Im done playing medic.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ximinetto, Sep 29, 2017.

  1. Ximinetto

    I try to heal and ress every corpse i see, still under enemy fire. But when i one of the other medics ress me. People are r e t a r d s or are noobs?
  2. Mr. Thoughtful

    They're so struck by the latest patch that it makes them a bit slow in terms of concentration?
  3. Ximinetto

    I dont know but its annyoning that medics ress other corpses around me and not me, still without enemyes around. I must think that they are the guild of Ximinettos fans?
  4. Halkesh

    If you die 100 time, you get revived around 20 time. (based on my ton of death experiences)
    This ration will only improve if you play with a dedicated medic on your squad. (work better if both of you are medic).
  5. Ximinetto

    Definetely, they are re ta rds. Im playing while writing this, i die and the focked medic near me dont ress me.
  6. Ximinetto

    Well at least i know that im doing my work right.
  7. Mr. Thoughtful

    It's happened to me many times and also there have been situations where i among at least 2 other medics were still alive and around 3 dead friendlies and none of them tried to res. I don't know why, but what can we do.
  8. ElricVIII

    You're playing the medic wrong. reviving in the middle of a battle just gives the enemy team farm. The idea behind the medic is to play it as an offensive support. You are a medium assault. Save your res for the lulls in the fighting. If things get really bad, pop a res grenade, but for the most part you should put down your shield regen or use your nano regen field while contributing to the offense. Medic tool is for securing the room after the fight.
  9. Ximinetto

    Well, someday, some players will appreciate our work. Good medics heal and ress first and are priorityes for them, unless there are enemyes around. I usually get killed on the way to ress a mate, but i learned to fight first if enemyes are around.
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  10. Loud Demon Jaysus

    grenade bandolier ftw
  11. Halkesh

    Revive after the fight. That's what everyone told me but so far I found to be much more effective when revive ally from a cover then pop out of the cover while the enemy is attacking my revived ally.
    Using ally as meatshield work greatly, you should try.
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  12. Lamat

    It's noobs, competitive xp farmers who want all the res xp, and players who just like assault rifles and healing themselves.
  13. breeje

    i like to play from time to time as a combat medic and i will never revive if his space is under fire
    it will just be free XP for the other team
    the same thing i hate is when i get revived i get instakilled in the first second
    stop revives and eliminate the opponent first
  14. Mr. Thoughtful

    Ctrl + f10 before you take the opportunity to rise from the dead.
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  15. breeje

    yes i know but in the heat of the battle i always seem to forget this
    i called myself a A-hole for forgetting but i just can't remember this when playing
  16. DarkStarAnubis

    Not always. Usually in big biolab battles (aka "certs farms") I die maybe 10 times and each and every time I am dutifully rezzed: I like a lot the cohesion work, one time I died and one Max moved forward to shield the Medic rezzing me.

    In more fragmented battles yes, I die and nobody moves to help me :eek:
  17. Eternaloptimist

    I've heard that some medics will not rezz another medic because that means more healing and rezzing for them with less competition. IDK how true that is though. Try engineer instead - maybe the medics will rezz you then and you still get lots of xp, plus there is always something to do.