Game Breaker: Shots Ignoring Targets (videos inside)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Krizzen, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Krizzen

    Have you noticed that sometimes absolutely NONE of your shots seem to connect with your target even though you swore you had perfect aim? Well, you're not imagining things.

    There's a bug where your shots do not register on your target at all!

    I could go on and on about the implications of the bug and what causes the bug, but the videos below speak for themselves. If you have video proof of this bug occurring, please post it here to raise awareness!

    I would like to believe SOE are putting a lot of effort into tracking down this bug and squashing it for good, but as players, we can't take that for granted. If you believe you've been affected by this bug, please post to bump with your feedback and notes on when it occured and anything to help the developers. Please refrain from polluting this thread with flame wars. Lets keep it civil and to the point!

    My personal input... I believe this bug affects any "bullet" weapon, and not necessarily on your first magazine. It seems very random in nature.

    (Videos sourced from this thread)

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  2. rzr22

    This happens A LOT with the under barrel grenade launcher. Many times the splash damage does not occur even though the grenade explodes very close to the target. I loved it at first, but have grown to hate it with how unreliable it is. I will try and record tests.
  3. Feydakin

    This has happened to me on a few occasions as well since launch. It's been reported as far back as beta several weeks before launch afaik... I had thought that it was taken care of before launch but I guess not.
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  4. DeathFaith

    Yeah i would stay away from max for a while , half the time you end up going max from light assault and keep light assault's health , the exact same thing in your second video happenned to me yesterday came face to face with an enemy engineer that had default weapon i started shooting him in the back for like 30secs did not hit him once he turned around i kept shooting and not one hit he then killed me like i was an infiltrator that had no nano shield ..

    Infact id just stay away from any infantry and max and grab a tank if you intend on switching classes , that thing is messed up , light assault jetpack not working ... max with LA health etc.
  5. supahitecjetfyta

    for me it seems to be always against the TR, ive never noticed it against any VS.
    put a whole clip into them only to have them turn kill me and i see the holes in the wall behind them and on the killscreen not a single bar of their shield gone. the same guy will always be invincible to me me untill what ever fixes it fixes it, maybe its a resupply or them dying to someone else, i dont know.
    i get the jumppad bug a lot where they dont work but i know a resupply from a terminal fixes that one.
    i just dont engage TR much anymore because its like one third of them have god mode on.

    edit: im not a max just an engy
  6. ME-tan

    Yep, I've been getting that, too. Pretty annoying to smack someone in the face with a grenade just for it to do zero damage.

    Also got in a fight with a magrider today and half my Prowler's AP shots were duds, that' wasn't fun.
  7. ChipMHazard

    Happens from time to time with all kinds of weapons. I've had players not taking damage from small arms fire, tanks not taking damage from rockets etc.
  8. rzr22

    Today, I would perch high above the enemies at a tech lab with my light assault. I shot multiple grenades into the large crowd below that were trying to get into the back doors of the base on several occasions. Several times no hit confirm came up, which I can't fathom how that was possible given the fact that there were at least 6 people in the vicinity of where I was shooting.
  9. DeathFaith

    Dunno what happenned with yesterdays patch but the games seems to be worst now , all day no jetpack messed up health SAW A FRIGGIN GUY DEAD FLAT ON THE GROUND SHOOTING AND KILL SOMEONE lol , shot a rocket right in someone's face like 8 feet from target 0 dmg done....
  10. Spookydodger

    Yes, in the last couple of days I have noticed this quite a bit. The 2 most telling scenes were when A) I fired at medium range, zoomed in, with a sniper rifle at a non-moving target and watched the shots go through him with no effect. The 2nd was much more obvious and made me think the guy was hacking at first. I had a burster MAX and was shooting at 2 fighters pummeling our troops. The first one was right next to the second one, but I couldn't hit the 2nd one AT ALL while both were hovering. It seems odd that two targets at nearly the same range would have such vastly different results. The first fighter I chewed up pretty well, the 2nd one was seemingly invulnerable to flak fire. Not reistant. It took 0 damage and seems to not ever be hit.
  11. Xasapis

    It happens a lot during heavy load server conditions when I'm using a shotgun (Thanatos, VS), trying to kill people at point black. I unload the whole magazine of 10 and nothing happens. Especially annoying to happen with a close quarters weapon.
  12. Valena

    This happens to me ALL THE TIME on my Infiltrator. I aim for the head on stationary targets, so even if the bullet drops it should still hit the body right? Apparently not.

    Just tonight I spent an entire clip at a guy's head who couldn't have been more than a few hundred feet away from me and I missed with every shot. They just went right through him. And when you only get 30 bullets per deployment, every missed shot is one you're kicking yourself over, especially when you did everything right and the game still won't cooperate.
  13. xpsyclosarinx

    Yeah I've had this too with multiple classes. Nothing makes you rage harder then when you're dead on target and you're missing.

    Seriously infuriating.
  14. Maderas

    The game suffers from some pretty serious lag issues during large scale battles. It does a good job of masking it, but things like this + getting run over by vehicles that are a good 5-10 meters from you give it away.
  15. DeathFaith

    Yeah i got thanatos too , you see the gfx blue wave like go to target but 0 hit 0 dmg sometimes you can hit anything others in 4 shots right on target 2 land it feels broken..
  16. Takoita

    +1 to this - once had three of my rockets as a HA in a row do no damage to a tank but forth hit normally...
  17. gunshooter

    this is pretty much the most damning video you'll find of this bug

    I have had this happen on every class, not just MAX. MAX is simply the only class that can live long enough to actually record it.
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  18. Valena

    ^ That Infil should have been dead in 3 seconds.
  19. DeathFaith

    Worst is when that happens the infil couldve killed the max like nothing but he was too scared , as he should be.
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  20. Krizzen

    For some reason I can't edit my post (am I missing something? Is it not possible to edit OP?), but I agree with you. This is the most damning video so far, and I'd love to have it near the top of my post!