Healing / Repairing should be out of combat

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by pnut, Jun 30, 2018.

  1. pnut


    Make healing out of combat - Medic needs to be outside of combat for 10 seconds to heal/revive

    Make repairing of vehicles out of combat - engineer and vehicle need to both be out of combat for 10 seconds for the engineer to repair it

    Or something along those lines.

    Healing/repairing while you're being shot just doesn't make sense to me.

    Well if your suggestion was implemented HA would gain another buff by nerfing the rest.
    Lorewise it makes sense as you are a nanite body, else why makes it sense to revive someone who got blown up by C4?
    Healing with med kits makes you put your gun away, restoration kit can be in principle the same and healing aura does not heal that much, if not carapace you won't get that much out of it.
    Repairing out of combat, mhh Nerf for Valk and even better harassar, which can already only repair with 25% speed or do a full stop to rep. Nah not worth it.
  3. Twin Suns

    Scratch the Military from you're job options. They need people with a lot of sense. Might I recommend gUber. o7
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  4. Doc Jim

    I like that we can heal/repair while taking fire, keep this part of the game as it is. Thanks.
  5. Halkesh

    That's basically what nanite autorepair and regeneration implant are for : a passive heal / repair outside of combat.
    If you also make active heal / repair only work outside of combat, this mean you have to use a part of your time to do something other can do without wasting time.

    I do like the fact you can repair / heal during combat, just note in general damage the target faster than it heal / repair. If you can't destroy a sunderer with your MBT, maybe it's because there are more than 4 engineer behind it.
  6. PlanetBound

    pnut, here's a useful rule of thumb: If it isn't working, try something else.
  7. FateJH

    In Planetside Classic, "out of combat" essentially meant THAT the target of heal or of repair and the actor doing the healing or the repairing had to be relatively stationary. It still had medkits (ones used for small heals and could be used in the middle of combat) and a regeneration implant (that worked as long as the player had the stamina to burn) but use of the healing tool (Medical Applicator) and the repairing tools (BANK and Nano-dispenser) and the automatic repair of the facility silos had to be performed while motionless. Shuffle and it cancels the process. Would that be an acceptable interpretation?
  8. Xebov

    Completely out of combat would greatly buff Air vehicles because you cant realy get into much cover and Air vs Ground vehicles would result in Air vehicles having a much easier stay.

    What you could try to do is forcing players to be relatively stationary (no more bunny hopping medics). But this also might have sideeffects.
  9. OldMaster80

    I can agree, to some extent.
    But imo it makes even less sense that we just recharge our ammo running over ammo boxes. I would like to have to physically pick them up.
  10. Silkensmooth

    I'd like to see repair under fire cut in half but not eliminated.

    It IS stupid that we are sitting over a sunderer with a shredder and 2 guys are outrepairing our dps.

    Same for us in the lib, if an ESF is killing us we just land and outrepair his damage.

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  11. LaughingDead

    The only time this is really an issue is when it’s a lib or buss out repping their “counters”. If I am an ESF that got your lib to buring through a hard fought duel, I should not be **** on when you can just pop 3 engies out and rep that ******* lib.

    If I am an MBT designed and built specifically to murder armor I should not be outrepped by 4 bumpkins with a repair gun on the other side of the damn bus. There should be ways to disable repairing or limit is so people can’t just make one vehicle a god for a long duration of time.
  12. LtBomber

    If you are facing problems with multiple Engies repairing, kill the engies first! They dont hold a gun, tremble in fear cycling around and are exposed. I usually relax and grind XP
  13. Diilicious

    people getting outplayed not wanting to get out played.
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  14. Xebov

    Thats why repair guns have overheat. Also what do you expect. If a tank atatcks a sundy and 4 engies rep it you are facing a 1 vs 4 situation. You cant expect to simply beat a bigger amount of players simply like that.
  15. LaughingDead

    You can easily double tap E on the terminal to refresh it, do not tell me that you never can do that when terminals are conveniently on both sides of the bus to use as cover. Secondly, No, if you have a counter, it should not matter how many people are repping it at once, you should be able to kill the bus and the surplus people rep tanking it should be trying to remove the tank killing it, otherwise it's just stagnant onesided gameplay in favor of the infantry; instead of countering they can simply rep all the damage away safe behind a wall of metal, meantime the tank who's job is to kill said buses simply gets a salvo of terminal refresh decimators.
  16. Sir Sovereign

    If that were really the case, then sunderers would be invincible.

    You see... In the game I play, sunderers are pretty big targets and are easily taken down by just a few people even with a few people defending. Even with full armor upgrades, a light assault and one heavy can take down a sundie pretty quick. One tank with one person in it can take down a sunderer pretty quick with only one person defending it/repairing it, but again if you're complaining that a tank with a single person in it can't take down a sunderer with multiple people defending then you're asking for unbalance in a single tank's favor. Jumping out of a vehicle to repair during combat and sitting next to a vehicle that explosives are being fired at is super risky for engineers.
  17. LtBomber

    Best attack a sundi from the front or behind if deployed. That way it provides less cover, denys the terminal and make engies stick together. Nice effect is you effectivly spawnkill (basically remove the sundi from the game), splash and kill the engie crowd and have somtimes only one gun fireing at you, depending on the angles.
    Also shoot under the sundi and suprise repair engies with a nice blast in the leg. If you realy cant kill it, because of counterrep, dirve up und suicide mine it, hardly stoppable if the focus on repairing and leave one flank open
  18. Xebov

    Thats not how balance works. If the players repair it you have to either have teammates killing them off or you have to get more tanks. Its a simple numbers game. You are the counter against teh Sundy and teh Engi is the counter against your dmg.
  19. LaughingDead

    No, just stupidly annoying to kill, much how people thought the skyguard couldn't kill anything except in mass.

    That seems like a contradiction. So this big massive target isn't defended well. More like people chose not to defend it or pay attention to it. This is not the situation I am talking about. If you defended your sundi and it still popped, that's a shame, I'm talking about over saturation.

    I've already claimed C4 is stupid, you choosing not to specify either by C4 or by rockets simply makes it an open statement. A flash can kill a bunch of infantry quickly, but what weapon am I talking about? Ramming? Kobalt? Renegade?
    Sure, they can kill it quickly with C4 but otherwise I find this highly unlikely.

    Now you're trying to put words in my mouth. I said tank, if I said lightning or MBT sure, it would have different inclinations, but let's say I do have the most optimal picks of either, why the **** would it matter. I said a tank should not be hard countered by repairing, I never said it shouldn't be defended against. If you had 2 engineers you already have enough people to out repair half the lightnings arsenal, all single gun MBTs that aren't the prowler are also nullified because you can simply refuel rep tools at the sunderer you're defending. If I had a full MBT specced out for anti-armor then I get out repped by 4-5 engineers, then what? It's supposed to be this stupid stalemate? That they can simply choose to not fight at all? That's stupid game design. If you're defending, you should be forced to do more than just stand there and hold M1, you should be forced to retroactively kill said tanks that are trying to kill your resources, but instead you are telling me that these engineers are engineers and therefore should be able to rep tank everything in the game.

    Oh **** me right, I mean I get an optimal tool for the job, sue me for actually thinking it would ******* work. I'm so sorry I went against this grey paste we call balance in which all things should do all things equally to the point I have no right picking more than one ******* weapon. /s

    Now how the ****, is it justified that 1 guy can take 2 bricks of C4 and kill over half the vehicles in the game instantly, when most of said vehicles are multiple crewed? How exactly am I ever suppose to fight a zerg in which they have severe numbers advantage? Am I supposed to roll over and give up? Oh maybe quit playing the underpopped faction! Is that right?
    You're telling me that just because there is more than one person defending one bus that should completely nullify that I have a counter for said bus. In which I must add, why the **** do we even have vehicles in the first place if that's the case.

    Sitting next to a spawning point for heavies that carry launchers that do the same damage as tank turrets against engineers that have baseline flak 5 which nullify's the tank's one shell and then allows said engineer to simply touch the equipment panel of said sunderer for full shields to ********* even more shells. If you're trying to tell me this is risky, it isn't, I've been on the infantry side of that fight plenty of times, mostly winning and killing said tank. Tanking a flak 5 heavy with launcher at range and pissing off every vehicle within 400 meters. Surviving shells and killing tanks, redeploying as soon as they got too close or I ran out of rockets. Because that's totally fair.

    Thanks echo chamber.

    If balance is purely by numbers alone, we'd have literally nothing but zergs. We have squads that kill said zergs but they're being more and more cycled out because more and more nerfs target them and killing vehicles with vehicles, so zergs continue take a good 4-6 territories uncontested, new players think that this is a waiting game, get bored and leave in that way.

    So thanks echo chamber.