New secondary slot weapons screw over infilitrators

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpeedFreakPS0NE, Apr 10, 2018.

  1. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    As predicted I run into numerous people now equipping shotgun, smg secondaries running darklight, good job DBG as usual you don't think this crap through.
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  2. Demigan

    I think you are just trying to blame someone for your deaths.

    It's like people going nuts about Carapace on Medics, every time they die to one they blame the Carapace while in reality they wouldn't have won that particular battle either way and they don't notice the times they win from Carapace because they don't see what implants the opponent is wearing then.

    Here's a hint on how ASP perks work btw:
    You have things that offer versatility and you have things that offer a power change.

    Weapons in your secondary slot offer versatility, rather than power. You can potentially get power out of it through lucrative switching but on the whole this won't be giving you power.
    Getting weapons your class doesn't have access to is a power change. The Medic barely has any use for Carbines because he's already got AR's, the Engineer on the other hand can make good use of LMG's and have a better or at least different firepower than with just Carbines because of it.

    So if you get killed by shotgun/SMG secondaries running a Darklight. Sucks to be you! Darklights are shortranged and with a tiny tubular vision on your screen, and you still get caught by them without escaping or retaliating first? I'm sorry but the faults with you, not the Darklight Secondaries.
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  3. Lord_Avatar

  4. Eternaloptimist

    I haven't levelled a toon to BR100 yet but I am looking forward to running a shotgun secondary myself. I am disappointed that my infil stalkers still can't equip a second pistol (I'd like to switch between long range Blackhand and something for close engagements.

    I was also interested in stalker with carbine but I can see that would be a bit unbalancing. So my stalker infils got a more powerful Blackhand for long range shooting (out of effective range of shotguns and darklights) and sticky 'nades. More situational than running a second primary weapon but not entirely useless by any means.
  5. Zak Preston

    Where is infiltrator's versatility with ASP? Sticky grenades? I can definitely tell that I've noticed quite a bunch of combat engies with shotguns in the pockets + battle or assault rifles in primary. Also there are plenty of heavies with jackhammers. I'm really glad that heavies, engies, LAs, and to lesser extend medics got more or less viable versatility options , but devs DON'T EVEN HAVE IDEAS for future infils' ASP perks!!! I mean come on: we were treated like third class rubbish already and slapped in the face with the ASP patch, so throw us a bone: share some insight on what we may get later!

    On the other hand, not a big %% of players have unlock ASP, so the problem is not that huge. Still I expect a sh1tstorm rise when more ppl get to br100 and\or grind that 10k certs for f2p acceess to ASP.
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  6. FateJH

    Tell you what. If you feel your current Infiltrator ASP conditions are unfair, you can trade options with the MAX.
  7. That_One_Kane_Guy

    Infiltrators are tied with Heavy Assault for the most lethal anti-infantry class in the game. We are already in a really good spot as it stands right now, so claiming that we are third-class rubbish isn't really fair.

    As it stands the onus is on the infiltrator to position themselves properly before initiating combat due to their reduced durability and the specialization (SMG/Sniper/Pistol) of their weapon set. An infil's window where they are truly lethal is very specific, adding new weapons like carbines expands this window drastically, because it is much easier for me to get into the "No-Escape-Zone" of a target with a Lynx than an Armistice. it's disappointing, but I can see why it was removed.

    For me personally, I wouldn't mind getting secondary auto-scout rifles since most people seem to be under the false assumption that they are bad, but you can't give secondary weapons to infiltrators because of Stalker cloak as it stands due to coding reasons. I say this because of the way Stalker cloak doesn't actually disable specific weapons from the class, but disables the entire primary slot. So it may not actually be as easy to segregate weapons from sub-classes as we think.

    I think it is more likely that we will get perks to improve/expand hacking, detection, or evasion, but what form those may take I have no idea.
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    Hey all look:

    How about the Infiltrator gets a 2times bigger magazine for his pistol as a perk?
    That would be balanced and not op.
  9. Halkesh

    How about ammo belt as an extra suit ?
  10. Zak Preston

    MAXes are technically vehicles.

    HAs are much more common than CQC infils (sniper infils are not taken into account anyway). Still, HAs got quite a decent ASP unlock for pocket heavy weapons.

    Just imagine any AAA MMO-project suddenly released an update for all classes but one. Just imagine a new expansion for WoW where Rogues got nothing.
  11. Demigan

    I think you are a little confused, with Infiltrators being arguably the best class in the game and taking at least the second spot since the HA is far easier to milk that power. Stickies for Infils is a pretty good one, the problem is that it's limited due to the amount of stickies you can carry at any one time which means you see far fewer and EMP's are damn good. Also currently you'll designate any and all primaries with a darklight as a secondary regardless of this being true or not so there's that.

    As for future ASP perks, why are you complaining about it? You could be giving them idea's. Although considering your track record so far you would ask for something OP like SMG's in the secondary (imagine Stalkers with SMG's, waaay to powerful). That's the exact reason why the Infiltrator is so hard to create a good ASP perk for, as even a versatility perk would improve the firepower of the Stalker. How about these things:
    - Vehicle theft. You can now steal unmanned and undeployed vehicles (so no deployed Sundies). This should really be available to anyone. Upon theft, the vehicle undergoes a full makeover in color.
    - Medgun. You get access to a Medgun for stealth medic duties.
    - Stalker's primary slot is unlocked but only allows a pistol to be used there.
    - Rocklet Rifle in primary slot. Gives the Infil a little AV punch, while the potential for a one-salvo-kill is there it is easier to just shoot someone and knife them quickly.
  12. raidneq

    I think infils just need general quality of life updates, things like letting infils silently spot enemies while cloaked. Also making minor cloak work with infil cloaks. Reducing the radius where people will here the cloak and decloak effect may not be a bad idea either. Making the stalker cloak recharge while still effect standard for hunter cloak may also not be completely insane.
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  13. Callyste

    You know what, this is a f***ing good idea.
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  14. Prudentia

    it's a terrible idea
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  15. Callyste
