[Suggestion] Threat detection buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BlackHandCommando, May 3, 2018.

  1. BlackHandCommando

    Hey all,

    so the topic was discussed a year ago in this threat with no conclussion:


    I want to revive this topic, since I have the feeling there is no reason whatsoever to use Threat detection in vehicles. My Idea is to hightlight explosive weapons like launchers and rocket guns in a certain range, since they actually pose a threat to vehicles.

    How is your opinion?
  2. adamts01

    We deserve a refund.
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  3. BlackHandCommando

    This change was made like a year ago, there will be not refund, but currently the Threat detection isnt attractive either.
  4. GekkoGames

    Tbh they could have just removed it from the game, MBTs and co are not so hard to miss... Did Infantryside cry too much or why did they remove thermal optics?
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  5. BlackHandCommando

    I think the reasoning behind it was the use-case for thermal optics. Especially aircraft used it for really easy farming of infantry, ground vehicles too ofcourse. I mean I would love to have it back too, but im trying to take a accomodating approach here. Just make Threat detection somehow usefull again. Or remove it, thinking about your suggestions its not too far from a good idea in its current state.
  6. Eternaloptimist

    IDK the reason but thermals were often accused of being used for infantry farming.
  7. MuggieWara

    Lets be honest guys,the change was warranted.It was ridiculously easy to farm infantry with thermals.There is no debate about this.

    I say leave it as it is.Its still useful for ground vehicle vs ground vehicle combat.
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  8. BlackHandCommando

    Why would you ever use this instead of a proper zoom in ground vs ground vehicle fights? Maybe we got a different playstyle, but thats a serious question.
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  9. MuggieWara

    Close range oriented gameplay.Vulcan harasser( or equivalent),fire suppresion/vulcan gunner prowler(or equivalent),battle sundys with basilisks, aggressive lightning play.I also use it on Needler/Tankbuster for a quick check for vehicles.Also i STRONGLY recommend using it on all secondary guns of MBTs if you are communicating with your gunner.Special mention of Hossin.It saves lives.

    In all the situations above,threat detection optics will give you that extra few seconds of awareness advantage which will make all the difference with equally skilled opposition.
  10. GekkoGames

    IDK at the start of this Game everything felt Powerfull in its specific role, but nowadays everything feels(and got at some point) nerfed... Burster Max, Lolpods, RL range,Fury, Shotguns, c4 (not yet but nerf is comming (again))... having a lot of strong (and kinda broken) Tools makes a Sandbox game fun to play.
  11. Campagne

    I don't know if you're being sarcastic, but yes. The optics that made everything super dark with the sole exception of infantry were used to farm infantry. :p
  12. raffa2

    Currently the threat detection is 100% useless, it should be removed or changed to a significant way.
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  13. Halkesh

    TDO used to detect muzzle flash, but the buff to flash supressor made this optic useless. So why not make TDO highligjt infantry if some condition are met ?

    -Infantry that fire will be highlighted during 4 sec (high visibility during 1sec then low visibility for 3 sec)

    -Infantry without AV weapon (count C4 as an AV weapon) won't be highlighted.
    -Infantry with these weapons in their loadout but not equipped will be slightly highlighted (or at close range only)
    -Infantry with these weapons in their hand will be fully highlighted.
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  14. BlackHandCommando

    I actually like both of them.
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