[Suggestion] BAN reqursion softwhere

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by shoguncawwill, Jun 3, 2023.

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  1. shoguncawwill

    i know that ill will get heat for this but under the dmca this is a violation of federal copyright as such you have also have a run away copy right away from rogue plaint games . so that is out of the way the files that you think are just a overlay.

    as such while installing modifies the game codex to run on more then a single core of any processer that have been released in the last 10 years. in 2015 is when you had your copyright runaway when you allowed the software to be approved as such.

    i think its time to remove it as if you have seen people that use it is given a unfair advantage. you can see this in a lot of videos that use this program to do the imposable with imposable inputs like climbing a wall to a roof .

    i have tryed to recreate the actions that use the software it cant be done.
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  2. Somentine

    This is your fourth thread. I used to think you were just trolling, but now I'm certain you're just a moron.

    2. https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps...unity-gideline-voilation.260770/#post-3590601
    3. https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/buying-recursion-overlay-pro.260599/
    4. https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/cfaa-and-why-it-must-be-descussed.260012/


    Not a copyright infringement.


    The only thing it does is givs a crosshair, stat overlay, and audio for events; wall jumping has nothing to do with Recursion.

    Skill or hardware/graphic settings issue.
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  3. shoguncawwill

    i use potato settings on a 5900x amd with a 2060 10gb

    Digital Millennium Copyright Act dos not allow for this program to be used at all.
  4. shoguncawwill

    after reviewing a ton of videos with the use of the overlay and the snapping and the un human like elements i bleave a side loaded head shot program or even it to be built in to the overlay
  5. Somentine

    Skill issue then.

    Has literally nothing to do with it.

    The only thing that's loaded here is you, whether it be of drink or bs, the answer doesn't matter as the result is the same.

    Try again, maybe in a fifth thread?
  6. shoguncawwill

    17 U.S. Code § 1201 - Circumvention of copyright protection systems a and b violations at the cost of membership to the recursion overlay pro at 10 dollars a monthly fee.. yes I found domination of this
  7. Somentine

    No you didn't, try again.
  8. shoguncawwill

    Somentine stop acting like a mod or even a member of daybrake games and or rogue planet games
  9. Somentine

    Cry more.
  10. 23rd enigma

    Which videos? Link the ones you reviewed.
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