Skilless Instantkill Claymores and n00btubes/Rockets are going to turn PS2 Skill FPS into COD/Campin

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ImGladUmad, Nov 27, 2012.

  1. Udon

    The OP has no idea what he is talking about. Claymores require a good deal of skill since you can only have a max of two of them, they don't damage people running past them only if they stop and they blow up if you sneeze on them wrong meaning both enemy and friendly fire will easily set them off.

    Your insight in the other two subjects is about equally worthless and one sided.

    Also tone down the fonts.
  2. Clloser

    Can you just say, "The end is nigh!" for me?
  3. TheShotgun

    Truly it is horrible that you should die when a guy hits you full in the face with a rocket launcher.
    Also what is a n00btube?
  4. Cyanide

    I've got a solution for ya. Don't step on mines, shoot infantry before they hit you with a grenade. Honestly, seeing other people from TR complaining about weapons makes me laugh. We've got the best guns in the game, OP as it's ever going to get.
  5. Udon

    The underbarrel grenade launchers that have the same reload time as rocket launchers, only two shells, a small portion of the AOE spash radius, slows down your reload and weapon switching speed, is only available on one Carbide and Assault Rifle per faction, and will only one hit kill someone if you hit them dead center and not a HA with shield on.

    Yea they are way over powered especially compared to a tank parked outside a spawn room door. Or not.

    I have no issue with one shot kill weapons in this game as long as there are options for all classes. If they take away the options from some they need to take them away from all. So no more one shot tank shells or sniper rifles either.
  6. ChickenSpy

    Yeah, when I first got the underbarrel nade launcher, I got worried. I'm not bad at aiming, so that's not the reason I got it. I got it because it served as a counter to the supposed long ranged weapon I certed. But you will find that not only is it made with weaknesses, but also bugs.

    1) It is one shell, then reload. If you miss, you have a few seconds to reload.
    2) One would think that 1 would be alleviated by simply switching to your main, but the switching is very bugged. Sometimes it'll switch back, sometimes it wont. In order to be sure you get something that'll shoot in a sticky situation, you either switch to your pistol or do a quick switch to your pistol to your main.
    3) Another game changing bug is the fact that more often then not, it wont do any damage at all. I have had direct hits and nothing happened.
    4) It's not as slow as a rocket, but the arch and speed is enough to make it only useful to stationary targets when at range. It'll take 2 tries to hit a sitting sniper.
    5) It is by no means an AV weapon. I know because I've tried. Right out of the spawn with a magrider camping the exit, I'll shoot my 2 nades and resupply at the terminal. After about 8 shots, still barely dented the thing. You can damage tanks, but not by much. More than regular bullets I guess.

    So yeah, initially I was scared that it was another case of the noobtube, but in this case not so much. You have to be good at calculating bullet drop and you have to be decent at aiming, even at close range. You also have to be the kind of player that checks his/her target, or you will get a lot of team damage. I've only been killed by one other person with a nade launcher surprisingly. I'm sure there will be a surge of people using it then it will die down a bit later on.
  7. TheShotgun

  8. Eihort

    Players who can't write a post in a way that makes logical organized sense, colors or not, will ruin this game.
  9. MobileAssaultDuck

    Then why do you care about dying or KDR? If you die, rez and keep attacking the point.

    You lose nothing from death. Absolutely no negative effect. I bloody suicide to move around the map faster.

    Death is meaningless in this game.
  10. Fafnir

    I'm begining to think that OP is TR equivalent of Stew360.
  11. SirBurning

    Bouncing betty's and the like are
    A: Very expensive to cert into
    B: Limited to only 1 placement (unless you put even more certs into it
    C: They cost alot of resources to use alot

    And in addition, the scale of this game is so large, its virtually impossible to effectively mine off entire bases.
  12. OldMaster80

    I would support, but no you're wrong:
    1) I've been killed just once by a claymore in 2 months.
    2) I've never been killed by a landmine. I think I've never seen a landmine in 2 months.
    3) Mines and Claymores take 100 cert points to be unlocked.
    4) Only a few Engineers accept to equip Mines and Claymores because they replace the Ammo slot, which is the main source of xp for this class.
    5) In the beginning you can just carry 1 Mine / Claymore.
    6) Mines / Claymores cost more than granades.
    7) If the Engineer dies, the Mines / Claymores are deleted.
    8 ) If the Engineer gets too far from Mines / Claymores, they're deleted.
    9 ) Claymores explode only if the targets pass in front of the mine, not behind.

    I say that's well balanced. It was much easier to kill people with PS1 mines or with the Boomer Explosive.
  13. Ferment

    Rockets don't insta kill, and they have slow velocity. They insta kill if you get hit directly, but their splash damage is so small its perfectly balanced already...

    Why would I camp with C4 in a game that is about point capping and point defending? There are way more to kills to be had with an LMG at a fought over point, than there are sitting outside spawns with C4... Nevermind when you get lag issues and blow your C4 at the wrong time and end up sprayed in your hole just outside the spawn.

    Your problems don't and won't ever exist in the game.
  14. Daish

    just because you die fast dose not mean the game is instantly over "Example in most games you will spawn in a random locations without being able to choose your gear within 1-2 seconds" because in Planetside you can do this how about you come back and counter the guy who just killed you and get some revenge
  15. Ileko

    Hey, you're that troll that I saw on youtube, who was claiming that this game was copying Halo somehow.
  16. PS2 MEDIC

    I am pretty patient on forums when dealing with text walls that are not separated into paragraphs... but I refuse to get involved with posts that do not respect the reader at all, like this one does.

    If you are a decent writer, your tone will come across well on points that are important to you. If you have to spoon feed every thought then it becomes condescending.

    But free bump to the OP I guess.
  17. ImGladUmad

    Yeah is happening already, people are figuring out that they could do Instant skillless kills.
  18. SkepticJerry

    Mines do require skill. Just tossing them down any old place will net you nothing but lost resources. One must know where to put them in order to make them effective. If you are getting killed by them, slow down and check the area you are moving into.

    Sounds as if you are the one who is "skilless", because you keep blundering into mines.
  19. jak

    True story - I put C4 right outside spawn shields and wait for unsuspecting enemies. It fills me with joy.
    • Up x 1
  20. SkepticJerry

    1) I agree, as not many people have unlocked them
    2) See 1. I've got both anti-tank and betty's and have been getting lots of kills.
    3) That's one evening of play
    4) Not really, as you can select fire on the Mana Turret and place down an ammo pack.
    5) True, you have to cert up to be effective
    6) Yes, they do, but they are also a deterrent and and an early warning device.
    7) Wrong, mine stay when you die and when you switch classes. They only dissappear if they go off, which can happen by gunfire or when you place new ones.
    8) Wrong again, I've been clear across the map and received points for a tank my AT mines hit. Usually ones I had forgotten about.
    9) I have no clue, but it sounds about right.