Planeside 2 is not Call Of Duty

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mietz, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Imnuktam

    Saying ps2 is not cod is a lame arguement. Unless you are speaking to the illeterate people reading these forums :confused:

    Now we can move on from this stupid catch phrase that all the kiddies who played cod like to keep throwing out there ;)

    This saying is about as original as "are you mad bro"
  2. zukhov

    Might as well compare it to Doom.
  3. badname02

    I lovingly call Planetside 2 a mix between CoD + Halo (indoor CQC combat? It's CoD with a hint of Halo shields), Battlefield (large maps 'n large amounts of players, but MUCH more and WAY larger but most of all: bullet drop etc) and Guild Wars 2.

    Plays and looks like a mix between the first three and runs like the last game mentioned when fighting with a 100 people on screen.

    And I say that lovingly, since I enjoy all those games. Just CoD a bit less now that there's absolutely no real mature community left as it seems. I know it's much more than what I just said, but at first glance: Yes, it does look and feel like a mix of all those games mentioned.
  4. Snoop Maori

    Planetside 2 to me feels more like MAG than BF3 or COD.