Why Hossin Sucks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Campagne, Aug 15, 2017.

  1. stalkish

    Because all out opponents are people, not NPCs.
    Extreme difficulty on one side = extreme ease on the other.
    If you're endorsing extreme difficulty youre also endorsing extreme ease arnt you?

    We also have to consider how the game unfolds, this isnt a RL war, its meant to be fun:
    What if defending a base is impossible, its ridiculously hard and cannot be accomplished without a 10-1 overpop for defenders.
    Sure we could say, 'have fun trying to achieve the impossible' or we could say 'let it flip, they we'll attack it after...''
    I could probably take a guess as to what would happen to this base, it would never be defended as defending it is pointless and not enjoyable. Taking it with no defenders is equally unenjoyable, but at least the attackers get 1000 free XP for doing so and 4 cert points....

    You have to create a base that people on both sides want to play at, otherwise youre destroying the whole concept of the game.
    This is obviously not easy, as evidenced by this thread, and the plethora of base designs that have been thrown in the bin by the devs.
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  2. LtBomber1

    I have to agree. Since terretory does not matter, and pop imbalance, lattace-layout etc have massive flaws, i think a lot of people do not play for winning an base, but for having a good fight. In my eyes, a good fight does not needs to have a victory at its end. See the old crown: There was no purpose in attacking it, you could cap the continent without it, no lattice! It was almost impossible to take even with overpop.
    Still, people were banging their heads against it 24/7. Why? Beacuse it was a good fight!

    A good fight is, when you are feeling sucessfull, archiving tasks and have a good feeling. This is not related directly to the capture of the base. An attacker could had have fun by killing 2-3 guys, storming a room for his squad, succeeds, but loses the position 2 minutes after to superior numbers in a glorious hold-out. It could be a tank shelling the base, making an occasional hit here and there. It could be a sneaky guy, who capped the point for 10 sec! Or someone who just manage to run up the hill.

    This is supported by the feeling of the battle, to be a part of something big. You charged up that hill, an enemy was in front of you, and a sniper took him out. A lolpod barrage rips your teammates just 5m in front of you. Your own action is something small, but the addition of all small steps of your empire makes it progress.

    Epicness makes good fights. Thats why biolabs are so populated these days: You can actually hold out, the fight shifts - progress - fun!

    The stages of a biofight: Landing pad, teleporter <--> Point near shield gen/Point near spawn <--> SCU, or last point <--> Caputre (followed by landing pad...) It is a shifting fight for both, attacker and defenders. Ofc this can be circumvented by spawnlocking, jet clever defenders use their own teleporter then.

    This is why IndarEx-Quarz and Mao-Howling is cool, there will be a tank battle for sure between the bases, a shifting fight...

    Before the lattice, people who wanted varity and terretory were free to roam around. But you cant have both: Population and freedom, as the old crown told us. Bases easy to capture are like old NS-office, a base between Mao south and Howlingpass: They were absolute indefensible, just a 4 min stop for the next base.
  3. DeadlyOmen

    Expecting to be an arbiter of fun, especially other people's fun, will lead to a great deal of disappointment.
  4. DeadlyOmen

    I don't think too many people build stuff in order to facilitate a battle that will be fun for everyone.

    Certainly, Mother Nature doesn't.

    The age of contrived and 'connected' maps got us through the first days. As a player, I expect more than that.

    Hossin is basically a map designed for vietnam fanboys but with the gameplay and game specifically meant for large scale combat; Try flying CAS on that map I dare you and see how many times you get close to crashing.
  6. JibbaJabba

    Hossin is by far the hardest continent ... for everyone.

    That's why it rocks.

    Stop avoiding it. Play it and get better.
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  7. Nithavela

    I don't like hussing because I like some sun. Weather is dreary enough IRL.
  8. 1Tap2Tap

    That is totally wrong, me and my Prowler driver of choice are constantly having a blast on Hossin, often going solo.


    Because Hossin actually rewards tactics, movement and thinking ahead, not the usual "just sit in a zerg somewhere and spam all long range weapons available until you get a lucky kill" bullcrap that is prevelant on Esamir for example.

    Hossin is not "a pain" for vehicles.

    If you know what you are doing, it´s the most rewarding continent of all.

    You can actually play instead of sitting in cover all the time because everyone in a 300m radius is shooting at you the moment you poke out of cover.

    Hossin rewards "skill", that´s what makes it so good.
  9. stalkish

    So the developers shouldn't be creating or even attempting to create an enjoyable game? Seems counterproductive to me..

    And before you spout the obvious in an attempt to sound intelligent, fun is subjective, that's why we have different genres of games, you design your game to target a certain type of player. Its called a target audience, youre willing to loose the other players and keep the ones who enjoy your type of game.
    This is basic stuff not sure how you think the world works but you might want to take a break from those poor quality philosophy books and step outside, not just games that target certain audiences, everything does...
  10. UberNoob1337101

    It might have it's faults, but it's a really fun, interesting continent that rarely gets stale. Yes, there are underwater mines, yes, there might be some BS moments, but constantly having the feeling of "I've never seen this before!" even after playing there for at least 100 hours is great, and open field fights between bases are excellent. It also massively cuts down the amount of cheese due to base design.

    ...And it's still miles better than Wallamir where the only viable thing is to tank spam and has the worst continent+map+base design in history of gaming.
  11. Purp

    I agree 100%! Hossin is VERY well designed, has a good mix of cover and open spaces, and interesting bases. It does take awhile to learn the most effective ways to get from one side of the map to the other, but once you learn them it's easy. In my opinion it is actually easier to get around Hossin then Amerish, which has a lot of slopes that are just undrivable. Hossin does lend itself to smaller fights, which is good considering I hate zergs.
  12. DeadlyOmen

    Enjoyable according to who?
  13. Sazukata

    At least read stalkish's post.
  14. stalkish

    The target audience maybe....i went on to explain that....

    You seem to have some issues m8, might want to go see some1 about it, im serious here not trolling, you seem depressed. Depression leads to all sorts of problems including dementia, do yourself a favour, go see some1.
  15. DeadlyOmen

    Why can I not be part of the target audience?

    I remember Dust 24/7. Ruined CS for everyone that wanted to play the game. Is that opinion not allowed?
  16. DeadlyOmen

    I have been reading "Mommy says I can ave what I want" posts for 20 years. They are as unoriginal as they are limiting.
  17. stalkish

    You will fall into part of a target audience somewhere, i cannot tell you which one, nor can i say if you fall into this one.
    All i was saying is that game developers make games targetting certain audiences, i mentioned nothing about entitlement.

    No idea why you bring up dust, and i dont know what you mean by ruined CS, whats CS, counterstrike?
    Are you telling me why you're depressed?
    Thinking your opinions arnt allowed, or having a low self esteem in general is also a sign of depression.
    Of course your opinions are allowed, although thats a curious question coming from some1 who posts this:
  18. MonnyMoony

    One thing this game suffers from IMO is that may places on the map are inaccessible to units other than LA. Even the walls in your own base are not accessible and you end up treking round trying to find a way out or onto higher ground (unlike a real base which would have steps/ramps up the inside of walls and ramparts).

    Hossin simply takes this to the next level and is probably why it is disliked.

    Maps and bases should be more accessible to all classes. LA would still have the advantage of being able to get there quicker by taking short cuts, approaching from odd angles and climbing into truly inaccessible places - but the level of restriction places on non-LA units in this game is IMO overkill (especially on Hossin).

    I managed to upgrade my Catlike implant to level 5 a few weeks back and thus gained the higher jump bonus. It has transformed the game for me and opened up the map like never before.
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  19. JobiWan

    Fought on Hossin for about 90 minutes last night. One of the best fights I've had for ages and loads of fun.