The Best Continent, or, Esamir Sucks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sustainedfire, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. Carl1879

    I like Hossin but most don't so the fights are usually tiny or non-existant.
  2. Farlion

    You need to get your head checked if you prefer Hossin over Esamir.
  3. Ken1010101

    My list too. Esamir was even nicer before the crystal upheaval.

    The costal regions on Hossin in a harasser remind me of TrackMania.
  4. frozen north

    I can kinda see where your coming from with this. Here's my personal version:

    1. Amerish
    2. Hossin
    3. Esamir
    4. Indar

    Keeping in mind here that with my version, this list kinda fluctuates a bit from day to day, I figure I might as well give some reasoning (if only because I placed indar last).

    I put Amerish first, mostly just because I find it gives a really nice combat balance these days. I used to completely hate Amerish before its rework, but now with the way thing are set up to support fights all over the place with many different vehicles really makes me like Amerish. Also, ikanam best biolab.

    Hossin I put second mostly cause I find the dense jungles make for really interesting vehicle combat, and simply great infantry combat. The main weak point I find with hossin is that it's not the best for air craft.

    Esamir is by far, my go to for tanking. Literally all of my tank score records have been set there. As far as infantry combat goes, I find its great in a handful of facilities, mostly on the eastern end of the continent, but otherwise, its only ok. Air combat though... yeah, not great.

    Indar I put last, and for a few reasons. A big part of my problems are that I just don't like infantry combat on a number of indar facilities, and those that I do like it on are usually well removed from most fights. Air and ground vehicle combat often feels only ok at best for me on indar as well. Far northern indar has long been one of my least favorite things in this game as well, with the terrain being not just flat, but also incredibly open. Don't get me wrong, there are times where I love indar, but it just isn't often enough for me to rate it anywhere that isn't last place.
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  5. LtBomber

    Count me in here, too! Esamir is actually the best continent for vehicle interaction. The bases are mostly designed to offer some protection without excluding vehicles from interacting with infantry at all. The setting, space and accessability of the continent is unmatched. I even liked the old Esamir better, but the new one is also ok with its trees/crystals. Hossin is excatly the opposite, the others are in between with Amerish more restrictive (too many mountains).
  6. Lord_Avatar

    Esamir is a calamity. I find the rest to be more, or less equally fun.
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  7. MuggieWara

    I really dont get 2 things.
    1)Why people dislike Hossin so much.
    2)What people like about Esamir.(other than aesthetics of course)

    My personal order is:
  8. asmodraxus

    In no particular order

    Ceryshen (much fun to be had shooting on air craft who are at their max altitude with an AA Max above them)
    Forseral (so much fun had in Dagda the interlink fortress base)

    ahh happy times from planetside 1, ps2 is but an echo of that in many respects.
  9. The Shady Engineer

    Esamir has it's moments. Terran BL-4 is fun, Octagon is fun, Mattherson's is fun, the back and forth pushes between Eisa and its satelites is fun. Some bridge fights are fun as well if there are enough people and vehicles participating.

    Realistically though more often than not Esamir is just a big "pick your chokepoint (aka farm) fight" with 3 biolabs, Saerro and 3 point towers choking up the lattice.

    Also warpgates are kinda messed up on Esamir with the NW always getting double teamed.
  10. Nintyuk

    If your a infantry player You agree with the OP
    If your a ground vehicle player Esamir and Indar at top while Amerish is third and Hossin is bottom.
    If your a Air player You rate Esamir low Amerish high and Hossin is either a love or a hate while Indar is a neutral positive
  11. DeadlyOmen

    No map is either good or bad.

    What is good and bad is the players' ability to adapt to the challenges that each map presents.
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  12. Silkensmooth

    Esamir definitely needs more cover. A thick band of forest where vehicles can barely go and air can barely see would be cool too. The tree models they made are nice, need more thick areas of trees with bases.

    Esamir is a vehicle farmers paradise. A snipers paradise.

    I'm not a fan of vehicle farmers or snipers.

    Flying on esamir would be ok because of the high ceiling everywhere, but the glaring white is so hard on the eyes, hard to see tracers.

    I started out hating Hossin. I now find it to be the most fun place to play infantry. Less vehicle farmers. More places to hide. Still too many snipers.

    So so sick of indar. I used to love it. There needs to be more cover. In the desert its just a sniper fest, vehicle farm fest.

    We need a freak Indar rain storm that makes a buncha cactuses and other flora grow in the desert.

    Amerish is lovely, probly my favorite. Fun to fly there. Fun to play infantry there, ok to drive there.

    Would be really nice to get a new continent.

    Give it unique areas though, that is one great thing about indar, you can always tell generally where you are because the three sides of the map are distinctly different. Hossin and Esamir are completely homogeneous from the air, and amerish has only the mountain which is unique.
  13. PlanetBound

    1. Hossin
    2. Amerish
    3. Indar
    4. Esamir