TTK a Harasser with Decimator vs LMG (video included) CONSTRUCTIVE OBSERVATIONS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Oct 7, 2017.

  1. Inzababa


    So I was getting very salty today trying to defend my sundy from Harassers and as I raged, I instinctively started shooting at them with my LMG, kinda like :

    And I noticed I was actually doing damage! They were backing off a bit!

    I know they take damage from small arms fire, I even got a video about that too, what surprised me is that it seemed like I was being more efficient shooting them with my gun, than shooting them with my Decimator.

    So In went to VR, and tested both (with composite armour).

    That's the video -->

    You can check for yourself using the video timing, but it took me 25 seconds to destroy it with my LMG and 21 with my Decimator.

    That's not a huge difference, but it's quite a difference still.

    However, there are things to take into account, for example (this is the same issue with the lightning), if you miss, you just wasted a lot of time, a lot of time, and it's much easier not to miss with a constant fire like LMG.

    Secondly, as you can see on the video, my last reload occurs when the Harasser is virtually dead, it's burning and got next to zero HP. Basically any kind of damage would finish it off. Chances are in combat, that by then, the Harasser would either be already dead, or running away real fast anyway. Which is basically the same thing for the Decimator, but means something different for each, since one is long reload high burst dps unguided and hard to hit at any range outside of close, and the other, well, you know :)

    Lastly it's not lastly cause there are lots of other things to consider, but I already made a wall of text and In think you get the idea) it's much safer for an infantry to be running around a combat zone with his gun ready to shoot, rather than with a rocket launcher, generally speaking.


    It would seem that even though the TTK with a Decimator is slightly shorter than with a LMG, it may often be more efficient to try and kill a Harasser with your gun instead.

    (WHICH IS ******* ******** IF YOU ASK ME)

    PS. Why is ******** ( RE TAAAR DED) censored? It's not an offensive word, or a cuss word, if I were to say "mentally challenged" would that get censored? (though I suppose that's the same as comparing "making love" to "****" o_O
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  2. FateJH

    You never state what or why exactly you disapprove about the situation.
  3. Lucidius134

    Harrassers have a higher effective health pool than their actual amount because of rumble seat repair, especially if they get out to rep and or throw a nanite repair grenade also.

    Probably not off in this observation but thought i'd bring up the lack of alpha means the damage can be out rep'd faster probably.
  4. Inzababa

    That's a very interesting post !
  5. LordKrelas

    This sums up why I don't bother with rockets, and just use the primary.
    More likely to hit, less time spent reloading, more profit.
    Best part is you can switch to the sidearm rather than reload, lol.
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  6. FateJH

    Yes, your OP was interesting. I just wish I undertstood the complaint you had better.
  7. Inzababa

    me too :)
  8. Jubikus

    Interesting video my granted i dont know anyone that would have bothered reloading that last rocket and not just swap to a gun to finish it off.
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  9. Jubikus

    Well after the last hour of testing TTK on harassers ive got some interesting results. LMG ttk is around 14 seconds if it has to reload only once 19 seconds if it has to reload twice and 22 seconds if it has to reload 2 times.The best LMG is The Butcher at just under 13 seconds and is the only lmg other than the Gauss SAW that can 1 clip without extended magazines. Ironically the worse LMG TTK was Godsaw AP mode at 26 seconds. As far as rocket launchers go all dumbfire come in around 14 seconds TTK with lock ons being around 20 seconds and the ES TR and Vanu ones in between with the striker coming in at 16 seconds and Lancer at 18 seconds. The best and worse rocket launcher are both the Phoenix as its TTK changes greatly depending on the distance of the target but can kill in around 12 seconds in a very unrealistic scenario.

    The most suprising data i got was the weapon that had the best TTK on a harasser as it was neither an LMG or rocket laucher but the Hunter CQX with explosive bolts coming in at roughtly 9 seconds taking 6 bolts total to kill.
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  10. Inzababa

    wow, I wasn't expecting anyone to spend any time on this :)

    I'm quite surprised by some of your results, including the Hunter, that has to be a mistake imo (on their part).

    The only thing I can hope for, is that they aren't finished balancing, cause if all of this is intended ...
  11. Jubikus

    Yeah the crossbow is a bit weird probably an oversight. Honestly the balancing feels a bit odd but strategy's for killing Harassers hasn't really changed. Your still going to want to hit it with 1 dumbfire as it gets close for the alpha damage then swap to lmg and hose what you can into it as it drives away, hit it with lockons from a tower/hill, get it with tank mines, or bait it to try and hit you and kill them with some well timed and placed C4.

    The rockets doing less reduces our Alpha damage against Harassers by a good chunk but harasser weapons also do less against infantry it a trade off to extend vehicle combat which is what they were going for. Im still on the fence on how i feel about it ive been on both ends of it a bit and its definitely extended the interactions like they wanted weather or not i like it better that way is yet to be decided.
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  12. The Rogue Wolf

    The problem (at least as I see it) is that Harassers can tank a slow-projectile anti-armor rocket launcher to the point where it takes about as long to destroy one with it as a single LMG.
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  13. Inzababa

    Basically, from this video;

    1 LMG clip = 1 Decimator rocket, except Decimator reloads a little faster.

    If you look at the damage done on the little icon to the right, you will see that before reloading, 1 full clip of LMG does the same damage as that rocket.
  14. Liewec123

    i discovered that on my TR the MCG deals pretty freaking awesome damage to harassers :p
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  15. Towie

    Yep - and i'd wager than in a 'real' battle, the LMG will actually be better as misses wouldn't be so costly (which is frankly absurd).
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  16. Tankalishious

    I have to say man.... for a guy that spends REDICULOUS amounts of time crying your balls off about every aspect of the harasser, you know very little about it...
    You have a combined seat time of just over 8 minutes in your time from BR1-69...
    8 minutes...... how bout actually trying to play as a harasser before you go all teary eyed?
  17. Halkesh

    I discovered the same thing for sunderer's basilisk / fury / buldog : kobalt and walker are just better at defending against harasser and ESF.

    Edit :

    Shaming about profile isn't a real argument.
    I have 63 hours on harasser and I say it : harasser are OP since the patch.
    To save you some time, here is my profile

    Harasser are OP because they stack low nanite cost, high speed and high resistance.
    Harasser shouldn't be that resistant to anti-vehicle weapon because they're supposed to rely on speed to avoid damage.
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  18. Inzababa

    that's my point ;)

    edit --> and the same thing applies to lightnings with AP rounds
  19. Inzababa

    Just ignore him, if he really cared he would have noticed that that profile has been inactive for years o_O (especially since it's written in big red letters)

    On another note, I just recently realised that it's pretty much the same thing for destroying construction base modules.

    You know what I mean right? Shield, repair, skyshield, AI module, those things. I didn't actually test it, but I've recently been destroying them with my LMG instead of my Decimator, and it really feels like the same thing is happening! -> it's maybe faster to destroy a module by shooting at it from close range rather than using rockets.

    If that's true, I would like to suggest to the Devs (if I ever get their attention) to buff unguided rockets a bit, just a suggestion!
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  20. Moisture

    is someone unironically upset someone spent their time giving us this data?