[Lore] Are we an army of Clone ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aldrikos, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Aldrikos

    A small question to background expert down here.
    I got a large debate while we were travelling on galaxy about if we in the TR republic were clones or not ? And what about the other faction ?
    Everyone seems to think we are just like Star wars thingy with clones.
    Also, what about respawn and revive, the excuse is that we are being "reconstructed in warp teleporters" or we are just another soldiers being drop off.

    Last but not least, who are the bad guys here ?
  2. SenEvason

  3. Aldrikos

    What nanites ? They rebuilt people ? And their brain and memories with it ?
  4. Xizwhoa

    I lift things up, and put them down.
  5. Corsix

    If the TR were clones they'd have a huge advantage over the other factions (besides being the only 'military' and having the most wealth and numbers in the first place) But theirs male/female versions with a few different facial options, i dont know why they'd clone all of them... TR is politically correct ?
  6. ShadowViper

    the "Bad" guys are subjective.

    They could be called clones. But the Nanites within our soldiers bodies allows them to reform and re-materialize at a select matrix re-compounder. They are immortal now but the question is... were they always immortal?

    The medical Injectors insert Nanites into the bodies of the recently deceased. They help to restore and repair any critical damage done to the host. After the repair has happened, the Nanites release a bolt or shock within the internal system of the soldier and trigger the heart into re-starting.
  7. sierra035

  8. Rivenshield

    Well, we *do* all have the same voice....
  9. Aldrikos

    @Corsix What the point into having different people if you can materialize infinite amount of them ?
    @ShadowSo they prepare a nanite-build up clone and rematerialize it at the target matrix. That seem like cloning to me since the actual body of the first guy should be on the battlefield.
  10. TartarusMkII

    When the wars began, each faction's soldiers 'matrixed' themselves into their digital network, which would track and store their biological being and memory. Upon death, they would be 'rematrixed' in a spawn tube. Each soldier is a person who avoids death by being rematrixed upon death. They are not clones.

    To clarify, to rematrix means to have your body rebuilt by alien technology, not necessarily cloned.
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  11. Kameho

    The real Bad guys: The latex laser trannies that want to change mankind into wannabe-alien race.
    Sorry, but i really enjoy my girls with 1 pair of breasts and as humanly shaped as possible, Im not into furries, especially not space furries. god knows how mankind will turn into with unknown alien DNA mixed into ours. Already got a glimpse on it from thier MAX suits, sure the suits are cool lookin. But I prefer stayin human. Well Maybe Cat Ears and tail for the girls wouldnt hurt....

    Wannabe good guys: The guys in Blue, as Blue is always the colour of the "good guys". Even thou their ideals are noble, they have not seemed to think about the consequenses, aswell as beeing abit to influenced by coorporations stuffing them weaponry and money (They surely want something in return once they finally obtain their "Freedom"). And is Freedom really worth it, if it means that people are gonna start waging war against each other as they finally Free to express their beleives, be it religius or political and as we know far to well with mankind, once people are free to express whatever they want, they will end up in arguement with each other, and when the arguement goes nowhere, it always ends in violence.

    Misunderstood Villain: Red and Black. Must be a "bad guy". Definatly, the color of pure evil right there. Not to mention their the goverment that been runnin for 400 years. Abit strict on the rules, but how else to keep intergallactic peace for almost a half millenia?
    its not like their a dictatorship, leaders are democraticly voted. The guys in RED got in power because they fought and won back when the world was chaotic. they brought peace when the world was in chaos. Surely they are evil, not to mention they dont want to share the info on Alien Technology. but is it really safe to give Alien technology to every man alike? God knows what it might be. Next moment someone pushes the big red alien button, but noone knew that was the alien version of the big red DO NOT PUSH button.
    Suddently, intergallactic fireworks. Heck, the aliens are gone, they are gone for a reason! Either extinct or migrated to another corner of the universe leaving behind the reason why they had to migrate.

    When it comes to clones?
    Yeah, their all pylogonic clones, controlled by a player from a aincient era.
    And god's actual name is Matt Higby.
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  12. Aldrikos

    The matrix stuff seem convincing, except on the psychological side. No-one would accept to fight forever and ever, and being slaughtered several time a day for the sake of whatever good cause is it. if memories and personality are kept they should turn crazy into weeks as they got kill and re materialize over and over.

    @Kameho considering bad guys. Technically, they took side when it's come selection screen, calling the TR authoritarian, communist and fachist (nearly )
    Yet, i don't think there still much republic currently in the army of the TR, why are they call terran republic and not Terran loyalist or whatever, there is no vote or president right now on the planet.
    +1 for the wanna-bealien
  13. Kameho

    Aye, well I personally dont believe TR are evil, But I do not believe NC is good either.
    TR could need some reform and looking into themselves, and some change for the better.
    NC could be less stubborn and hot-blooded and jumping into conclutions, for me they seem to be abit to edgy when it comes to fight, wanting to fight just for the sake of fighting.

    Whenit comes to the Matrix stuff. Buddah sure wouldn't be pleased by messing up his kharma wheel. heck, perhaps he was the one who chased off the aliens.
    But when it comes to fighting, People never get tired off it. Depends on the psychology of a person ofcourse.
    There is a reason why this game is so enjoyable for us, do we ever tire from it? not really. Sure from the game itself, but that just means we jump into another similar game. (went straight from MAG to BF3 to THIS)
    Another thing when it comes to fighting in more real life situation.
    I personally never tire for it, Heck I'd fight just for the sports. Softgunning, paintballin, martial arts, all fun.
    Reason why im in the military aswell, as i never get tired from fighting, for some reason i find normal civilian life extremely boring.
    Nothing is like beeing in front lines, the adrealine, the euphoria of the intense excitement that bubbles making you shiver in fear, not from fear of death, but from yourself (How Can I find such things so thrilling, why am I so eager to just charge into battle!?). I personally always have the "You die when you die" attitude. Not to scared of death, althou I definatly dont want to die, but if i were to take a bullet, I wouldn't regret life. Maybe I'm abit brainwashed from all the Samurai and Viking movies and stories ive been reading and watching. But dying serving your country must be one of the most honorable way of dying.
    Althou I Strictly keep this to myself in the military as this would maybe make me suspicius if im capable of serving, this is what i feel deepest inside of me.
    But beeing in a Battle-Field, is what I personally enjoy the most. Thus I vent most of my feeling through games, as I can experience a Simulated battlefield, instead of a real one where my life will be risked, even thou the real one is more... "Fun" even thou its quite cruel to say so. But you get what i mean.
    Dosnt mean i have no feelings, I cried my guts out when my dog died from liver failiure back home.

    But when I feel like this in a battlefield. There must be others who might feel the same.
    And when it comes to a situation like this, wouldnt surprice me if the NC TR and VS gathered a group of selected people who simply wouldnt get tired from fighitng, and rather find enjoyment in it. Heck, I would sign in easily, if I could fight in a battle and knowing that once I die, I'll literally respawn like in a game.
  14. PieBringer

    I am extremely offended that you make such a blind claim! We don't want to "be aliens". "1 pair of breasts"? "As humanly shaped as possible"? "SPACE FURRIES"?!?!??!!

    You, sir, are apparently afraid of what you do not understand, and are making outlandish accusations to make it seem far worse than how you see it in the first place. Have you no sense of honesty with your own imagination?
  15. TartarusMkII

    There is lore from Planetside 1 about how the removal of death changed culture and psychology.
  16. Aldrikos

    Tartarus you can send a link ?
    Otherwise Kameo quite interesting, but a part of the Adrenaline come from the risk you don't think ?
    By the way, beside, you are not scared of being wounded or hurt ? Pain doesn't scare you much on your fighting activites ?
  17. Kameho

    Sorry, but I'm just your avarage TR soldier. Fighting for the good cause.
    I already see what the VS is wearing, and it scares me to even think of wearing the same clothes. I never want to repeat my childhood memmory when I was stuck in the school ball with super tight pants and having to avoid dancing at all cost in order to save my future children.

    Maybe I'm abit traumatized from that.
    But again, why would the VANU fuzzle a fight, when they themselves are the latecomers, aswell already have technological superiority, they could do so much better off by not involving themselves in the war between TR and NC, and rather just exploit it.
    but main reason, I am not fan of aliens, Aliens that dosn't show themselves. And tampering with things that noone knows what is out in the open. Alien must be gone for a reason. perhaps they werent even nearly as perfect as the Human beeing that drove them away.
    Striving for perfection is one thing, beeing obsessed by perfection is another thing, when it comes to your own flesh and blood. This should stay far away.
    Already just look on the people who "strive" for perfection. Girl becoming living skeletons to become super models.
    guys stuffing steroids into them untill they literally explode one way or another. So much **** created just because they want to be "perfect".
    In my opinion. Screw perfection. Stay Human. Sure alien tech is nice, but its not like we are not already using it?
    Rather use it in a more controlled manner, and taking whats actually needed, instead of just full out exploiting. nothing good comes from it. And again, something we commonly see in the human race when they start over-exploiting.
  18. Kameho

    Actually, im terrefied of pain. Non-traumatic pain. as in, minor pain, like hitting your toe against the edge, paper cuts, needle undernieth your nails. GAH. thinking about it makes me shiver.

    however, breaking arms and leggs, getting shot, or even explosions dosnt scare me much, althou death by burning is the most gruesome of them all and hope it never happens.

    I never been shot, but i have comrades who have been. They say it actually dosn't hurt. infact once you take a shot, you wont feel anything, due to the shock of getting hit, only way of knowing your actually hit is that blood starts gushing out somewhere. Then the pain kicks in gradually untill it suddently starts becoming intensivly.
    At least from his experience. different people might experience differently.
    But when you're in the middle of a intense fight. All pain disappears. You're so focused on your objective you completely forget that your legg is scratched up or arm is broken. You just keep on fighting.
    The pain begins once the fight is ended and peace starts roaming the air and the real world finally comes crashing into you.

    best way to think of it this way:
    Think of it when youre playing a game, and you're sick or in pain.
    When you suddently end up in something intensive in your game, you have a moment where you completely forget that you're sick or hurt.
    Theres also "research" accordingly, from what i've read, that playing video games is just as effective as painkillers from time to time.

    So pain is actually the last thing you think about in the fighting.
    Infact you think more about the pain when youre in a Paintball fight than a real gunfight.
    And think even more about pain when youre just training normally. (you want to make sure you train right and dont do any slip ups that might break your bones or give you a nasty twich) Example: tripping downhill while jogging.
  19. PieBringer

    Most of those you refer to are merely "bandwagoners", only flocking to what they believe will get them the most "bang for their buck", as it were. I am not entirely up to date on our history, but as far as I know, the Vanu are not extinct, but merely either not here, or have evolved themselves past the need for physical bodies. (by not here I mean somewhere else doing who knows what, maybe even in a fleet of cloaked ships watching us.)

    Obsessing towards perfection can be a terrible thing, and often costs both the one obsessing and those around them, as I have experienced myself. Striving towards perfection is not in any way better, it is merely the same thing on a slightly more casual scale.
    We do not strive nor obsess for perfection, but merely to advance ourselves through further understanding of what the Vanu have left for us. Advancing does not in any way mean to add unneeded bodily features, but to improve what we already have.

    Mankind has been doing this on somewhat more primitive scale for a very long time. Lifting weights? You are improving your strength by breaking down sections of your muscle mass, and those cells multiplying as they heal. That is what it means to "feel the burn", it is your muscle mass breaking down, and multiplying.

    Researching? You are improving your personal knowledge by consuming information that has eluded you until such a time as you assimilate it.

    Practice? You are improving how you perform in a specific field by familiarizing yourself with the routine.

    Edit: On a serious note, yeah video games can sometimes help or even entirely nullify certain pains. From personal experience, I can be playing and enjoying something for hours, and then only when I stand up from my chair, I notice I'm so hungry it hurts.

    Edit2: Speaking of which, I was too focused on this that I hadn't noticed I was hungry.

  20. Kameho

    Well regardless how honorable your view on the VANU is.

    I still prefer raw physical bullet, and the Dakka. rather than boring lasers.
    Nothing is like the sound of gunpowder explosion, the kick on your shoulder, and the short but blissfull flame from your barrel.
    Remove that, and you got nothing more than a souped up super soaker. fun for the kids.
    Same way i feel about good ol prop-fighters, compared to modern ones.
    The dog fighting, the bombers still able to fly home even thou huge chunks of their aircraft is missing, and not to mention the countless off heroic tales they bring with them.
    while modern fighters are just lock and fire and rarely anything personal

    And VANU reminds me to much of wizards, thinking their all high n mighty compared to us more primitive TR and NC.
    But from my preferances, wizards are pretty lame. Rather enjoy the warrior class.
    Cause u aint gonna do no dungeons without a tank!
    Dont mind warlocks to much thou, as they got some neato succubusses wich are always eye candy.
    If vanu were to have any alluring little minions, then maybe... just maybe... a cute android girl as perosnal servant...