Summary of Teams on Briggs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by h1perkarma, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. JokeForgrim

    Dunno I think its about 12pm (lunch) and about 4am (Amerish), thats Perth or WA (Worst Australian (ping) lol). Also i think each cont is on a different time scale. So im not to useful after a week, also watch out for VS they are invisible at night (black/dark purple)... Spam Q its a means to an end my bright red friend.

    Me too only seen one (obvious haxor), but it really sucked for everyone as he was full auto sniping at over 500m as a heavy we all reported him and gave up on the defence.

    Btw those songs were good, the NC and VS made me LMA-O (censored without the -) the TR song made me cry (because it sucked :D )...

    Yep hopefully see you on the Battlefeild! go easy on me im a newb ;)
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  2. h1perkarma

    I chased you around today trying to heal you but you kept running. Q_Q
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  3. JokeForgrim

    HAHAHAHAHA been there bro... Oh god i been there.

    I chased an NC from one side of a tech plant to the middle. He said "I NEED A MEDIC" i healed him, he said "thanks" i said /s "next time look behind you, i been chasing you for 2 mins" LMMF-AO
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  4. Gebeine

    i was running because a vanu sniper had us both dead to rights XD was hoping youd follow and not get shot and it worked (if your the medic i think you were
  5. Tasogie

    Briggs has some great battles.Also has some really bad ones, where Aussies tend to be really apathetic so sometimes you get large groups that refuse to push an demand everyone sit an snipe farming. Other days, its hackers an others still its alts Tking, then logging off before you can report them.
  6. Neodrauka

    What faction you on Tasogie?
  7. Tasogie

    I am on NC mate, called "FragKat"