$70 down the drain NC faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Savvon, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Meiu

    Just go to their interview links on the main site.
  2. ziegler

    Bull hockey.
    TR usaully owns two of the three continents, and the other will be a Vanu. We do manage to take a continent every now and then, but it is short lived if we do.
    I am part of DVS< So I know what we NC do and dont do.
    Can we take a bio dome or tech plant and hold for how ever long we want? WIthout a doubt.
    But we have population disparity that is difficult to overcome compared to the other two Factions. And we like it like that...target rich enviroment and such.

    I know it seems like we control the continents because we do quite often roll over any thing we take a mind to take.
  3. RockHarder


    NC crybabies
  4. RockHarder

    Actually, thats exactly how you do it.

    You think you get things changed by whining? Sorry, facts are how you base decisions, and the FACT is your guns are fine.

    The problem is the people firing them.
  5. BoSeefus

    The Server you play on makes a difference. Connery is primarily owned by NC and VS, once a while TR gets a Cont lock but it doesn't last long!
    No one faction has unfair advantages with weapons I get killed just as many times by both factions and equally I might add.

    There isnt a need to Nerf any weapons.
  6. Tenzin

    All you whiners just want homogenized weapons across all the empires. Then when you have that, you'll find something else to complain about.

    "The color purple is overpowered!"
  7. Alduin

    I am actually pretty sure that they are all homogenized, in fact the difference between the sidegrades and the stock weapons are pretty minimal. So in fact we are already at step 2 :3
  8. YugoSV

    There's nothing wrong with NC... It's your fault that you spent $70 on a faction and now you're crying about it.
    • Up x 1
  9. thebulldog87

    Loving NC. I personally don't feel any nerfs or buffs are needed.
    • Up x 1
  10. StockpowerXD

    I find NC LMGs feel kinda gimmicky... with this kind of recoil, slow ROF and damage you'd expect them to be accurate (at least with single shots), but apparently they aren't :/
  11. Hibbe

    Slow fire rate and high recoil does not go hand in hand, not in balance nor in real life.

    Every MS you are not firing a bullet, by logic, your accuracy should increase, because there is no force resisting your aim.
  12. Hibbe

    With basically 33,33,33% across all servers, I find it very doubtful that ALL the inexperienced players have chosen NC.

    I managed to get an 8 kill streak within 6 minutes of logging in on a TR character, it took me 40 minutes to get a 7 kill streak on my heavily certed NC character.
  13. RockHarder

    Which means exactly nothing. Maybe you should focus on learning the weapons then come back to us.
    There is nothing wrong with the NC guns, nothing. If you're waiting for a buff of some kind, you'll be waiting a long time.
  14. Aune

    Hey buddy boy, I understand your feelings and frustrations.. but consider this first.. the grass is always greener on the other side. I started as TR.. went to NC cause I felt they had cooler weapons.. as NC I wanted to go Vanu because, magrider.. as vanu.. I'm feeling TR have better infantry.. the circle loops.. each faction has its strength and weaknesses.
  15. Hibbe

    I challenge you to do this as NC.

    Don't try to make any excuses, if you can't record, take a screenshot of you killing more than 8 people as NC without dying.

    You are talking out of your a** - you have never played NC and the only reason you are replying is because you are too blind to see past the colours of red purple and blue.
  16. Odin

    Hmm tr and vs ha guns do more damage, have more accuracy and higher rof...
    Wonder if there would be a problem rofl....give me a break any of you people defending this rediculous state.
    Any more people claim nc do more damage and i swear im gonna lose it lol
    WE DO LESS DPS, rof and bullet damage combined (laymans terms for the illiterate we cannot go toe to toe with any ha weapon and win in any scenario)......read the data for crying out loud.
    Stop bringing up bursting too, you look completely dumb, if a tr can simply hold down the fire button and hose you down (THEY DO MORE DAMAGE) , if you try to burst your dead...its that simple. Tr do not have to burst and neither do vs simply aim for head and pull the trigger, thats the problem if you had to burst with all weapons then the idiotic bursting argument would matter but we do LESS DPS....
    Sweet Jeebus read the data, if we did alot more damage then a case for bursting could be made but we do not.
  17. Konstantinn

    Headshot mechanic favors more accurate weaker weapons at short range vs more powerful less accurate weapons (such as NC).

    On average more accurate weapon will get more headshots than less accurate. You can't argue with that, it's simple logic with only one variable - accuracy. NC ends up getting mostly body shots at close range (we're talking about 1-2 second fights at close range).

    Strong body shot is still weaker than weak headshot.
  18. dhexo

    8 kills as TR means NC is underpowered? LOL
  19. Hansin

    That was possibly the most badass forum post i've ever seen.
  20. Hibbe

    No, did you read what I said?
    Let me repeat myself, do that as NC please, it's >obviously< easy, because you know how to play, and our weapons handle exactly like yours, isn't that what you said?