[Suggestion] Stop Forcing us to play on least liked continent!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by plat0nic, Mar 10, 2019.

  1. plat0nic

    I don't know if someone at Daybreak is feeling sadistic but why on earth are we being locked to Hossin so much lately, or ever? It is the least enjoyed continent by a long shot, I have never been in a platoon that doesn't all run away screaming the moment that another cont opens up, and yet we are being locked to it constantly, especially as of late.

    Hossin should never be the only choice at least not for very long. I understand that we can only have 1 cont for lower pops but when that is the case it should never be hossin because there's a growing population of players who would just rather not play at all than be forced to play on a continent that is so much less fun than the other ones to them. The end result is that those players are logging in less and less frequently because Hossin regularly is coming up as the only open continent and that further drops the pops, scaring more people off and so on.

    The best thing you could do would be to have Hossin only open up when the pop is such to support 2 open cont. outside of that it should be locked down for the rest of the time.
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  2. Trebb

    Concur 100% with this. I think we just have bad timing. After logging in a few days in a row, each time it was ONLY HOSSIN. I asked in Outfit if it's always like this, and they said no. But I'm not going to stick around for an hour in the hopes that another continent *might* open up.
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  3. Demigan

    Its because people dislike it.

    If enough people are online a second continent is opened up. But when Hossin comes around people leave and that threshold is passed causing one continent to close. Since people dont like Hossin it remains open for longer and with fewer players.

    This is one reason why they shouldnt add more continents, it'll just make people have stronger likes and dislikes for continents, causing mass player disconnects whenever a disliked continent comes around. Improving current continents, making fights more unique in how it develops, allowing players to build connections to other bases etc.
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  4. JibbaJabba

    Hossin is my FAVORITE continent.

    Newer players utterly hate it though and I can see why.

    It's very challenging for ground vehicles. There are few places where vehicles can operate like uncontested kings like they do on say Northern Indar. Similarly the ground/air and air/ground games become much more complex and challenging.

    Night time gets much darker, and new players see this as a hinderance rather than something they can use to advantage.

    Construction bases aside, the remaining bases are unique and navigating them can be challenging for the unfamiliar player.

    Instead of running from it, maybe try embracing it?
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  5. TR5L4Y3R

    yea i hate amerish too ... oh you mean hossin ... alright :/

    also lol the irony ... let´s leave that map .. so it it stays on longer ..
    oh here is the alert to finaly lock it .. ends in a draw ... fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ...!!!! xD
  6. TR5L4Y3R

    they still need to decrease the amount of time one continent is active .. with the ammount of events and downtime between events and the meltdown alert people just spend way too long on one ..
    imo a continent should be locked even with a draw or maybe even add a sudden deathmechanic to the meltdown maybe even similar to BR/last man standing were redeploy and respawing is locked and people have to get to the center of a map (of course anyone that died can play on the next open continent)
    but a continent shouldn´t be active for more than 3 to 4 hours max ..
  7. DarkStarAnubis

    It is a classic catch 22 situation.

    People log in and see Hossin and think "I hate the place... I'Lll be back when something else is online." so nobody plays and Hossin stays forever.

    DBG should make continents stay more or less depending on the overall pop.

    If too low for enough time then open another continent.

    Conversely, with a lot of pop on the same continent, it should remain open longer because people like it obviously.
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  8. PlanetBound

    Implement a vote to change when population is at a certain level.
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  9. Crash Bandicoot

    It's true that the last few days I find myself playing on Hossin and Esamir way too much. I haven't played on Indar for a relatively long time. I play on Cobalt.
  10. WinterAero

    Release Oshur, retire Hossin for revamp. Job done.
  11. FredM

  12. TR5L4Y3R

  13. strikearrow

    I literally end up logging off for days, if I login and see Hossin as the only cont. available. I play several other games and I'm not going to play what I dislike. Period.
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  14. TR5L4Y3R

    funny, the last days i played on cobalt i got into any continent .. esamir was the least for me ..
    and i mostly play late night ..
  15. Exitus Acta Probat

    I agree, I hate being forced to play on Indar all the time

    I would like to play on my favorite continent Hossin for a change instead of Indar, Indar, Indar all the damn time

    Please DB retire Indar that lame old continent until it can be revamped
  16. Silkensmooth

    Hossin is my favorite continent too!

    Best infantry fighting.

    Best place to fly.

    Least amount of vehicle spam.

    Agree that continents should rotate faster though.

    The time a continent is open should be a non-integer also, so that the rotation isnt the same all of the time.
  17. Gustavo M

    Just play another game if you dislike a (certain continent) that much.
  18. Eternaloptimist

    Hossin does seem to get a lot of exposure atm (although it could just be coincidence of what times I play). I grit my teeth and play Hossin now and it is not so bad for visibility as it used to be. However, making it less of a PITA for even infantry to move about might help as well as finishing off some things (like flat top mesas with no ground vehicle or foot access). The big bases can be good fun to fight over but those small clone bases (like the alpha to epsilon bases) are just dull imho

    My dislikes are the greater tendency than on other continents to get killed at long range by people I never even see (and not just infils either), plus the appearance that Hossin seems to be dominated by fights between 1-12 member squads of MLGs.
  19. Crash Bandicoot

    It's because you played late night I guess. I played mostly prime time.
  20. AlcyoneSerene

    I like Hossin, and hope to see more continents like it since it complements more flat or open scenery like Indar and Esamir.

    Diversity keeps games fun and interesting, just like truly dark nights which were nerfed no thanks to those who are content to play the same thing over and over only to quit "because there's no new content."