Where are all these cheaters?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Murderin, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Meiu

    I've ran into about 8 so far.
    3 were noclipping in the sky, they jumped out of their mossies, flew (as an HA) then shot me pointblank with a dumbfire rocket, then flew back and got into their plane before it crashed.
    2 aimbots, infiltrators and LA that as soon as you get within the range of the target check it swings 180 degrees and instantly head shots you over and over (you see this more often with VS snipers since their semi-auto has no drop, works perfectly with an aimbot)
    The other 3 were people doing the altitude exploit.

    Granted they aren't "really" hackers, they are just script kiddies.
  2. VoidMagic


    I <3 this game so much, please don't let hackers ruin it SOE.
    Im so glad that I really haven't seen anything blatent... what I will say is
    that if your pretty sure someone is hacking, go out of your way, and get
    help to make sure they are punished for it, via "in game" non exploitive methods.

    Hackers must always die first regardless of other in game objectives.
  3. Assist

    I'm glad that you've only seen 3, that's not bad. On Waterson there was 3 VS, 6 TR, and 1 NC that were all using hacking software at Zurvan. It makes the game unplayable for the rest of us when there are guys posting 400:1 kdr in under 30 minutes.
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  4. Melete

  5. Dhart

    I have played 'too much' I'm thinking... an Engineer...and I just hit BR 23. I bought the 3 month package...so I'm getting some extra XP with each kill.

    I know there's a 50% bonus for 6 month subs and there are boosts.

    Given all that... when I see folks BR 48-55! I begin to wonder how they got there and if perhaps they don't have an extra edge the rest of us don't.

    I don't know that they are cheaters... but something smells ripe.
  6. Disrespecting

    I have 62 hours played and saw one speedhacker, I'm sure SOE will handle the situation as much as they can, i think most people who post that cheaters are ruining the game are just really impatient and exaggerated
  7. Hadrian

    is that right ? or people like you know so little of the game every death is put down to someone using 3rd party hacks ?

    maybe , maybe not , but you normally find its those first to throw stones that are the guilty party .
    said it many a time , think ive maybe at the most came across 2-3 occasions where ive questioned if i was facing a hacker , in 3 months of playtime , and the hacks have been on youtube for at least two of those months .
    server size of 2k , people are NOT running into hackers as OFTEN as is being made out, the exact opposite of your attempted troll on this guy .
  8. Meiu

    There are plenty of hackers, you can even just straight up youtube it, most of them post their videos because if they get banned they can just make a new free account.
  9. omega4

    I never knew about "lag switching" until reading this post.

    I've seen quite a few infantry "teleporting" all over the place, as well as one VS Scythe fighter that I was trying to shoot down with my NC Reaver fighter.
  10. Hadrian

    didnt say they were not around , just not as frequent as is being made out .

    also 'lag switchers' yeah they are around to , but again , not as frequent as is being made out , majority of time it really is the piss poor netcode and peoples connections
  11. tjalfe

    properly 20% of the population is hacking. (estimated by own experience of 70hours)

    properly 3-5% is doing it so grosely obvious that you just go "wtf man. seriously this is lame.. htf are you not banned yet". this is stuff like obvious aimbots "your enemy headshotting you with full auto from 500m away, perfect shot 5 times in a row, with an unupgraded basic assault rifle -_-" (this is speaking aimbots. in case of invulnerability, package delay etc. it would be something like "ow i am in a max with 2 miniguns, your going close and i empty 2 full mags into your body close querter and either it doesnt regit a single hit or it regit everything and the person shows up as no hp at all" and this will be happening every time, you can see it with a tank as well (pretty obvious when someone takes 3 shells directly to the face without dying -_-, or 6 direct hits from a rocket pod etc.))
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  12. omega4

    I don't know how you can make such a claim unless you've played ALL the servers at ALL times of the day and night.

    Others have seen hackers when they play, some with greater frequency than others.
  13. Phycadelic

    You should totally tell SoE who all the hackers are since you KNOW!
  14. Meiu

    Actually the laggy warping people with the packetloss and all that **** intentionally, I actually run into them very very frequently. 1 of every 3-4 TR I run into are doing it. It may not be frequent for you, but I do generally run into them pretty often, enough to have me switch to a reaver and just rocket pod everything and refuse to invade certain areas due to their presence lol.
  15. Fluff

    Anyone pretending they are no hackers or cheaters or exploiters in this game is either a hacker, a cheater or a exploiter or all of the above.
  16. VoidMagic

    Im not so sure about that. I believe there are hackers, but the only thing I've seen "could" have been lag or a lag switch, hard to know. Given how few if any I've personally wittnessed, and the out of control tear festival of badness that is these forums, it's easy to see why people rack up hacking testimonials to n000bz getting pwnt and crying about it. Heck you could rack up most of the posts on this forum to that.
  17. LittleBlackRainCloud

    Coming from a hacker, sounds like a fetishist denial of their own disease reigning in the end of civilized society so they can get off. Not much distance from this and real life r.ape.
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  18. Jaloro

    Well done on proving my point. 20% is just lolworthy. I've lost track of the numbers of servers but say there are 100,000 players at the minute, you are saying 20,000 people have already paid out for hacks and SoE haven't noticed them. GT FO.

    Your post translates as "in 70 hours I died a lot and I am awesome therefore everyone is cheating."

    I don't want to suggest for one minute there aren't hackers but this kind of hyperbole is far more damaging to the game than any one hacker.
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  19. Talizzar

    Only the stupid aim botters will get caught until they figure out how to detect the code which they will. Being 3 shot at 1500 yards plus from a Heavy Assault type player and killed is a dead give away when none of his rounds missed.
  20. Talizzar

    Most people do not understand what the hacks are and how they work. In the heat of a big battle it is nearly impossible to detect. You have to be outside the melee to get a feel for what is going on and watching the kills.

    I will admit that I have made a couple of astonishing moving head shots the other day and I probably got reported. If you stand around motionless in a hot zone you are probably going to die to a sniper. But when you get head shot on a dead run while cloaked makes one wonder.