Aim goes up when getting hit - unfair in close 1v1 situations against high rate of fire guys

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Megagoth1702, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. dhexo

    Probably the same reason suppression was in bf3, basically to make it easier for bad players to get kills by making the person they're shooting at have trouble being accurate. (ie, throw off their aim, higher recoil, higher spread, etc)
  2. Limabean

    I don't like that, if you manage to keep yor crosshair on the target you shouln't be penalized, you are already being knocked around. least make the crosshair go up to match where your bullets are going. This feel liek D&D your bullets are determined by a roll of the dice.
  3. Calaerin

    Meh, I get used to it. Sure, I almost had my ragequits when I kept losing to TR infils who dropped my HA with a few bursts from their frikkin pistol, but then I got over it by running around with my rocket launcher shooting ppl in the face Unreal Tournament-style.

    Way I see it, TR pistol and VS weapons are just "easy-mode", NC requires a bit more skill to be effective.

    Or big rockets to the face.
  4. Megagoth1702

    Thank you. This is exactly my point of view. Goddamn I am glad that other people see it as well.

    Not really.

    Supr. was put into BF3 because they wanted to emulate supr. from Project Reality mod for BF2. It gave the player a real "oh **** im being shot" feeling and that's what DICE wanted. They went over the top with it once but now it's all fine IMO. Get to cover if possible and if not you're ****** because the time to kill in BF3 is super low anyway. So if you haven't spotted the shooter - youre dead 60% of the time.

    But jesus christ, at least in BF3 my bullets go where I hold my center of the screen! So even if the gun pops up due to being hit - the bullets still go into the CENTER of the screen so if you can keep COOL and focuss on NOT moving around your mouse you will still get rounds on target - it's a different technique compared to PS2 but I like it way better. At least it's honest and gives me a chance to master it.
  5. Megagoth1702

    Attention Bump.
  6. Verinas

    The flinching from getting hit is VERY noticeable when your using single fire weapons like a slug shotgun or a battle rifle, its VERY annoying getting pulled off your mark when you really NEED to hit against someone with a T9 carv that just holds the trigger down in your general direction. And then you die.

    I think the flinching should be removed completely.
    Or, the high rate of fire weapons should make you flinch less.

    And yeah i didnt notice this to much when i was using the high rate of fire guns because you had a cone of fire anyway, but this hits the slow firing weapons the most, and we all know most player prefer high ROF guns, so this should be looked at.
  7. Vastly

    I had a great demonstration of lag last night. I was sitting in some rocks shooting some guys in a tower. Then I see a smoke trail heading towards me. I stand up to move and... dead. Over a second later, my corpse was hit by the rocket that killed me o_O
  8. lNeBl

    Indeed. I was trying to play with the semi-auto battle rifle as an infiltrator in close-mid range combat and I realized that due to the huge crosshair kick from getting hit, that the weapon was simply massively underpowered versus a regular automatic weapon.
    I've since gone LA and now average 5-6 KDR with ease.
  9. Megagoth1702

    By now I think this deserves some official attention / comment by the developer team.

  10. Phyr

    IF ROF was the deciding factor like you guys are claiming, then you should grab some of those uber high ROF weapons your faction has.
  11. Bill Hicks

    to help camping bads
  12. Bill Hicks

    or everyone bails and goes TR and get high ROF weapons for free oh wait they do
  13. Ezekius

    Numbers are numbers. Everything is math.
  14. Phyr

    Only the people with no comprehension of game mechanics and real weapon statistics leave based on blatantly wrong anecdotal evidence.
  15. absolofdoom

    Hell I'm TR and this makes me rage sometimes. I think it's a bad game mechanic and would like to see it go away, but that's just my opinion.
  16. Badmethod

    You know I am watching Sons of Anarchy as I read this and I can't help but think that if everyone had the same weapons, then maybe things would turn out a little different in these gang wars that they have... But different factions have different methods and hence different outcomes in battle. dead Horse I know but it echoes IRL as it does here in PS2. War is war I guess and there's always someone at a disadvantage in any given situation...
  17. Megagoth1702

    Yep. That ignorant fool you quoted does not know how games work. :-/ But he will learn eventually.
  18. Tasogie

    well real world physics don't really play much of a part in this game.If they used real world physics in this game people would really complain.
  19. Danncingdevil

    ill put my two cents in and have all factions have this problem :) suffer equally
  20. Jestunhi

    A specific subsection of numbers is only a partial story, it ignores all of the other numbers.