How to balance NC infantry?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Koz-Azor

    I picked NC because for whatever reason I thought that they would be planetside Minmatar form eve-online
    well, they are not really, so I created 2 other toons playing with them now..

    and what's wrong with theme?
  2. Securion

    NC might have bad infantry weapons, but I think its more fun being the underdog than run around as TR, and deep inside know the game gives you an edge (as well as a zerg to follow around).
  3. Zaik

    There is almost no actual lore in PS2.

    About all you can tell in game is that NC is space america, Tr is space ***** or something, and VS are some sort of space religious extremists.
  4. Thundor

    NC= Civilians
    TR= American Government
    Vanu= Nutjobs that kill themselves during eclipses to jump on the ship.
  5. Sith

    NC music was fine when it sounded like this:

    Not a big fan of the new rendition, but it brings back a lot of good memories.
  6. Monnor

    We mastered gauss tech , thats a higer tech then the old antique TR guns.
  7. korpisoturi

    are you a bit stupid or what ? THERE IS NO F....... TIME, on most cases to "burst" cos TR/VS can maintain autofire with very low to non existant recoil.this is so f... stupid to keep argue same obious thing over and over, NC inbalance IS there ,its not big but just enough to tip the balance in infantry fight, GOOD players can and has alredy overcome the short comings of NC inftantry weapons
    BUT MOST OF THE PLAYER BASE ARE NOT GOOD PLAYERS ,most of the player base are brainless "cannonfodder".

    "you will mop the floor with any other faction due to much more bullet dmg"

    i wonder how long this myth/bs stays alive ? it has been explained 100000000000 times alredy why those "more damage" bullets dont make hardly any diffence.
  8. Zaik

    I kind of thought the whole corporate run government stuff was much more "americaish" than a dictator would be.
  9. Thundor

    So the high tech(?) Gauss SAW is superior to the Carv? lol
  10. Thundor

    Both are, and both forms are within the American Government. You can't have one, without the other.
    EDIT: Well, you cant have a corporate run government without dictatorship. I guess Dictatorship could work without Corporations/Capitalism.
  11. Machine Spirit

    NC weapons bad.. I lolled.. they're redicilously powerful, at first I believed the statement alot of people made, so I made a NC and noticed just how powerful those weapons are, now I believe they just want their faction buffed so they can 1v10 or something >3
  12. Thundor

    I beg to differ, short of the AF-19... I love that thing.
  13. Mockeryangel

    NC really do seem like "MURICA **** YEAH" to me, so I'm never going to play as them, because I hate freedom.
  14. DeathFaith

    You all got it wrong , NC = gay pride fighters / TR = ***** / Vanu = crazy alien worshippers

    mmm censoring pwned me , cant even say W T F and its in the trailer

    let me try this again , NC = rainbow pride fighters / TR = hitler's followers / Vanu = E.T callers
    • Up x 1
  15. Monnor

    Thats the point, they mock us with that. A coilgun shuld be able to fire projectiles with a much higher speed. Which give us a higher range, and a stronger impact. And really, if TR guns would have our recoil, they would whine the same, all day long.
  16. Orbital_Butt

    I play a lot of TR and I think you could use tighter accuracy on many of your NC weapons

    However, I am slightly wary of this, because I like to fight the NC on Waterson a lot and despite the complaints of a lack of organization I find they are willing to hold on to a fight by their god-dang fingernails whereas the VS are just going to cut and run. Way more fun to fight a pack of vicious bastards, and a pack of vicious experienced bastards with very fine weapons are -way- more dangerous than a pack of equally vicious experienced bastards who have to scrounge for their kills

    I take it back, I can't wait
  17. Monnor

    If i defend something, you would wish there was something like rainbows.
  18. Thundor

    NC guys, just remember... playing NC makes us better overall. You dont want the easy mode that TR brings... well, then again I did make a TR. I like godmode too ( Carv+'F' ). But, ill stick with NC, it will only make me better in the long run.
  19. Nuky

    i create a NC character and go 30/3 after 20 mins playing as infantry, love their guns
  20. lionfw

    At least fix the random cone of fire, recoil can be controlled but bullets randomly going left or right of the sights cannot. Currently it feels a little more balanced in the air than on the ground. Having problems in close quarters combat vanu? ADADADADADADA and spray from the hip.

    Also idiots like Nuky should have their parents hold a tighter noose on them after getting home from elementary school.