SC unlocks not account-based?!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by disky00, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Makaron

    Well that's arguable, since you can unlock these things with ingame points as well. You don't really have to buy them.
    Booster and cosmetics can only be bought with real cash.
  2. Tribu

    Well you would have all vehicle guns for example unlocked to every faction, Thus if you unlock them with cert it should ither work the same or theres a problem. But i dont see the problem if you have to progress trough the guns individualy charater based. But if you do buy them with money its insane to ask to pay for each char you make or play. If you have alredy buyed them once.
  3. Tribu

    Exactly but i think that what is not buyable infame money should be account wide atleast. Guns ofc id prefer to have all my guns unlocked account wide but would it be fair?
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  4. Kantsler

    and how much money did u spend on the game already good and wise sir?
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  5. Kantsler

    also what is wrong with the shop. they give every empire exactly the same things to buy (cosmetic wise) every one have the skull helm.. why? give us empire unique stuff for better or worse its still feels like we have some thing that other empires dont have.
  6. ArcaneGuardian

    4,000 SC? Or right around.

    Because the game just launched. They'll make more. This isn't a game where everything is at the start and you're done like most others. We'll be getting constant updates. That's one of the MAJOR appeals.
  7. Tribu

    Thats like not much i sprent 20k SC and this not beeing account wide is kinda a suprice! You totaly got your moneys worth in Alpha squad eaven without the money. And all the guns are account wide thus indicating other purhcases also work like that but they dont.
  8. SolLeks

    I never expected the items to be account wide, hell, guild wars does it the same way that SOE does it here, as well as many more games.

    Would it be nice for the SC unlocked items to be account bound? yes. do i expect this ever happening? No.
  9. Superman_X

    The only thing account wide is the monthly sub. If you are going to be bouncing around, this is a better bang for your buck.
  10. Tribu

    Also Alpha squad is account wide. THEY SHOULD ATLEAST STATE THIS FACT somewhere that other purchases aint.
  11. Setsuna

    Oh god. I just wasted 2000+ SC on a US server while waiting for the Australian server to come online. I wouldn't be angry if the game actually *informed* us that purchases were limited to server/character/whatever. But now I feel like i've wasted the SC.
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  12. Bluetruth

    I agree with the original poster. If people are buying stuff for their characters they should be account-wide unlocks. I don't mind if the weapons don't unlock across sides, but come on. If I buy something on the Vanu Sovereignty with SC, I should be able to carry that over to every other server if I were to make a new character.

    I don't mind buying a server change though, but I don't see an option for that.
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  13. Cypherus

    I believe that if you pay real world money for something cosmetic or a weapon, it should unlock for that faction on any server. People rarely stay on one server their whole life cycle with a game. SOE should either make SC unlocks account wide for that faction, or let you transfer characters to other servers with all unlocks intact. They can provide this and still make a generous profit margin while keeping their customers happy.
  14. TSR-MattG Customer Service

    We appreciate the feedback given in this thread immensely.

    I can confirm at least that PlanetSide 2 follows the same model as all our other Free to Play offerings, wherein items purchased for a character with Station Cash are intended to be only for the character purchased on - and from a player's perspective, once you have tons of certs and a high BR, you'll probably be sticking to a single character, so you might not view this as negatively at that point. However I can understand for the first few days, you'll likely be jumping around a bit to find a server and faction that's to your liking.

    Being that I am a tech support rep, I really have no control over the implementation of purchasing/how it works, but I will forward this thread up the chain of command so it will be seen. Can't make any promises about a change, but I will see that this is looked at.
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  15. Makaron

    Much appreciated! Thanks!
  16. Cypherus

    Thank you. It is nice to see that our opinions are heard.
  17. Tharkis

    The big issue is. It's not the same model as SOE's other games, all of SOEs games use a different model. In DCUO if you buy a style, i'ts an account wide unlock for any characters. In EQ2 items hare heirloom so while you may only have one of that item, you can trade it to your other characters. Each game deals with it in a different manner. The real problem is there is NO INFORMATION anywhere that actually TELLS you that it is an unlock only for the single character that you are currently playing. The whole way that the in game station cash store in PS2 is set up, there is no indication anywhere at all that items you buy are NOT account based, and lacking that information anywhere in the entire store, it's no wonder that a very very large percentage of the population would have the perception that the unlocks were account based.

    This is particularly true of people who play DCUO, or for that matter people who play TF2 or other FPS games where all their microtransaction unlocks are account based. If the items stated in their description "Unlocks the xxx camo style for your current character" then the whole perception is entierly different.

    The SC Marketplace in PS2 is very NON intuitive, and even basic information is hidden away, such as the fact that to even see what's inside one of the "bundles" you have to click the "buy it now" button and then cancel the confirmation to buy it just to see what it is that you would be buying. These are very very basic problems but we were not allowed to access / test the SC store / interfaces during beta, and now they've become large issues in the way that the information is presented (or NOT presented as the case may be)

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  18. TSR-MattG Customer Service

    I can certainly sympathize with your situation, and apologize for any inconvenience suffered by the implementation of marketplace services as it stands at this time.

    I've done what I can by escalating the threads regarding this to our management team, and while I can't promise change I can certainly promise it will be looked at and considered by the folks in charge.
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  19. RyanMDanks

    I did the same to the Planetside 2 Twitter, and was ignored. There is even a conversation going on in the tweet thread, but no PS2 response.
  20. RyanMDanks

    Sorry, I responded to the thread before reading all the way through.

    Thanks for responding MattG!