Guide to being a good pilot

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PresidentOfButts, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. PresidentOfButts

    Ok, so you didnt say X, but if you DID say X you actually meant Y. And obviously you know what a lag switch is, you claim you're going to get one at 1:25:36 in your first video lol.
  2. Jagged92

    It costs 2$ to make one, still waiting on that info you coward.
  3. Brooksy

    Jagged, I think it is very clear you need to stay off of this game. You made the smart choice of returning to a single player game where you can control the environment. Saints Row is a great way to vent out wanting to murder people. I can see that you get very unhappy when you do not get your way. You have a whimper in your tone when you go to uninstall the game, you were about to cry. Do you think I cry and uninstall every game that has treated me unfairly? Nope. I think I would have killed myself by now, because life isn't fair, ya know?

    Anyway, after you complete your couple of years of therapy, I think there is a chance you could hop back on Planetside 2 and enjoy this wonderful free entertainment that others worked so hard to bring us.
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  4. Jagged92

    Oh I have a life or I wouldn't be talking to you, and your actually getting me money by trolling me thanks!
    Edit---Still waiting on that info.
  5. Jagged92

    Oh I know I have rage issues when it comes to planetside 2 but if you watch me play any other game when I get my *** handed to me legit I laugh.
  6. PresidentOfButts

    Up-to-date character stats may be intermittently available as
    works on the data this week.
    "Latest data save" on the
    will update as we receive fresh data."

  7. Jagged92

    It updates daily, did you make you char today or something?
  8. Brooksy

    Suppressing your anger isn't going to do you much good either.
  9. Maximilious


    PS Jagged I am VS on Helios server... Come get some saaan :)

    I am not afraid of 12 year old kids trying to intidimate me over the internet. By the way, whoever say "Grown man on the verge of tears?" got it all wrong, should of been something more like "Angry Kid QQ'ing about PS2 on the verge of tears".
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  10. PresidentOfButts

    It isnt daily lol.
  11. Jagged92

    To be honest I think I might go to therapy for anger management but before I do so I wanna make a couple people regret trolling.
  12. Brooksy

    A troll regrets nothing.
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  13. Jagged92

    It is actually daily, the stats are almost perfect every day.
    Char name?
  14. supafly

    Even though the OP has clearly over-reacted, he has a point about the flawed hit detection in PS2, hell it has even happened to me once when I got a huge spike in latency for some reason and all the enemies were just standing still. For a moment I thought I was disconnected, but when I killed a few infantry and a tank who were just frozen in place and I got exp for the kills, I knew something was wrong. Anyway after I had killed a few enemies and flew around a bit more, I got shot to death by an invisible mozzy. It all happened so quickly which made me believe I appeared stationary for him as well so he could easily empty his clip into my ESF.

    Though my case was a bit extreme you will get a pretty good idea what a client-side hit detection feels like with a laggy connection. Laggy players can hit you while they really shouldn't be able to. If you look at his video really closely you will see he loses only about 10% of health while he is flying straight, but he loses a whopping 50% in a split second when he is already turning, as if he was still flying straight on his enemy's screen, that would explain why the enemy was able to hit his entire clip so effortlessly. When you finally see him blow up, the enemy is above him, shooting his nose gun at an angle he couldn't possibly hit him and yet he does so successfully. You can see more of this happening in one of his other videos -

    Someone mentioned he was hit by 3 different people, I only saw one mozzy. Currently there is a bug. It happens when you get hit by someone and even if you fully repair the damage he made and someone else takes you down, you will also see an assist by the guy who hit you first even if he did nothing to contribute to your actual death.

    Not sure why there is so much hate here, but here is something for all the haters as well as the OP himself to cheer you up -

    Even though he likes to rage pretty much about everything he is still by far the best pilot I have seen, nothing will change that, even not calling him names.
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  15. PresidentOfButts

    From your own PSU profile:

    Last Data Save: 2012-11-25 04:50 PM
    That isnt daily.
  16. Maximilious

    Maximilious is my char name
  17. Jagged92

    Pretty close my friend 5 days ago on my profile so you make your char about 5 days ago?
  18. Jagged92

    Thank you for your co-operation.
  19. PresidentOfButts

    1 day isnt 5 days. In fact, its closer to 7. As in 7 days in a week.
  20. Jagged92

    Info please and thank-you.