As more realize the balance NC experiences mass exodus

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceTurtle, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. JonboyX

    T9 Carv.

    Full automatic for those close in fights
    Massive damage per bullet for the long range fight
    Nice burst fire for the mid range fight

    So many times I see all three enemies in my kill screen as T9 Carv, T9 Carv, T9 Carv.

    Waa waa. No. It's not a massive moan at the TR. It's just by far the most dominant infantry killer.
  2. Vashyo

    Completely the opposite on woodman, TR tends to have more people. Was playing today with 45-50% TR population on indar, lol. That ended in this.

    At night though NC tends to have handful of more people when barely anyone is on, so we can grab a continent or two.

  3. ShriekXL

    It looks bad......untill I noticed the continent tab. Go NC! :p.
  4. Exmortius

    true but there is continent pop and then world pop. world pop nc is generally highest anytime i log in. generally followed by tr and then vs on avg
  5. Vashyo

    well yeah that too tends to tilt towards TR atleast everytime I get to play, I get 1-3% XP increase for being outmatched at times. VS just stacks esamir all the time lol
  6. Xyeth

    On Jaeger I've noticed the NC numbers dwindling as well. I usually play 8pm - midnight EST and typically the TR/VS have one continent each locked down while the NC are battling on the 3rd and only holding less than half of that one. I've been pushed back to the warpgate more times than I'd prefer but, still, as someone else mentioned, it means more targets so I just go with it.
  7. Gearlock

    Yeah?? Well F*#& YOU for being correct, polite and helpful!

    If I could.. I would buy you a dinner so damned delicious... YOU'LL REGRET EVER EATING ANYTHING ELSE.

    Some people and their helpfulness, I never...


    Seriously, That makes a lot of sense, and I retract all of my ignorant and uninformed statements.

    Thanks for clarifying


  8. SheepDip

    I must say I'm finding being on NC (Mallory) extremely tiring. We're getting spanked constantly, to the point where we only control of one sector...the one with our warpgate! I've been playing for about 10 days and it's just getting progressively worse, to the point where it is no fun to play. I'm tempted to delete the L10 trooper I have on Mallory and try somewhere else, I'd rather not be forced into playing one of the factions that are already having a bloody easy time just to get some enjoyment out of the game.
  9. iller

    There will be some whining... but a lot more of the behind the scenes action will entail the more skilled players on other factions going NC for a while to test the advantage of the slightly higher TTK. Right now we're not rewarded for better Aim/Control because our TTK is still slower than TR when we have to use Burst-Fire. If our damage was upped enough so that our Burst Fire slightly out-DPS TR's in full auto mode, then it would be balanced by the fact that Full Auto allows for much easier tracking than Burst-Fire does (unless you're abusing some kind of Macro program).
  10. Durron

    Current continent population percentages:

    VS - 11%
    TR - 54%
    NC - 34%

    VS - 22%
    TR - 59%
    NC - 18%

    VS - 38%
    TR - 25%
    NC - 35%

    Total world population percentages:
    VS - 31%
    TR - 37%
    NC - 30%

    There's almost no where to find a good fight cause we simply get wtf facerolled by a massive zerg.
  11. Xae

    Mattheson right now:
    NC 35%
    TR 33%
    VS 32%

    Who can stand up to the NC zerg!
  12. Mightyhalo

    I have played NC since beta. Today for the first time I started a vanu character just to see what was going on and he was lighting it up with that stock light assault weapon. It was ridiculous how easy it was to bury a clip into someone before they knew what hit them. Hardly had to fight recoil at all and now wondering if I just wasted all my time on NC.
  13. Cute-CandyPants

    NC are fine
    • Up x 1
  14. Tasogie

    Only reason I am leaving NC if we ever get account wide unlocks is because on Briggs the NC community is a ferel **** hole. You couldnt pay me to go Terran, only one I will be doing is Vanu, they seem to have far less hacks, an much MUCH less spam in chat.

    This is the lineup on Briggs (no idea about other servers)

    teen angst
    refusal to help each other
    Deliberate grieifing is OTT now. (mostly tankers killing engies who rep them)

    2.TR Hackers, they are unbelievable on Briggs the amount of aimbots an invulnerability hacks they use
    (its only reason they own so much of map.)

    Seems to be very little abusive behavior in Briggs
    It's rare you see a 200-1 death Vanu (hackers)
    Not to mention the fights I've had with em have always been really good.They actually push an try to take bases instead of sitting there an sniping from 1 mile away farming for 5 hours like other two.