20 Minutes into the Double XP Weekend and the US PS2 Servers are LOCKED

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by omega4, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. omega4

    Brilliant move, PS2 developers.

    PS2 will be dead within 6 months.

    Count on it.
  2. Gramps

    Instant overreaction. Hilarious.
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  3. Swiffle

    Guess I'm spoiled by ArenaNet's ~instant hotfixes for guild wars and guild wars 2, for totally minimal downtime. But really, not overly upset about this.
  4. Kediec

    Wow, care to cry harder .........

    Try reading the announcement regarding the downtime before whining about it.
  5. Stadulator

    OP = new to MMO's
  6. Mechanought

    "20 minutes into the 1-hour server downtime and the servers are still down. I quit."
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  7. Kuddles McKitten

    Dis guy trolling.

    I would like to thank the devs for bringing us the most revolutionary FPS to date..........for free. ^_^
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  8. Superdano

    LOL, wouldn't expect anything less from omega... Sniff, Sniff!
  9. serenekaos

    This sounds like all the BF3 kiddies that were screaming, "BF3 IS GOING TO DIE"....... *sigh*
  10. Darkian

    For every minute past 9am that the server is down I demand an extra day of double EXP.
    So far we are set for the month ahead.
  11. Ashtoruin

    Do you even lift bro?
  12. Avs0000

    I think the issue is that they promised it starts at 9AM. This means at least someone out there probably got up early to play some planetside. Perhaps they dont have work today. Perhaps they are already done with finals. Perhaps they are a kid. Who cares. The issue is that SOE has not given an update as to why the servers are not up at the time they said it would be. Just a simple LIE such as its taking longer than expected would do wonders for customer relations.
  13. BadLlama

    LOL @ OP quoting himself in his quotes. What a ******* tool.
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  14. xtoph

    Yeah, you mad
  15. AccelPrime

    Oh, once again a new bar has been set for stupidity!
  16. Kuddles McKitten

    XP doesn't even do anything in this game anyway. lol.

    We sure have a lot of COD kids in here today.
  17. Ashtoruin

    True that.
    They did... They posted the servers would be down for about an hour.
  18. Winterspawn

    I want double XP now :(.

    Keep working so I can get it please, don't make this one of those situations where you can play for an evening and get double XP but by the time the game finally works again you have to go.
  19. Rue

    I'm grateful to the OP for allowing us all to resurrect that beautiful word: hyperbole. I recommend huffing into a paper bag for a few minutes.
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  20. xBoneBreakerx

    damn i loved this one... you sir just made my day :D