bettys to defend the generators of a base or the capture point. I've not tried the switch from the turrent to an ammo pack so I'm not sure if that's an intentional feature or a bug so I've avoided doing it just in case. I don't want to get banned.
  18. Xyeth

    You should just report him. What he was doing was bannable and the devs have been busy knocking these people out.
  19. SiiZ

    Neither crash was on purpose it was more of a lack of awareness. It was also two different people if I didn't make it clear.

    The first case was of a kill-greedy pilot who was flying too close to me as I was chasing a Reaver who in turn was chasing a Mosquito. I killed both with two Scythe pilots trying to kill them as well. I watched my mini-map to make sure they wouldn't crash into me, flew straight and watched as one flew away and the other one zig-zagged behind me until he crashed into me.

    The second was a guy flying up from a hill it seemed and I barely caught a glimpse of his belly before we both collided. Both crashes happened in about 3 minutes and after the first one I was pissed because I really was trying not to crash. After the second one my rage-gamer mode initiated and I turned around and killed "asexact". After I turned back into Bruce Banner I wasn't so mad anymore.
  20. Gortha

    i like :D

    Sometimes i rage too. It´s really pitty how stupid most players are...

    My advise. Search a decent, a really good teamwork oriented Outfit. With good tactics, who stick together and die together.
    No Lonewolfing!

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