$70 down the drain NC faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Savvon, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Beltway

    That's providing you can land enough shots before you get your head blown off.
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  2. T-Bone_VII

    I play all 3. From my experience TR and VS have a clear advantage with the default weapons. If the guns stay the same the NC should at least get a small health or shield boost.

    @ rumblepit faster RoF, larger assault rifle clips, and less Recoil produce far more headshots.
  3. Lightwolf

    Semi or tiny bursts is the only way for NC to work.
  4. Beltway

    Lightwolf is correct. Bursting is fine and all but not practical up close and this is where NC fall off. Instead of landing shots full auto it turns into something like this


    While you look like a bad ***, the enemy is laughing at your lack of aim...
  5. TrueGent

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the TR are *supposed* to be better up close, provided that your using the same kind of weapon. The deal (for TR) is supposed to be a high rate of fire with low accuracy and medium-ish recoil: thus, if someone with a Terran specialty weapon turns a corner and bumps into a near-knife-range NC, the TR should (all things being equal, of course) win. If the Terran and the NC see each other at the opposite ends of a decent sized corridor, the NC should win (ditto equal). The Vanu, meanwhile, should always have the advantage at the opposite end of the other side's spectrum, but lose out if the other side plays to their strength.

    The more generic-type weapons overcome the disadvantage by sacrificing some or all of the faction advantage, making the playing field more even by allowing cert-invested players to surprise their opponent. As always, abilities and player tactics should play the major role, and they do (along with the usual reflexes and game stability).

    As to whether or not this is the case, I don't know. I DO know that all too many players love running into heavies with high RoF weapons, which is why some players wonder if the problem is really with the weapons.
  6. Rhapsody

    one thing your leaving out there.


    There's only 2? Non-sniper NC weapons with an accuracy anything near 70%.. ones an SMG/Carbine, the other is a LMG. Every single TR weapon starts at 80% accuracy stock. (going off the bars in the shop) And the VS are near identicle.

    And im not sure about your recoil numbers, but in-game on ALL of my NC weapons, ive had to start compensating massivly by the 3rd shot. On my TR character, i still have to compensate, but were on my NC i can manage to get 4 out of 10 rounds to hit the same place, my TR can land 10-15.
  7. Beltway

    The problem is that they have high rof, good accuracy, and medium ish recoil which is Ideal at all ranges.

    NC have low rof, low accuracy, and extremely high recoil. Medium ranges are the sweet spot for NC.

    VS have medium rof, decent accuracy, low recoil. I personally feel they lack damage but for the accuracy I can't complain. I haven't found a range I like with the Vanu yet. I'm leaning to close range.
  8. Rhapsody

    Actually, the NC were the 'up close' people. Thats why our Heavy Assault weapon is an oversized shotgun. But, our accuracy wasnt the worst, it was somewere in the 'middle-ground' area.

    The TR's deal was not accuracy, or damage, but sheer, outright, number of bullets. Hence their weapons haveing higher clips, and their HA being a man-portable mini-gun. Yet, in PS2, they have near highest accuracy 'stock' on all of their weapons, and their MCG has a 'fixed' fire-spread (it acts like a shotgun but instead of firering off 10-15 pellets at once, it fires off those 10-15 individualy within a 'fixed' spread), as well as being able to be reloaded at near hand-gun speed.

    The VS were the snipers, but they had i believe = fire-rate to the NC. in PS2 they have TR equvilant fire-rate, still have the same accuracy, but they had their damage reduction at range reduced so they do about the same damage as TR now.
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  9. Idono

    I dont know where you're getting the numbers from but they aren't reflecting what's actually happening ingame. If you've looked at the screenshots poping up around the forums you will know that the NC has roughly double the recoil compared to VS and TR. A increase of 100% recoild per mag compared to TR and VS is not acceptable. I would say an increase of 5-10% would be more reasonable increase. Currently it's impossible to fight VS and TR at longer ranges since they have so little recoil that it's next to unnecessary to compensate.

    And upon that both factions have prime warpgate locations while the NC are being put at the worse possible warpgate positions. What more can they do to screw the NC over?
  10. Gungan

    I'm starting to get seriously frustrated as NC. If I could get all my cert points back, I would switch to VS in a heartbeat. I liked them in beta but I thought they would be completely undermanned so I switched. I should have stayed VS. Burst firing... who is anybody kidding? You need 4 consecutive headshots to kill anything. I can get 6 consecutive body shots burst firing and still never get the kill because only an idiot doesn't run for cover when they see single shots chipping down their health.
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  11. Kuriby

    Wait hold up... you mean... if I play NC I actually have to CONTROL my recoil!?!?!? *Gasp... andd wait... I need to actaully AIM and make sure my first few shots hit the target before my bullet spread increases?! *Gasp again...

    Alright seriously though, too many posts whinning that TRs are better then NC, Vanu are better then NC, or vice versa. The truth of the matter is this:

    Can't aim?

    Solution: Indoor combat with shotguns, HA indoor spray and pray, Use tanks or other explosive weapons as your main killer

    Can't handle recoil?

    Solution: Don't engage enemies until <25m, Laser dot and rely on hip firing

    Can't handle bullet spread?

    Solution: Be a sniper, get a weapon that can single fire, use explosives, refer to "can't aim"

    I have 2 or all of the problems you listed!

    Solution: Time to stop playing games like CoD, Halo, BF3 and get into REAL twitch shooters. Practice with Counter-Strike 1.6 or Counter-Strike Global Offensive, or Tribes Ascend.

  12. rumblepit

    from the in game files.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AuOojvNLMApVdEtIU1NKenEzNzZOSWNaanFqSUVxLWc&gid=12

    lol its all right here bra. read it and weap as they say.

    gauss rifle .3, t1 cyc .27 lol almost the same on the medic weapons huh? lol and both of the carbines are the same at .3. and then that bring to the lmg that hits 26% harder than the t9. nc6 has .55 t9 has point .4.

    so incase you cant read that it say all of our base weapons have the same recoil.except for the lmgs, which is 1 point over the lmg and hits 26% harder.

    if you look at rpm on the nc6 rmp is 500 , t9 is 750,this means we shoot 25% faster, and you hit 26% harder. this occurs over and over again, look it over do the math you see a balanced set of pros and cons to each set of weapons.
  13. Gungan

    Except your math completely ignores recoil and cone of fire, and screen shake from getting hit by 750 rpm fire.
  14. Idono

    Solution is that you might want to actually try the other factions as well. I'm verry good at FPS games, it's dirt easy to play as VS and TR. Even i have a problem with the fact that NC will always lose in mid to long range fights since we have to burst while VS and TR and just keep holding down the button without a need to compensate. I more than often find my self running away since TR & VS spray at what little exposed part i have and i can't do the same back. The balance is way of for the NC right now. There's to many cons with the extra bullet damage.
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  15. rumblepit

    lol its not my math dude, those are in game weapons stats....... from the files... carbines have the same recoil ,medic weapons have the same recoil, nc lmg has .5 ^ recoil t9 has .4^ recoil you hit 26% harder you should have more recoil lol
  16. Gungan

    It is your math. There's a thread around that actually takes into account all the variables, and doesn't only take 3 of 6 raw stats to make a point that ignoring all cone, recoil, and accuracy, the rate of fire/damage done is close to the same. It's called "NC weapon stats, now with recoil", or something like that.
  17. rumblepit

    you guys do know 90% of the default nc weapon setups are for close to medium range right? nc6 has fast rate of fire with little recoil, pick up some hv ammo, you have the nc version of a tr lmg..... tr can do the same this with the t 60 and sp ammo, slow rof but great damage up close
  18. nella


    And for your information I was playing CS from 2000 to 2006, and since then various other shooters like battlefield, cod and occasionally I go back to 1.6. I know what I'm doing but it doesn't matter, VS and TR weapons are still better.
  19. rumblepit

    lol some nc guy made some bs charts. these number are from the game.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AuOojvNLMApVdEtIU1NKenEzNzZOSWNaanFqSUVxLWc&gid=12

    stay in denial .
  20. Gungan

    The charts are made by the same guy who ripped the data you're linking, except its in context. His name is Thorbinator. Maybe you've heard of him.

    Raw data without context is completely meaningless, especially when you ignore half the stats like you are.

    Let me repeat that. You are linking his raw data, and completely misinterpreting it.