please remove the harasser immunity to tank mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xakanrn, Feb 6, 2018.

  1. xakanrn

    I rarely post and just get on with the fun
    However the harasser is proven more and more to be well overpowered
    One simple solution would be to remove the harasser ability to "'dodge'' tank mines
    At present it can go anywhere ,carries a massive gun,can escape most weapons due to slow rate of fire of big tanks,hide before AV lock
    At least if it could not dodge mines then it would mean an army can at least protect against it
    If they could nerf the canis in a few weeks I cannot see why they permit this imbalance to exist so long?
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  2. Oleker2

    They are not immune, tank mines have a detonation delay that is slower than the harasser speed. Harasser still takes a bit of damage on the outer blast but it's definetelly not enough to make the crew worry or freakout.

    They are getting nerfed on the next patch, but in the health and AT resistance department.
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  3. JibbaJabba

    The harasser wouldn't need a nerf if they would fix the mine mechanics. /shrug
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  4. Halkesh

    The only harasser nerf I find is that increased vulnerability against tank shell, can you give me a link to your patchnote saying harasser's health and AT resistant will be nerf ?

    That will down them from "god tier" to "too strong", I think they'll also need a nerf against C4, RL and HMG.
    But it's worth to wait a a couple of week once the AV mines are fix to see if harasser are still OP and need additional nerfs (those i've listed).
  5. Oleker2


    Readed the patch notes again, swear I saw a health nerf... guess I was my strong desire making me saw stuff. But anyway, the resistance against tank shells is the nerf the harasser is getting. That makes tanks take one less shot to kill the harasser. Still no nerf to C4 or RL... infantry should be rewarded if they actually hit that damn thing.
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  6. Halkesh

    They should give explosive crossbow for free to everyone. X)
  7. frozen north

    Harassers are always a tricky thing to nerf, because they are inferior in terms of both damage and durability to every ground vehicle except for the flash. So instead, they survive on mobility, which is meant to ensure a high skill cap is needed to use them to their full potential. This is, at least overall, achieved (not to mention that the two man crew minimum for effective use makes them better for XP earnings then lightning tanks).

    Personally, I don't think they are deserving of a nerf in their current state, or at least not a nerf of the size that it is. A competent tank crew is almost always more then a match for even most well equipped harassers.

    The only thing I would say, is perhaps add a velocity upper limit to tank mines (aka, if the object passing over them is too fast, they don't detonate). I say this because at least then people can stop complaining about harassers making you waste resources.
  8. OldMaster80

    Tank mines responsiveness is a bug. They recently tried to fix it without success (remember the "speculative fix" I the patch notes?).

    Reality is tank mines are a terrible investment right now: tons of nanites for an item that can be revealed to anyone by a common implant, do not kill the target and cause a friendly fire warning all the time...
  9. Oleker2

    Poeple say that explosive bolt is ridiculously strong against harasser... never tried that, but to be honest i'm not giving up a reliable sidearm to a gimmicky thing that's only useful if I got god-like aim.
  10. frozen north

    YEP. Just like you said, with Sweeper HUD being what it is (a free warning for vehicles about mines), there is legitimately no good reason to use tank mines over C4. Plus, Sweeper is essentially the ultimate common pool implant for vehicle crews anyway, so there's no good reason to not run it.

    Only in VR do tank mines find themselves being useful.
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  11. strikearrow

    They should just make tank mines "magnetically" attach to the vehicle that drives over them and then explode - like C4 sticks.
  12. Aoikazego

    Guys... if you want to stop a harasser, just deploy a turret. it WILL stop a harasser cold. tank mines are meant for heavy vehicles... like tanks, and landwhales (sunderers).
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  13. strikearrow

    Unless you mean a Hive turret, you're wrong. Plus Hive turrets cannot be deployed close to bases like sunderers and harassers mainly fight there.
  14. Aoikazego

    So go in-game, deploy a mana-turret ( everyone has one) and ram a harasser into it. 9 / 10 the turret will win
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  15. chamks

    haha aoikazego im with you. i will ramming harassers
  16. OldMaster80

    It will work. I used to drop 4-5 mines in a choke point and then a turret to block the way. But unless harasser driver is a complete idiot he will immediately understand.
  17. new_ac

    Crossbow bolts (great for giving the infil at least some punch against something with armor or structure, but requires a ton of luck and being mostly abandoned structures/ make a Max angry ;) ), infils can't even carry c4 while other non-Max classes can (I totally agree it needs to keep so ! ) even hiding with a stalker, not great against harasser. Besides not that easy to hit a highly mobile driver, there's crossbow drop, reload time, tiny magazine, etc, harasser would just rush away easily even being able to land one shot (I have been able to kill this way lightnings, but ain't easy either, and only lone wolves). IMO, harassers tho are not unbalanced, I wouldn't nerf 'em, as thanks to them providing quite some certs to players, they generate high activity, and once you find your way to counter them is a good source of game activity and keeping the fight . If anything, am always in favor on strengthening Sundies, as once someone kills it, the fight stops, even maybe a bunch of players leave the entire game.

    From a high point, except maybe some areas of Hossin, a heavy with lock-on (annihilator) can be a real nightmare for it (it could turbo escape if knows where to, as if not, will approach even more my range !, also could hide behind any rock or tree, if knows where the heavy is, often not easy to know. But needs a lot of skill from the driver, and not being ambushed, as then it can't really stop). And plus, it's one of those things easily killed by team work. 2 average lightnings or one lightning and prowler (tho as said, with a good gunner with just an m20, in ANY vehicle, the harasser better escape fast) can put down a great harasser crew. I have even killed harassers with Phoenix (when stopping to repair) or getting too confident -despite being good drivers- near a spawn room where chances are heavies with decimators or just shrikes are aware of the camper. Not to mention that just another skilled harasser coming for it, and will depend in health of each vehicle -if received hits- or terrain, or just type of gun, or skills on each gunner. Let alone is two harassers of even average skills hunting the annoying guy, that would suffice in many cases.

    Even more.... just a decent, not even specially good m20 basilisk gunner from a sundy can tear to pieces any harasser ! (not a bulldog or a fury) . And that's a gun any newcomer can handle, it's the default one, has no special skill to develop . Although basic non improved ones have significant limitations against a good harasser. But even those, if the sundy has two good gunners, the harasser needs to escape, imo. Specially if is a battle sundy or shielded and deployed. Thing is often there's only one gunner, and in a very common situation, is a terrible gunner, not only unable to shoot decently, maintain constant damage on target, also often totally unaware of the threats or pointing to the moon, lol. These are so in a very vast percentage. Even more, a lot of sundies have no upgrade in the basiliks, which I find absolutely dumb... I find too many left out of ammo (drivers not having the ammo implant, and gun not improved at all in ammo capacity, plus totally ammo wasters at the guns, magazine not upgraded even the first level, often no zoom optics, etc , etc)

    is just IMO that often a super upgraded harasser faces totally vanilla sundies, with no gunners or terrible ones. Or some guys who only play with a basic harasser but have trained some really good skills with it, and again, not quite many people handling well a sundy or its guns. IMO, there are more people capable in tanks to put a harasser down, but a very mobile and skilled harasser is quite a threat for a lone tank....except if a prowler manages to hit it....of course. (anyway, with a gunner constantly hitting with m20, whcih can do even if the harasser is camping long distance, and no such a threat, then...meanwhile, the prowler driver only need to place one direct hit..if both are good, the combined action makes the harasser in disadvantage)

    Even when there's unbalance, in this game anything can be countered with decent team play, though.
  18. _Kettenblatt_

    I know tank mines have a delay (one of this things why I never paid for this game) but why exist Mine Guard at fast vehicles if you willl never need it?LOL :D
  19. xakanrn

    strange thing is the new changes were pointless.
    Everyone I know only wants one change to harrasser and thats just make it that mines work against them .No delay
    They run past it they die.Simple
  20. HisokaTheRed

    Its been fix, can't run past them anymore.

    I been using tank mines as a squad to great effect when fighting armour zergs.