Sorry NC, but I can't take it anymore.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badboss, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. d1spatch

    After starting off with Vanu, I switched to NC and I kill much faster with their weapons if you can actually aim and control recoil. Vanu weapons may not have recoil, but you have to waste more of the clip to kill someone. If you land your shots as NC the guns are more deadly I've found.
  2. Zoner

    I've literally lost count I've got the drop on someone and have them turn around go full auto and kill me from full to dead. If there is some penalty for getting hit, its broken, or favors the quantity of the hits instead of damage. Getting shot in the back should probably max out your COF too. It could just be aimbots skewing my perception of things, its just hard to say.
  3. Rav3nor

    the right decision.
  4. Jenks

    Suprise! A 12 year old VS forum warrior.
  5. GraphicJ

  6. Sobralense

    NC its just fine. But lets all move to TR or VS-with-cool-UFO-tanks. When they see its an only 2 faction game, may change something.
  7. Alduin

    I played beta and for most of the time the vanu weapons were just funky and didn't operate properly (they tried to do jank with them that just never panned out, which is why all the whiners complained). I have tried all sides I really don't see much difference to be honest, I have even used some weapons that were claimed to be not so good and done perfectly fine with them. The Reaver at one point did do more damage and have more hp, but the main problem at that point in beta (and it seems it has come full circle.... :( ) is that ESF's were just too strong to begin with.
  8. Antivide

    I'm doing better with my TR character than with my NC character. I can do the same thing, faction hop. TR is incredibly OP right now.
  9. Hibbe

    Why should someone play NC just because it says "advanced" - surely they would have more success in one of the easier factions then and that would lead to less time for cert points and a lesser need for station credits.

    All factions should be balanced, currently they are not, any argument otherwise is ridiculous and incorrect.
  10. MrShine

    It's always interesting how people try to separate "us" from "them".

    There are no "VC/TR/NC type" of player, there are no inherent differences between the players in factions, especially when you consider that you can be a part of all three factions if you make characters across different servers.

    Bringing that around to the topic of NC being considered underpowered, if NC are under-performing compared to the other factions, there are really only two plausible reasons:

    - Planetside 2's meta game hasn't yet evolved enough to where the game population knows how to effectively use NC weapons
    - NC weapons require further balancing

    That's all there is to it.