Miller rollback 24-11-2012 23:20 CET

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Pella, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. WeEdNL

    I hope SOE cares, its weekend after all, and its like the 4th crash of the day, I could be wrong.

    No word at all about Miller from SOE, it may simply be on auto restart.
  2. TerroDragon23

    Something like this happend a tthe end of beta just with a 2 day rollback....and there we knew that the game will come out to early. Hope support can fix all this
  3. PePo

    SOE, this has become very frustrating!

    It is obvious that something is terribly wrong with Miller you couldn't fix in 4 days and people pay for playing the game, not to wait forever.

    Just move the Miller population to a brand new properly working server or simply refund our station cash spent on Miller so we can move to a server of our choice...
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  4. rzeznicc

    I lost 30 certs, otehr people say on /yell that they also have lost certs
  5. Oil

    Come on SOE, I support you guys fully, but you really need to sort your server partners out?

    Log in for an hours worth of play, starting to feel good progressing the VS lines... earnt 20 certs, thinking about spending them on some HA upgrades............. Boom, server goes down? Log back in, map reset, certs lost... Really SOE?... Really?

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  6. unAimed

    It's like this every time the server goes down...

    I honestly don't want to know how much progress I already lost...
  7. Kath

    RadarX - Community Relations is just locking all Miller threads stating they are working on bringing the server back up.

    That's great and all; but I actually want it to stay up and not crash every couple of hours.
  8. MinuteMan

    ~35minute into a session, all progress lost with that crash.
    Typically, it happens when you've had a good run.

    How about just giving everyone on Miller +1 level and the equivalent number of certs for that level gained.
    ie: if someone is lvl24 and a half, they are bumped to lvl25 and a half and granted 180 certs or however much exp that level would've earned them had they done (and with all these crashes, they are very likely to have done it before).

    Rewards the people that logged more time in game - and subsequently more frequently on the receiving end of these crashes - more than people who have less time played etc so as not to excessively boost 'low' level characters.
  9. Kath

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  10. Deathbane

    At least you guys only lost certs... still waiting for 700 sc to be refunded D:
  11. Jone991

    Yay just logged back in and lost 25 CE.... ffs
  12. JonniTheJuicyJ

    We've all been losing certs every time we play before a server crash. for myself with over 50 hours of playtime so far this resulted in more than 1000 certs lost (I have a sub + booster).

    Not to mention having to buy several weapons twice because a server crash wiped em out and made my SC disappear
  13. ChipMHazard

    I'm actually glad that I only played a bit this morning. Seems like the server went down hill fast after that. Hopefully SOE will fix the server sooner rather than later or they are going to have more than just a few paying customers breathing down their necks.
  14. eyez

    welcome to beta.
    oh wait sorry. this is not beta, coz game runs like hell,
    can we please roll BACK to beta, where we could play with no downtime, (when servers were up) and no huge bugs like the once OP is telling about.
  15. Sonatix

    I lost 5 upgrades and all certificates after server restarting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I demand compensation!!!
  16. Vortigon

    I hope they compensate us for the certs we have lost with all these crashes.

    I must of lost 750 - 1000 certs - others even more.
  17. ClusterBomb

    They didn't even put the game into an open Beta.
    They only let people play if they got emails, and during Beta MOST servers were rarely at High Population.
    Then they release the game before putting it into Open Beta.

    Thats is Extremely Wrong.

    Now people are loosing there SC, Certs aren't working and Servers aren't working properly. All because they released the game a few months before it was ready.

    This is very un-professional.
    It's getting harder to find the words to explain cause I have said them a hundred time and SOny aren't talking about the important problems.

    Instead, they organise a rollback for the server without even a word of communication. Its actually getting Sad. Sony talked the game up big time, then miss out on a whole Beta phase just so they can get our money on a game that some can't play for more then 10mins because of the lies from SoE about the system requirements

    This whole game is a case of False Advertising.
    They were saying throughout beta that we will get a good release and bull crap like that, instead we get a game that is 10 times worst then the Beta version.
  18. Santiak

    Just going to add that I'm also experiencing these issues.

    - Flickering Graphics Glitch of Doom (Concurrently across multiple clients, as people yelled in chat - across all factions - that they were getting it just then, at the same time)
    - Problem logging in; hangs on queue, anything from position X in queue out of Y players, to 0 out of 0 players, sometimes premium member version, sometime regular version is shown. Quitting the game and logging in may let you in eventually, but it's far from a sure-fire way to fix it.
    - Render-distance is really detrimental to game experience at times, as even at max settings players farther than ~50m will not show, forcing you to try to get closer for no reason other than game performance. (again, max settings)
    - Lagging, often one can't safely meet up with squad-mates because warping onto another continent doesn't respond, just counts down to zero - also prevents dropping in.
    - Displacement, character models not moving.

    In regards to the graphics glitch, it seems unlikely that it's due to an issue with clients' graphics cards.
    Personally running the game with a GTX 690, its fan has yet to speed up, and the glitch is consistent in affect and outcome, at times leaving the POV tilted untill the player respawns.

    If it'd help, I've left the logging feature turned on since trying to thwart the hanging on character-screen login issue, so I could send you that.

    I'm sorry to say, that all these bad memories from PS1 launch is really draining my enthusiasm, and currently I do not even feel like logging in, even though I'd like to play, simply because these errors interrupts flow and fun. But I am aware they are just that, launch issues, so I'm patient and understanding of the fact that these issues are nearly unavoidable in some form or another when a MMO launches, but the amount I'm seeing is staggering.

    It feels as if I'm playing on a dial-up private server with quite a few faulty, wall-staring bots, in a generic FPS game.
  19. Orion ji

    this is why smart people wait to make technical purchases after a *waiting* period:
    1) so the tech company can find/fix issues based on the lemmings feedback
    2) to bathe in the tears of people who spend irl money on a fresh released f2p game :)
  20. d'Artagnan

    Not to be too negative, there are improvements every day. It went from completely and utterly broken server to a bad server. Keep the good work up but don't stop, it's still bad.