Scythe questions from a beginner

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Xx_bundy_xX, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. Xx_bundy_xX

    Hey all, I was wondering if you could help me out?

    Recently I bought the light PPA, and i found out it is very bad against air due to its velocity.. I would like to become better against air, and buy a secondary Scythe weapon like for example the photon pods or the coyotes.. Which one offers the best anti aircraft (reavers&mosquitos) capabilities?

    Or should i stick with the afterburner, and purchase vehicle speed upgrade so ill just flight when taking damage?
  2. Skraggz

    For ppa my go to is either coyotes or 80/70 tanks. With the coyotes you will be able to some what fend of air, though I suggest turning off whispers as the salt flows rampant when using them. If your a decent pilot, you will not over extend from your Frontline allowing tanks to be more useful. You can get in a base kill a few and dip out, usually able to outrun lock ons. If another esf chases you can usually shake most of them running back to your line and flying through trees and the sort.

    Although I'm by no means an ace so take my comment lightly.
  3. Halkesh

    I take racer with my fuel tanks so I can escape ESF more reliably.
  4. Skraggz

    I can't, I like the agility of hoverframe. Makes base farming better, reverse flying, and hard banking on corners. Also it's not to slow if you tilt downward and use the thrust as a part of momentum. But to each their own, I still can't figure out a spot for dogfighter though.