Sigh....P2W is here

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShakareeNC, Nov 20, 2012.

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  1. ManualReplica

    There are no reductions, only increases.
  2. Peng

    Pay to win my ***, even during beta I got more gameplay out of this game than I have of many $60 games. So If I pay $60 unlocking stuff then ill break even for what I feel this game would of been worth for me to pay off the bat.

    You guys complaining that they gave incentive to go buy stuff with cash are ridiculous, sure it's free to play and you can unlock anything in the game through playing it but this game costed a lot of money to make don't be surprised when they give advantages for buying stuff.

    You can always wait for a triple station cash day.
  3. Ticee

    That is the original blatant way of looking at it anyways.. But words and definitions change as the world does around it. Companies aren't blind, they know if they do that and get branded pay2win, people will hate on it, so they find ways to circumvent that, for instance by making it technically possible to acquire things in-game, but making it take so ridiculously long that most people would end up buying it anyways.

    You're a good example of why they're doing it that way (along with many others of course), they get fans both paying and claiming at the same time that it's totally not necessary and totally not pay2win. It's a win win situation for the devs.
  4. MikeJCMindhunt

    There is no free, it will cost you so SICK CRAZY amount of time that you end up forced to pay or spend 1year/weapon .
    And there is the Powercreep, so dont be suprised if there will be prices like 1500 and 2000
  5. Jestunhi

    You think it's better to make up your own definition of a term and demand that developers adhere to your definition?

    Guess what? People are going to stop playing PS2. People are going to say it sucks. It's not going to appeal to everyone, because no game can.

    In a few weeks time the servers will be filled with people who bought their unlocks with certs and this whole argument will blow over.


    And of course the purpose is for the devs to get paid.

    This game is F2P, do you think servers are free? Or bandwidth? Or support staff, developers, designers, etc, etc?

    If they can encourage people to pay, without giving them power out of reach of the free players, then they are doing it right in my eyes.
  6. Kelderan

    You can always drop 700 SC on a new gun. Really, assuming it's USD, you'd be dropping more than $7 on a game in general, and to get your optimum Max loadout, worth it. I did for the dual anti-air and it was worth every penny. Sure, in a few weeks everyone will have it, but I've got a medic spec to start dumping points into, my Max buys are just for added fun =)
  7. Crator

    This is the Free-to-Play model. Many games are adopting it. Also, I think SOE is being fair with costs for non-paying players. There has to be some sort of incentive for the things that are put in the shop for players that do have money to pay for it. The game is fun, even without the goodies they offer in it. People will play it regardless. At least that's the hope here.
  8. Xenoclix

    I see alot of "F2P" models going towards, not moreso Pay 2 Win, but Time 2 Win. You get alot more stuff that makes things easier and or faster to get rather than not paying at all.

    I personally dont have a problem with it, providing there is still abit of balance between paying to get it quicker rather than taking a ridiculous amount of time to get.

    There has to be a reasonable amount of time to make it a benefit to purchase the increase of time to get something, compared to getting it yourself.
  9. RobotNinja

    Players who want to shell out the extra cash could in theory purchase every weapon in the game right off the bat, but even though you can spend hundreds of dollars on weapons, you can't equip hundreds of dollars of weapons at once. Also, you still have to grind non-weapon unlock certs just like everyone else. Everyone who wants a certain weapon will save their certs for whatever weapons they want in their order of preference and soon enough everyone will have whatever weapons fit their playstyle.

    And unlike pretty much every other single online F2P FPS out there, there are no exclusive cash shop weapons that make everyone else's default weapons look like water pistols. And best of all there is no damn rent system. Once you buy a weapon and unlock it on your character, it's yours and it's unlocked forever. What F2P FPS games with a cash shop business model do you know that are better than that?
  10. IronWarrior

    You gotta be stupid to pay £8 for a second burster weapon since AA weapons are naffed beyond reason.
  11. Idono

    You really need to learn the actuall meaning of P2W. PS2 is far from being P2W. They don't offer weapons that are horribly unbalanced that only paying customers get. You can actually get the weapons either by grinding alot or paying for them. And you have to understand that this is the F2P model way. Large grinds for 1 item, level, skill and so on. This is how MMOs were back in the day befor you casual started roling out and wanted fast rewards. Some of us actually enjoy having longer grinds because it makes everything about the gameplay itself and not the horrible "want no items" grind that every game seems to have now.
  12. Kediec

    Already made 100 certs ... not really that hard to save up for the 1000 cert weapons . Seriously , game isn't meant to be " completed " overnight .
    The cert prices are designed so you are made to specialise , if you want to be a jack of all trades , you gotta stick with the starter weapons and use the certs to enhance your abilities instead .
  13. Ticee

    I'm not saying it's either right or wrong, and I don't say the devs don't need to be paid.. What I'm saying is that the way they get paid is essentially pay2win, to cut it short. And yes that's the way of f2p.. So why try to deny it? I mean that's just what this thread is about after all, nothing personal :p
  14. Obscura

    Yep 1000 cert points for a burster arm and many weapons rediculous, I'm not going to play pay2win if I have to grind my *** off for 12+ hours to get one weapon I want.
  15. Jestunhi

    But only by your personal definition of pay 2 win...
  16. Obscura

  17. Seafort

    They also doubled the certs to acquire the items as well. So it kinda cancels out the doubled cert gain when they made the items twice as expensive.
  18. ImGladUmad

    Pay 2 win?.....I own people fine with my regular LMG.

    I do admit that if you suck in the game, ur not gonna make fast certs like people who are good......

    Just today, I played around 3-4 hours and got 170 certs I think.....Thats pretty good.
  19. Jestunhi

    The net effect of the price changes and xp requirements to unlock a cert point was it becoming 30% quicker to unlock something.
  20. TheBull

    Yep for the first 30 days it's pay to win lol. After that not in the slightest.
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