[Suggestion] We need an Urban Combat Continents designed for infantry, enough of the stalemates and Vehicle Spam!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ImGladUmad, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Chenjesu

    Also devs hate infantry
  2. Seductress

    They tried this before with the original planetside. First caves and then breaking up Oshur (continent) into 4 small battle islands. Couldn't use MBTs, libs, reavers, and heavy assault guns. They even made capping that cont reward the empire with the best benefit in the game. Guess what happened? Nobody gave a ****, and stayed on the regular conts anyway. No matter how many times we would global to take oshur back, nobody would. And I believe this time around it would be the same thing if not worse because of how much investment people put into their vehicles with certs. Heck in the original game you could re-cert and people still didn't want to bother changing specs to help oshur.
  3. Pashgan

    Yes, please. Urban warfare is substantial part of modern "real life" wars - could be nice to see "mega city" continent(s).
  4. Winterspawn

    Maybe you should read my post here and see my problem with Vehicle spam.
  5. Iksniljiksul

    Drop a nuke on the Crown already, and pave it over. I am sick of everyone flocking to that place every single time I log on. Oh look the uphill battle again! Or if we own it currently, lets shoot all the guys trying to climb the hill! How boring. Crown and Zurvan seems to be the only fights in the whole of the game, the other worlds are dead and only exist to be conquered in the dead of night by that one squad verses those three guys.
  6. Fear The Amish

    I think a better idea (one that the dev's liked in beta also) was more of a normal continent but had a HUGE city in the middle think of like the capital of auraxis all rolled together. Also have the flow of the map push combat towards that. It could have 3-4 cap points and make it Stalingrad esque.

    1.) the Mill (1 cap point) a bombed out steel mill that is highly defensible towards the outside but once you got a foothold inside was easier to take

    2.) The Department Store (3 cap points one on each floor) Multi leveled with several sets of stairs and roof access very easy to get into but very tough to take have to clear out

    3.) Nanite University (4 cap points) several dilapitated buildings sprawling like a amp station the Library, the Lab, the Dorms, the School basically a university campus

    4.) Nanite Systems Tower (2 cap points) A corporate tower this was the corporate headquarters of nanite systems it is a large tower that has several floors and is settup like a business cubicles and all.

    Basically rest of the terrain would be varied between houses, apartments, small business, etc. this would provide an infantry focused area but the continent would still be allow vehicles etc. and air would still have a place because of the requirements and ability of air drops etc.
  7. felfox

    This would be a great idea, but Id want to see it as one MAJOR city with most of the map being vertical in size not horizontal. Amerish is a start but this one could do it very well i think. Tanks and vehicles would still work on the map with larger main roads for them to pass on and lots of skyscrapers need the center of the map for crazy skilled piloting nonsense!

    I picture very steep plateau mountains with waterfalls and trees and all sorts of beautiful scenery. The city would represent THE city of Auraxis, something that was made to make the people proud before the wars broke out. The city would be circular in design becoming more and more vertical and dense near the center. The overall map could be very asymetrical or triangular or whatever. I want weird mountain ridges that have been built upon.

    The city itself would be houses, businesses, your regular stuff with skyscrapers in the center and bridges and over passes and all sorts of streets that loop around and go up and down. Massive bridges from one plateau to another so that the city can continue and all sorts of stuff.

    However this was the crowning gem of the golden age, when the war started, it got hit HARD. I want to see bridges that are destroyed, I want to see entire neighborhoods that dont exist any more because a freaking orbital ion cannon LITERALLY cut a cylinder like hole through 100 floors worth. I want to see the very earth gouged in places that make you realize just how bad it is. I want to see orbital bombardments that were so bad there are bottomless pits of laser holes. Water trying to fill wounds in the earth and structure that crumpled on each other.

    The NC would get the industrial sector with massive complexes. The TR could get a well defended governmental or monumental grounds to signify their assertiveness of the old ways. And Vanu could have strange warped spires of purple metal science research divisions. Tech Labs, BioLabs, Amp stations would still exist (sorry people) but since they were post nanite buildings (I believe anyway) they could be placed in places where they've cleared the rubble under them. A biolab towering over ancient structures would be so cool I think.

    Lastly, avenues and roof tops and overpasses and all that jazz still gives vehicles somewhere to go and get you around the city.


    See, already looks like it should be in planetside heh
    • Up x 1
  8. Cyridius

    SOE already said they were planning more urban combat.

    If they just follow through on what they said - player built bases, then we can stop bugging them and do our own ****.
  9. ImGladUmad

    Well Oshur never looked that good from what I remember.

    If they do a proper urban city.....They will come.

    Specially know a days that people like Urban combat way more because of games like BF etc.
  10. I'm behind you

    Oh for crying out loud. The only areas that favour vehicles are the open spaces. Basically the areas BETWEEN facilities. In open ground vehicles are great because nothing can get close to them without making themselves vulnerable. But in facilities they're just big honking targets. HA's can just jump out of cover, fire a rocket, and disappear to reload before a tank can even bring its turret to bear. Tanks can't shoot through walls and all indoor combat is done by infantry. Any place with cover infantry has the advantage.

    This is how it is, and this is how it should be.
  11. Littleman

    If we get urban combat, expect solid skyscrapers, with maybe only the occasional first floor open for use in every fifth building, typically on the corners of intersections to maximize effectiveness and processing budgets. A lot of people ask for urban combat, and think in terms of every floor being available when that is not only too demanding of even NASA super computers, but impractical with even 2000 players on a map. Basically, look at the southeastern canyon region of Indar, and imagine those sheer cliffs as skyscraper walls instead. That's about what you'd get, only with less sand and uneven terrain. It won't deny aircraft or tanks, but it will make it harder for them to operate in as meaningful a way as they could in wide open areas.

    Additionally, all bases show signs of dropping in from orbit. Parks and flattened buildings could offer the flat spaces required to set these bad boys down. As for outposts, SOE could get away with setting them up in some stock ruined gas station for all we care, I'm sure. We'd just be happy to be fighting in a city for a change.

    Mind you, I expect it to be a single city continent. The alien ruins can be placed beneath the 4x4 km jagged Ceryshin mountain range, essentially accomplishing two 4x4 km maps in a single load, with the mountains on the surface and a forerunner inspired complex under them. Ever take a close look at our warpgates? Looks like forerunner to me.
  12. Spookydodger

    What stalemate do you refer to? I never really find myself lacking with options of places to go.

    And what is this hate of use of vehicles and aircraft? It's like going to play Mechwarrior Online and raging against Assault Mechs. Everything has its place.
  13. Edgar Allan Bro

    They just need to hurry up and release another continent.
  14. ImGladUmad


    You never been in the biodome stalemates that happen in Aircraft landing pad and by the teleporters with the shields?

    It also happens in the Tech Plant with the doors.

    The Crown is another huge stalemate.

    Not saying is 100% stalemates, all the time but their is alot of it in this game in the facilities.
  15. Spookydodger

    They are only stalemates when both sides are content with the status quo. Sure they are tough fights to plow your way through, but there are ways.

    Biolab Landing Pads:
    • Light assaults, if I recall, have smoke grenades.
    • Infiltrators rush with assault rifles
    • Infiltrators picking off defenders with sniper rifles
    • A few MAXs with anti-infantry weapons
    • Use the sub-base teleporters
    • Liberator right off the landing pad, laying down cover fire towards one direction while everyone else pours into the other.
    Yeah, I've seen situations where this was really a difficult point to get into. My favorite was to get 4 MAXs together, have your allies wait, and then we pull back to the edges. Let the enemy come rushing out thinking we gave up, and then mow them down as they leave cover. Chase them down into their base before they can get back on their MANA Turrets, and keep pushing till you get to their spawn room.
    I haven't tried the infiltrator rush with LA smoke grenades, but that sounds like a blast to do.
    I really liked sniping in those landing pad situations, too. Get 10 or 12x zoom, and then pop any heavy assault that shows his head. Pretty soon no one wants to show their face to fire, and you rush them with armored troops.
    None of it is guaranteed, sure, but that's the fun of it!
  16. Zerlu

    Agreed on all points. Specifically, I'd prefer to see 3 small continents rather than one large one. As much for lore reasons as for render reasons.
  17. ImGladUmad

    Well is still a stalemate...I mean yeah you can eventually push them back but Im not a big fan....Way too many in this game.
  18. TatharNuar

    I love the idea of an urban wasteland environment, but even urban environments have roads and sky for vehicles and aircraft. Still, having more cover available would be interesting.
  19. Arandmoor

    Watch what you wish for. The last time we asked for "Urban Combat" they gave us


    You have been warned.
  20. ST4LK3R

    I was kinda picturing something like Corellia map from Swtor. You know, enough space for vehicles to move around (both land and air) and plenty of space for infantry to fight indoor or out in the street. There will be many effects like crashed planes/tanks here and there, damaged building to remind your about on going conflicts between the 3 empires. STOP MOVING, BOXXY!!!!!!!

    I've never played PS1 and I'm ashamed to admit that I can't tell what different benefits we get from capping a biolab or techplant. But i think having several continents with only resources and one urban continent with benefits will really keep every continent busy.