The Best Continent, or, Esamir Sucks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sustainedfire, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. sustainedfire

    The subjective best continents in game:

    1. Amerish
    2. Indar
    3. Hossin
    4. Esamir

    Amerish and Indar tie at for the most enjoyable continents to play.

    They have a lot of room for flexibility in attack and defense approach, and the performance of the game engine tends to be pretty good on both continents.

    Hossin I place 3rd. It has a few interesting areas, and I do not despise it, though it has yet to grow on me, as it has a conflagraTed layout and can be confusing to navigate.

    Esamir is a definately last in terms of bases that lend themselves to enjoyable battles- particularly there are few bases thay are not simply all out choke point grenade farms.

    Esamir has far to many bases that have 1- 2 entrances, and no cover points for Sunderers. So it's try to play light assault, or just keep chucking grenades at the dummies that keep pouring out of the choke points.

    That's not fun. There is no smartly placed cover, so all the fights end up being the same, the Sunderer is placed I'm the one garage- and the enemy farms the Sundy, or c4 fairies it into oblivion.

    And then game over, there are no other spots for Sundy placement with cover, and the battle is over.

    Esamir needs retooling. In the least, add more doors or stairways to ramparts on the dumb walled bases.

    Also they would do well ti add a few icebergs thay allow for organic Sundy backup locations, and cover to approach the bases.
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  2. CorporationUSA

    I'll take Esamir over Hossin any day of the week.
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  3. Tommyp2006

    Amen to that. I actually would put Esamir at second place, with Indar in third due to bad base design and Hossin in last. I hate how cluttered and blocked off the terrain is on Hossin, and some of the bases are overly complicated or restrictive.
  4. eldarfalcongravtank

    i love Esamir so much. best looking continent (i love snow :3) and also best fights. perfect for tanks/vehicles.

    meanwhile my worst continent award would go to Amerish. Amerish can go jump off a cliff. he no welcome here
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  5. Dgross

    Esamir is the BEST continent.
    Large open spaces, bases spread apart. Clean and uncrowded.
    I wish we had 3 more continents like Esamir.

    Hossin is the worst map I've ever played on.

    Indar is like neapolitan ice cream, but most are sick of fighting there.

    Amerish is cool because of the unique mountain bases. Very rocky.
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  6. Wolfenstian

    Hossin is by far the worst, I refuse to go there even if there is an alert on, just not worth the time or frustration it gives.
  7. f0d

    my list would go more like

    1 esamir
    2 amerish
    3 indar
    4 hossin
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  8. Phayk

    1. Esamir (i kinda like the 1-tech-plant idea but dont like it that one faction has it from the beginning)
    2. Indar
    3. Amerish
    4. Hossin

    The first three are insanely much fun to drive on. You have a lot of open space and many enclosed areas aswell. Many common tank-battlegrounds allow to be flanked from several directions (Bridge-Ward immediately comes to mind) while Hossin is just stupidly annoying to drive on. There are plants with hitboxes and some without, many unpassable mountains and usually it is impossible or really time-consuming to flank some1. Oh and Indar has Broken Arch and Amerish has Subterranian for farming.
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  9. orangejedi829

    Some of Wallsamir's bases can really be fun to attack or defend.
    Hossin's can not be fun. Hossin can never be fun.

    Fun rating:
    VR training
    Uninstalling Planetside
    Gouging eyes out of face
  10. Mythologicus

    Since the OP is referring specifically to base designs and not continent terrain, I'm inclined to disagree and put Hossin at the bottom as the worst continent. Some of the base designs there... They're horrifyingly bad.

    Esamir is actually fairly consistent and I find it difficult to find bad bases to fight at once you get past the one-garage-that-everyone-parks-their-sundie-in problem. As far as actual combat and fun factor goes I'm inclined to say Esamir has better bases than most of Indar and possibly Amerish.
  11. belthazor3457

    ....and here I was upset hossin didn't have enough swamp-monsters flipping tanks, carnivorous plants eating people, vats of swamp goo that kill people instantly, and haywire industrial equipment flooding areas with toxic gas making getting lost in an underground facility a deathtrap.

    "Ohhhhh I got a little lost in this underground facility that's immune to cave-ins with no toxic gas to be seen, boo-hoo!"

    Well youngsters, I played star wars battlefront 1 and 2. Ya know what we had to deal with? Sand people.

    And sarlacc pits.




    Ya know what else? Wampas.

    What we need is the EXTREME continent, SUPERHossinika.

    Like 'murika, but SUPERHOSSIN. And there'll be zombiedragons, and hogger riding gamon!

    On the EXTREME continent, you'll have a snowy mountain in the middle of the map that goes miles into the air with dangerous roads to drive vehicles up, and if you fall off, you fall into a pit of ice spikes!

    And at the top of the mountain there's a volcano facility that goes into caverns underground which periodically fill with lava, and big pits of magma to fall in and die, all with energy-bridges over them that can be shut off by shooting the control panel!

    And down at the base of the mountain where there isn't snow, there's ZOMBIEDRAGONS!

    And if you want to kill a zombiedragon, you have to climb onto its back and wrestle with it hundreds of feet in the air as it tries to buck you off or turn its head around and eat you or flame your face off. And if you kill the zombiedragon, you get to ride it as it falls down to the ground and it grants the dragonslayer buff to your team, making them more manly and boosting morale.

    And in the zombiedragon swamp, there's HEADCRABS.


    They'll jump on your head and zombify you. The zombies try to capture facilities and stuff.


    This empowers the player with a MANLY DASH ability to move them in front of an ally that needs saving, and MASSIVE FLEX-YOUR-PECS-SHIELD-PROVIDES-IMMUNITY-TO-ALL-DAMAGE!

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  12. MetalCotton

    I don't think Esamir is that bad in terms of base design, I'd hand that one off to Indar.

    Personally I have a lot of fun with Esamir. It's a wide-open map, perfect for vehicle warfare and not as barren as OP implies. There's all sorts of places to park your spawn point if you're creative(and insane) enough.

    Hossin is also a lot of fun, a lot of asymmetrical bases that make for fun infantry combat, and the tree cover often keeps air away.
  13. Leftconsin

    Only Hossin is best because it does the most the exclude vehicles from interacting with anything.
  14. FBVanu

    That's my list as well.
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  15. Liewec123

    esamir is my favourite, hossin is my least liked, though you don't really get to pick anymore with the low population, you just have to go where the players are (usually indar or amerish)
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  16. Ballto21

    if they removed esamir and i came back to the game i probably wouldnt notice it was gone and just think the alerts are good alerts for at least a month
  17. Pikachu

    I don't like the stupid walls and the addition of the Octagon but I still like Esamir the best. An issue with Amerish is that it has the least field fights for some reason. So much nice green landscape to fight in but it's all sieges.
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  18. Catalyist

    Esamir easily is my favorite unless my faction has the NW warpgate during prime time because that usually means two endless Biolab meatgrinders at Mani and Andvari.

    Indar and Amerish are tied for second because of terrain variety. Many bases could use a revamp though to sustain larger player numbers.

    I want to enjoy Hossin but I can't. I like the theme but everything is so tight and crowded and nearly impossible to flank.
  19. ZDarkShadowsZ

    I'm not fond of Esamir either though more due to a personal thing than the map itself. I like base designs especially ones like Waterson's Redemption and Mattherson's Triumph. They're the bases that really stand out for me. What I kind of dislike is how bright it is for my eyes, and the fact I'd got stuck with a low-end GPU for a year and so I was forced to play there since Amerish and then when Hossin was released, they killed my frames.
  20. Pointyguide2

    amerish is not good for vehicles.
    I cant drive to places.
    otherwise I always would
    through the pretty scenery.
    its like driving to the top of the Himalayas in your atv

    Edit: its exactly driving to the top of the Himalayas in your flash.