[Suggestion] Max Double Ravens in the face and they don't die?!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Shadowdev, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. Shadowdev

    The NC Max wielding double ravens should be able to kill infantry. 2 armor rounds in the face, then another 2 and then finally on the 5-6 rounds they die, fricken stupid.
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  2. Pikachu

    This has not been the case since the great nerf at december 2013. Also the devs want to have a sharp rock-paper-scissors damage model. CAI sharpened this model to force vehicle guys to make use of anti-infantry weapons.
  3. Tankalishious

    Oh... boo boo... your winrockets can't kill everything ?

    Want a tissue? A hug?

    Use your VERY efficient slug-loaded shotguns and aim properly
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  4. FirePhox

    Ravens are specialised as long range anti tank weapons, a role which they are extremely effective at, probably more so than the other empires equivalents.

    Is it realistic that infantry can survive 5 rockets to the face? No, but then balance decisions aren't made on what is realistic but rather what is fair. (least that should be the case)
  5. Campagne

    I think it's fair given their range and ease of use. Personally I'm just glad Pounders got nerfed the same way as well.

    Heh, right.
  6. Eternaloptimist

    Agreed......it is about fairness imo as well. The whole thing about nerfing AV weapon ability to kill infantry seems to be a nod towards realism. Sure, an AV weapon is super powerful but (speaking as someone who has tried to hit irl dummy targets with both the Carl Gustav and the Milan RLs) I can tell you it is damned hard to hit a target as small as an individual soldier. I guess the game uses a different mechanic to reducing accuracy or RoF i.e. lack of kill power.

    Just guessing though.
  7. MonnyMoony


    Weapons have to be balanced based on what is fair - not what is realistic.

    Rocket launchers in PS2 are much easier to wield than in real life - so their damage model has to be adjusted to compensate.

    In real life, rocket launchers are heavy, unwieldy, have massive recoil etc - hence why in real life you never get the equivalent of a HA maining a rocket launcher as an AI weapon.
  8. Shadowdev

    Fair, lmao... try again. C-4, anti-tank mines thrown at maxes immediately kill, so think again because that' not fair.
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  9. Blam320

    NC player complaining about not being able to one-shot infantry.

    Dude, half the NC MAX weapons can one-shot infantry regardless.
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  10. MonnyMoony

    If you could chuck C4 from 25m away - you might have a point. But with those examples - you have to get extremely close.

    Risk vs reward.
  11. ColonelChingles

    The entire "resistance modifiers" approach is really stupid.

    Armour in this game should be based on a flat threshold model. For example:

    Infantry- 50 armour
    MAXes- 100 armour
    Lightnings- 200 armour
    MBTs- 300 armour

    Pistol- 60 damage
    Rifle- 110 damage
    Rocket launcher- 250 damage
    AP Shell- 500 damage

    The basic formula is simple. Subtract the armour from the weapon damage to find the damage applied against the target. So a pistol would do 10 (60-50) damage to an infantryman but would do 0 damage to a MAX. A rocket launcher would do 200 (250-50) damage to an infantryman and 150 damage (250-100) to a MAX.

    Extra or special armours would just add to the armour threshold for a specific weapon. For example, if a Lightning equipped cage armour, then it would gain an additional 100 armour against explosive-type weapons. Whereas before a 250 damage rocket launcher would damage the Lightning, after the upgrade the Lightning would have 300 armour against rockets and be able to shake off the damage.

    Actually most of the time rockets are used as anti-infantry weapons, not anti-tank. Particularly when enemy infantry are dug into a building somewhere. These weapons allow an infantry squad to effectively engage enemy infantry beyond the range of their rifles.

    It's why you get thermobaric rocket launchers like the TBG-7, RPO, M72E10, etc. It's why we use our Javelin ATGMs to knock out infantry positions.

    Rockets are great weapons against infantry. Sure using one rocket to kill one infantryman is probably not advisable, but certainly they should be viable anti-infantry weapons.
  12. MonnyMoony

    I didn't say they aren't used as AI weapons. I said they aren't mained in the same way as HAs use them in PS2.

    Rocket launchers can be used to bust bunkers etc - but they are used in such a capacity from long range, usually fired from cover, take ages to set up and fire and also require a spotter (just like your video shows).

    You never get real infantry running and jumping into a room whilst simultaneously firing a rocket launcher at a single infantryman.
  13. Pelojian

    and yet they make those AI weapons not just from tanks, able to deal damage to heavy armor.

    expect us to make tradeoffs now, yet other's aren't.

    C4 is a prime example good against everything sticks, when will they get rebalanced? and no that flanker armor is not a rebalance 2 bricks still kill a tank and one stick easily wrecks infantry.
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  14. DemonicTreerat

    Lets also not forget that you really don't want to fire most of them inside a confined space unless you like getting 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 50% or more of your body from the back blast. Nor that a single round from a rocket launcher costs more to produce, ship, and store than a full rifle and 5 magazines. Planetside (both versions) eliminated those drawbacks so something obviously had to be done to avoid the "guy with the rocket launcher wins" situation ala Doom/ Half Life/ etc and the choice was to t finally reduce their damage such that they don't one-shot infantry. Fitting in a way because most rockets & missiles designed for use against aircraft and tanks are actually pretty lousy against infantry due to trying to get a directional explosion/ jet and less fragmentation.

    Of course if people still wanted that extra damage Daybreak could introduce an anti-personnel round that does more AI damage but pretty much no AV damage. Then people can whine about how 12 heavies failed to take down one MAX with dual Hacksaws...
  15. Pikachu

    You got to leave your dream about these damage mechanics and scales. You're not going to have a game where you get to endulge in the true firepower of a vehicle. One-hit-killing infantry with your 30mm HE helicopter nosegun. Or fire a 120mm HE shell at 600m/s and watch it blow a scout vehicle to pieces and all kill all infantry withing a 10m radius. Nobody wants to be on the recieving end of that. Nobody wants that high power ceiling in a game.

    Or deal rapid death to anything lesser than a tank with your zsu-57.
  16. Campagne

    This genuinely gave me a good chuckle.

    "The current weak infantry AV weapons shouldn't damage tanks, but they should be powerful AI weapons." :p
  17. Humoreske

    Let's use falcon. I love to snipe with this.;)b
  18. Kdog559

    It's like a bird smacking you in the face now right?
  19. LtBomber1

    Soo if this is going to happen, i want my old comets back: No bulletdrop, super accurate, fast moving, and able to kill infantry with a one shot from both arms with ZOE on. Ofc i want to keep the 2 round magazine.

    I mean: It is super hot plasma ball of death!

  20. FateJH

    Since we're asking for things in this thread now, I'd like the previous level of screenshake from Pounder cans landing nearby.