Very Low FPS - Unplayable

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Cydious, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Cydious


    My framerate is like 3 to 10 fps with low graphic option!
    When was in beta the FPs is at 50 to 80fps.

    I check my antivirus/firewall, install the new nvidia beta, install the game on SSD, but still the framerate issue :(

    My rigs:

    I7 3770k
    8go ram
    SSD win7 64bits
    SSd for games

    Am i alone to have this issue?
  2. Stalkz

    I had the same issue after playing fine at 150fps on low settings just yesterday.

    I5 2500K
    2x 1gb Nvidia 550TI GTX
    8gb 1666mhz Ram
    64bit Windows 7 Ultimate
  3. Cydious

    One more thing,

    when monitoring,

    i see my gpu Use only at 25% max !!
    I set in nvdia control panel on power usage max
  4. Cydious

    hi ;)

    can you tell me with gpu-z , your gpu status in game please?
  5. Rippy

    Try to delete the UserOptions.ini in the Planetside2 game directory. It will generate it once you log in again. It will default all Video and Audio settings.
  6. plat0nic

    Wait, so you have good fps yesterday and now today it's garbage? What changed?
  7. crazykiwi22

    I'm running a rig that I built 5 years ago and I'm getting the same performance as these high end rigs.... It's very strange how these top notch rigs are running poorly and these low end PC's run smoother. Compatibility issue?
  8. Cydious

    i'm giving a try now, will report in some minutes

    ty for responding
  9. Cydious

    Jesus!! it seems to work!!

    After erasing, my FPS is back 40 to 80fps with gpu charge uper than 50%!

    I'm going to try on more maps ang give feedbacks right after
  10. Cydious

    Strange is back.

    Test on:

    The eu miller server "heavy" - fps down to 5 - 10 fps - GPU charge at only 20%

    One of the New EU server "low-medium population" - fsp go up to 70 - gpu charge at 70%

    Maybe a server issue, but why no problem when was in beta?

    And when ingame i ask on chat how many fps the other player have, the most told me normal "fps 30 to 80"

    I m lost
  11. Icu-

    Good tip for you all though... is to change the render distance from 999999.00 to 1000... 20-30 fps gain. No loss in quality or draw distance.

    UserOptions.ini in the Planetside2 game directory
  12. Cydious

    I've tried your tips with no result :(

    II've uninstalled / reinstalled 2 times on ssd, clean everything with ccleaner.

    Beta was soooo smooth, i've pais alphasquad to support the game, very fustrating to have a big PC and can't play to this game!
  13. Uberplatypus

    Bump for justice. I'm experiencing random FPS drops from 40 - 50 to as low as 2-3 FPS every 10 seconds or so. Makes consistant play almost impossible. Really hope they get this thing optimized soon...
  14. nibew

    after checking config i saw i have
    render distance= -1.000000
  15. Hatamoto

    This works untill you get into a zerg fight up close with lots of buildings ... amp stations are very taxing
  16. Rippy

    Cydious you said deleting Useroptions.ini worked but then the problem came back? Did you change any of the settings before your preformance dropped again? You could try and eliminate one setting at a time (if something like shadows) are causing the problem.

    On another note did you try disabling HT in your BIOS?
  17. Baleur

  18. ErrantPilot34

    Possibly...I'm using a year old crap-top and get around 15-30 fps...I find it very funny but hope it gets fixed for everyone...
  19. Cydious

    Hi sorry to give false information,

    I'm just connecting tonight but the fps issue is still there, .ini erase or not!

    Why false information, because i've tested on a low popupaltion server, when having nobody on screen, my fps going to 80fp whit gpu charge at 70% "medium level detail"
    But when theres some players "more than 10" my fps drop immediatly at 5 with gpu charge at only 15%!!!!

    With a cpu at 4.4ghz "charge at 38%" and a gtx 680 why the game are not charging my GPU? it's like a CPU bottleneck, very strange?

    You're talking about HT, do you think the issue is coming from this, seems to me crazy to just deactivate this cpu function for this game only?

    Ty for helping
  20. TehGuy

    My guess is that SOE's focusing on optimizing the lower end of the market so they can get the beef of the F2Pers going before focusing on everyone else