What empire do you hate the most? AND WHY?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpruceMoose, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. iGamer1990

    NC because they cry to much but not all of them now anyways
  2. xViper

    TR because they have awesome guns and they cry about the prowler being UP because they can't solo tanks like they can solo a platoon of infantry.
  3. silverme

    ever since I started PS1 NC has always been the dominating op ones. even when VS is winning its still NC who's op!

    They shoot you in the back while you're taking a VS strong holed

    they are whine CoD player, just look at their 'stile' and their music, pure cod.

    One on one they win every time(especially if they pull out their pistole) and yet even with 50% pop they cant take a single continent

    and last, their whole "freedom & liberty" while killing every one who stands in their way.
  4. Shorvok

    TR and I'm one of them.

    Seriously it seems like 80% of the TR have just resigned themselves to being cannon fodder. Tech plants are the best examples of it, they all just run up to the door and sit outside like lemmings. The NC have figured this out and just bunker down in tech plants all the time.
  5. ProtossMaster

    I dont know...

    I Hate the TR because of their authoritativeness.

    But then again I hate how awesome the VR weapons are after the beta. I wish I didn't invest so much into NC.

    SO I hate them both.
  6. PoopMaster

    Yeah, with me it's TR on Connery. They take our continent and an hour later we get it back. They don't usually hold their conts. too long it seems.
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  7. Baleur


    Because of the lore. They're silly corporate oil baron texans that couldn't deal with the TR's ideas of equality and unity.
    They had to go crying about TR's "no man is above the law, no matter his wealth or status". Because god forbid corporations were actaully accountable to the law.. So they rebelled, and formed their own faction.
    They call it 'freedoooooom', i call it corporate corruption.

    They're basically Exxon Mobile + Shell + BP + Coca Cola Company + McDonalds + Banking Crooks + US Republicans all wrapped in one faction. What's not to hate?

    As for TR, i quite like them. But i liked hovertanks more.
    If there was a VS / TR crossover alliance faction, i'd play them.
    *bring on the flames, VS forever*
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  8. Vermana

    I hate both opposing Empires, mainly because on Connery we tend to take all their territory when we have equal or greater population, and then as soon as our Pop drops, they both team up on us and push us back. It's pretty annoying, hell, half the time the TR and NC might as well be allies.

    Most of the TR I come across are Elitist losers who take this game more seriously than their own lives. They talk more smack than the VS and NC combined and pretty much never shut up about how great they think they are. The reason the TR are here are to jerk it to their own reflections and flaunt their false egos to everyone around them.

    Most of the NC I come across are complete Trolls who probably will play PS2 for a month and then move on to the next free game that has trolling potential and start raising hell there. They're pretty much pre-teen COD fans that want another world-chat game to spam nonsense in.

    And I'm on the VS, so I pretty much never see my own faction's bad side. Or it's never there, I dunno. I'm sure we talk as much smack as the rest of you.

    Basically I'm saying all three Empires suck because humanity overall sucks. But each empire has a unique kind of stupid persona that is most prevelant in them. I guess if I had to choose, I'd say I hate TR the most, because NC Trolls are actually pretty amusing most of the time. But TR Elitists are just annoying.
  9. SalsaDoom

    I'm a rabid foam-at-the-mouth Vanu lover. I hate the NC and TR because they are but horrible people. Seriously, the Vanu are the only good guys in this game.

    The NC are rotten to the core because they are basically soldiers for big business who wants a bigger slice of the pie. All their talk of freedom and stuff is just nonsense. I'm with Baleur on this one. They may as well charge into battle screaming, "This ZERG has been sponsored by Space Burger! Let this soldier kill you and get 50% for next value meal!! TRY OUR NEW SPACE FRIES!". And I'm a political conservative, damnit. But that's TOO MUCH.

    The TR are nothing more than fascists, I can only assume they are brainwashed into supporting a brutal and corrupt regime. They are anti-science damnit, and must be destroyed.

    Also NC and TR are jealous of our sweet form-fitting outfits, our laser guns and hover tanks. We have LASERS and they are still trying to figure out how magnets work, lol.
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  10. pathox

    don't u be hatin on teletubbies man
    ( stupid authoritarian TR):rolleyes:
  11. Mohd Faris

    VS because they are jerks and aliens that is invisible in night dafuq
  12. Zapon

    Except the only aliens -are the possible ALIEN invasion SOE is plannign on doing

    which *might* be the ORIGINAL VANU

    So, you hate the original Vanu eh?

    Hm.....as a VS, seems to me that if they show up- the Vanu Sovereignty would be fighting the Vanu also.

    Fair enough- i'll hop on board hating the aliens. Jerks shouldnt have left their tech lying around- now they want it back?They can come and get it...
    Sovereignty for life.
  13. Hashi

    My most hated faction would have to be the TR.

    They always boast on the forums about having skill and being cool. While I do have to admit their colours are cool, I find them played out and boring, just like their political beliefs and players. It feels to be that the only thing the TR have above the VS/NC is numbers. skill on the other hand... :p
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  14. h1perkarma

    Maybe we should swap so we can have a decent battle for once? :eek:

    Playing US or EU? o: We're always under 30% on Briggs, purple everywhar~~
  15. Zapon

    actually ,scratch this

    They're practically the VS's "gods" so this doesn't apply until they show up and start coming after us- then it's on.
  16. PoopMaster

    When it comes down to it you simply hate freedom.
  17. Lazaruz

  18. General Sherman


    Not gonna talk Balance or Lore but honestly I enjoy seeing VS die far too much
  19. Hashi

    playing on mallory, miller, soltech and another I can't remember :D
  20. AnnPerkins

    VS because scythes