Briggs is stopping connections again

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. AltMelodium

    It's Dodo isn't it? :p
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  2. Heavyhitta


    Went out for a few hours for work, come back thinking this game must be fixed by now, and nope, Green play Button of DoOM.
    Holy hell......

    And then

  3. charliebrown_au

    I honestly dont know why they didnt just rent a server off Internodes game server system .
    Bet you 5 bucks they are using Testra Bigpond for the host.

    Im now getting :-

    It appears that we are having internal server issues or other problems that are preventing the LaunchPad from loading at this time. We really do apologize and hope to have the problem corrected shortly.
    If the problem persists, please contact Customer Support.
  4. dansk8drum

    People just need to chill, this stuff happens from time to time and its just unlucky that it has happened at release. SOE im sure are doing all they can to fix the problem but really if its the provider there is only so much they can do. There's no point being a keyboard warrior and being inpatient and stressing out, go outside, have a 2 day long fap, just do something to fill in the time cause really its not the end of the world guys. We're Aussies i thought we were more chill than this.
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  5. Hurracane

    Yeah Internode would have been the best choice. I used to be a Telstra Bigpond customer, and I never used to be able to connect to or any bigpond game servers, wtf aye? Now I'm with Optus and I can now connect to and it's servers, not that I want to now but whatever.. haha

    Dude, 2 days??? What are you into!
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  6. Twigifire

    I agree.

    Sure it annoying and stuff but really, there fixing it ASAP. What more can we ask for?
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  7. Nombringer

    I'm not annoyed at SOE specificly, I'm just worried what will happen to the AU servers population, I think providing some incentive for players to move back to AU, or allowing them to migrate their accounts would be something that is quite welcome
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  8. Blink

    I dont buy into all the "chill out" banter that I am reading on these forums. Epic fail of a release imo ... obviously things were not thoroughly prepared and we are on the end of it, once again.

    If there was even the slightest chance of this happening, or any other set of circumstances that would deny players access, then the "P2P" elements should have been delayed until it was sorted out. F2P I know, but the facts are MANY players would have already paid $40 for Alpha, subbed for a monthly to get XP boost and extra SC upon renewal, and bought and tried to spend additional SC.

    So, I completely understand the frustration, and even anger being expressed from a good percentage of the Aussie player base.
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  9. Maxi'sProteinPowder

    Just ******* great all i have played is a total 22mins in 2 days! Going home to just play TF2 all over again! FML
  10. GunSlingerAUS

    The people throwing temper tantrums because a FREE TO PLAY MMO is having a rough launch make me ashamed to be an Aussie. We're supposed to be a care-free, chilled out nation, yet the behaviour here makes so-called "whinging poms" look like utter gentlemen. I've spent $160 on this game (12 month sub + Alpha pack) yet I totally understand that launching an MMO of this nature is akin to landing a man on Mars, so I'm not harping on like a little brat. They're doing the best they can, sleeping 4 hours per night to resolve the issues, and communicating frequently to us - if you can't deal with it, go play something of a far less ambitious nature. Like Solitaire.
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  11. SKYeXile

    yea, exact same issues as yesterday, hit detection went all ****, attempt relog add cant reconnect. press play nothing happens
  12. Twist

    We have identified the issue with the ISP feed being used here - it will take a bit to resolve, but we're moving along as fast as we can. Hope to have it fixed shortly, then we will have one server update later on, and this should resolve the issues you are currently experiencing (including the stuck character problem).
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  13. Heavyhitta

    Twist who is the ISP out of Interest?
  14. Dexadrinne

    As a SHOW of good faith in the Aussie Community and any others been affected. Some sort of Recompense would be nice.
  15. Dexadrinne

    Well go live somewhere else then mate :)
  16. Rodriguez

    I'm with Telstra and experiencing these problems, for those who are curious as to who the provider is.
  17. Verjyina

    For all intensive porpoises i think you meant recompense.

    And has anyone else noticed the Briggs > Brig thing? As in Brig where you keep the criminals on a ship. With the server being down i have had time to think about these things.
  18. SKYeXile

    and now im getting random disconnects
  19. Faetan

    I am sorry it is not akin to landing a man on mars.
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  20. Kyorisu

    Intents and purposes mate. Meanwhile Briggs is just a name.

    I needed a good laugh. So you spent money on a product that you can't use but you're okay with that because of reasons? This has been a trend in recent years.

    But it's beta, but it's only just released, but it's fun.

    Ring a bell?
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