Scarred Mesa Skydock needs to be fixed NOW

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zverofaust, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. zverofaust

    This is by far the most stupid ******* base in the entire game by far. It puts Tech Plants to absolute shame. You get a platoon or two with a good number of AA MAXes and that position is completely and totally immune to any attack.

    This needs to be fixed, like today.
  2. TheBloodEagle

    Well on the plus side it's unique & an interesting challenge.
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  3. Masterjts

    Actually, I would rather they make more of the bases like that one so that you can properly defend them. It should take coordination, skill and luck to take a base not just a zerg rush.
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  4. Bogarth

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  5. Soylad

    Challenges are good. It's nice to have a least ONE base in the game that can't be overrun by a MBT zerg.
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  6. Kracin



    next time, put a spawn beacon for each squad of a 48 man platoon at the bottom of the base, coordinate a simultaneous 48 man drop pod party.... then profit.

    please, stop being "that guy" wanting **** nerfed because your brain is too small to thing of ways around things like some anti air defense
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  7. DurandalRAI

    I'm gonna have to go with Bogarth on this one...

    /successfully attacked and took it this morning
    //did it again about an hour or two ago...
  8. Kracin

    and like another guy said, i would love to have more bases like this that require special tactics to beat when they are defended hard.

    the typical tank zerg or sunderer respawn party for an hour gets old sometimes
  9. Terminatusomega

    good, this game needs more bases like that, so people can properly defend them.
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  10. zverofaust

    48 man platoon oooo 48 man, they'll only outnumber you 3:1 in MAXes, you just might have a shot!
  11. Lyomenos

    Someone put a muzzle on this guy.

    This is one of my favorite base designs in the game. It's fun to fight for, it has a defenders advantage, and when you take it you feel like it was worth it. It's like the bastard step child of the crown.
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  12. Horribro_

    I would actually like to see MORE bases with unique and interesting mechanics that make it different and challenging to take.
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  13. Hosp

  14. notyourbuddy

    TR Mattherson baby spotted!

    (and no you cannot have its ours)
  15. Jaquio

    There are far too few bases that are actually defendable, and every one of them gets whined about on these boards.

    Sometimes I think people don't want to play a shooter. They want to play a tank racing game and each of the bases are checkpoints.
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  16. Caracal

    ...who in their right mind would ever station a platoon with MAX's in this location? its just not worth it. And and unscripted occurence of this will never, ever, happen.
  17. Gramps

    ITT: People defending how ridiculous the rendering range on infantry is and taking advantage of an obviously bad game engine that would otherwise see them absolutely crushed by air power if they would load at a reasonable distance and claiming it's "skillful defense".

  18. Gramps

    Not sure if you're serious, but pretty much every time SMSD is defended there's at least 6 AA MAXs up with dual bursters effectively making it anti-fun to even try and eventually degenerates into the offenders having 50 snipers trying to shoot Engineers.
  19. Bobby Shaftoe

    ITT: AirChavs thinking it's their 'skill' and not the inherent OP nature of their vehicle of choice for all situations.
  20. Gramps

    ITT: Someone who has a medal for the undoubtedly best secondary weapon on the undoubtedly best tank in the game that no other tank even comes close to being even comparable as complaining about airplanes.

    ITP: Magrider stats.
