[Vehicle] Harassers and Tank Mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by destroika, Aug 13, 2017.

  1. destroika

    I just did a search and couldn't find anything that answered my questions.

    1) Is it working as intended that the harasser vehicle is nearly immune to anti-tank mines?
    - On multiple occasions, I've seen harassers drive directly over my 3 anti-tank mines causing them to go off simultaneously and they continue to drive away with more than half their HP. On rare occasions, I've even seen them take no damage at all.

    2) Under these circumstances, how does one deal with enemy harassers?
    - They are hard to hit. Anything that does substantial damage in 1 hit on a harasser still leaves it with about half HP and it just turbos away to safety. Even lock-on rockets barely keep up and usually are wasted on another object the harasser has turned around from. There are some very good drivers out there that never take more than 1 hit and can always get away to repair and come back. Over and over... I've tried very hard to bait them over my anti-tank mines which usually causes a death for me, but when they get away scott-free after hitting my mines, it's really frustrating.

    Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm not just on foot. And I hate to point fingers here, but I mainly play NC and even when I'm in a Vanguard or Lightning and I hear the TR Vulcan somewhere nearby, but especially with a harasser engine, I cringe. Maybe I'm just that bad, but I have a hard time 1 vs. 1 a TR harasser with a Vulcan even in a Vanguard. Usually the terrain around me is very bouncy and I don't have a 3rd person crosshair outside the tank so I can only line up a shot in 1st person. Supposedly the gunner in the harasser has the same situation, but they can put 80% of a magazine in my tank. With 2 reloads and 3 magazines, they can eat through a Vanguard and its shield so my time window to land my shots is small. If I can land a hit early enough, they just get to run away and there's nothing I can do about it. I rarely actually finish off a harasser. A Vulcan-equipped harasser is, I think, is the most nanite-efficient use of resources.
  2. Cirena

    I find C4 to be more reliable but obv. you have to stick around and trigger them when the harasser passes.
  3. boey

    Best thing you can do is pull a lib and get a gunner, or go with an ESF and rocket pods. Nothing better than shredding and tankbusting and lolpodding those Harassers away. Gives a great feel of satisfaction :).

    The thing with the tank mines i can not answer. I wondered myself often enough, how a harasser just drove over tank mines without getting any damage. This is definitely strange.
  4. Dethonlegs

    Tank mines are frustratingly inconsistent. Depending on server load, even MBT's can safely drive over them (mags in particular). As for Harassers, they move so fast that by the time the server realizes it should trigger the mines, clientside says the harasser is long gone so little/no damage is done. It's not mineguard either as I've seen this happen when I know they are running stealth. I'd say "DBG fix your game", but we all know the answer to that.
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  5. King_Shano

    From what I heard, and i'm on console mind you, when they were messing with the detonation times of AI mines they accidently gave the tank mine a small delay, enough that if your driving full speed you won't take any damage driving over a mine.
    This is all word of mouth though so take it as a grain of salt.
  6. Ziggurat8

    They fixed mines a while ago and I hadn't seen harassers drive over mines and survive for a good long while.

    It does appear whatever they did has reverted though because turboing through a mine field is possible again.

    C4 desyncs pretty bad too. Last couple of days I've stuck C4 to a harasser, it turbos away and the c4 kind of floats behind it far enough that triggering it does no damage. Not sure if that's new but it happens more now than I ever remember.
  7. The Rogue Wolf

    You don't even have to turbo, now. This guy was going 50kph, tops.

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  8. M4L4CH1TE

    It is not a 100% fix but if you put a C4 on your mine it will do the trick on just about any vehicle. Even a tank mine sundy will often go up.
  9. The Shady Engineer


    Harasser-tank mine interaction has been busted for a long time. Allegedly this has been fixed but it still happens frequently enough to be a problem. It also gets worse in bigger fights, where like others have said, MBTs can drive over your tank mines and take no damage. It is bullcrap and ridiculous but ask a harasser driver and they'll say it's working as intended.

    For the second part, I found AV mana turrets to work wonders against harassers. They deal as much damage as decimators, are steerable so the harraser can't bob and weave them unto terrain like they can with lock ons AND, this is the best part, because there is no lock on warning and the missiles are very quiet while in flight, they don't see them coming until they're hit.
  10. Ziggurat8

    To be fair he only triggered 2 mines and he showed up on the minimap so it's possible he had mine guard. In which case even if he parked on them it wouldn't kill him.
  11. Ziggurat8

    Viewing the video agan I noticed something I hadn't before. The harasser was still at 90% hp. Even mine guard wouldn't account for that.
  12. stalkish

    Must be because of this:
    • When attached to a vehicle, C4 bricks should no longer float behind it.
    Guess the bandaid came off....

    EDIT: Thats the latest update btw...
  13. Okjoek

    I agree there does seem to be a problem.

    I would consider trying this:
    Place your AV mines in a row parallel to the way the vehicle is driving over them, this way once the first mine goes off it will very quickly trigger the following mines and hopefully the speed of the chain reaction can outpace some of these faster moving vehicles.
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  14. stalkish

    Its a good idea, and indeed i place my mines 3x2 in a triangular pattern for this exact reason, problem is lately mines do not trigger the mine next to it, they just push them a little and cause them to roll over.
    They have to be really close to detonate them.

    Not sure if this is a bug, presumably it is as they 'fixed' it some time ago, but it certainly isnt consistent.
    They should, as you pointed out, detonate immediately.
  15. Ziggurat8

    Haven't gotten that patch yet. PS4 is a patch behind. They might have fixed it and I'm just noticing it because I know it happens after reading the notes for PC. BaaderMeinhoff effect.
  16. stalkish

    Ye, they really shouldnt have merged the PS4 and PC forums.......
  17. Ziggurat8

    You're playing a radically different game. Absolutely nothing in common 8)
  18. Halkesh

    AV mines dealing little to no damage is a bug. If the harasser is immobile, one AV mine is enough to make it burn and you'll need 5 to destroy a harasser with mineguard.

    Best way to kill Anti-Vehicle harasser are :
    -AV mana turret
    -Lancer (VS only)
    -C4 (work better against AV harasser as they'll try to ram you)
    -AV mines (assuming server aren't buggy, ATM they are)
    -one default rocket and 2 AV grenade
    -Engineer turret and archer (this thing won't kill harasser but you'll buy enough time to redeploy or wait for tank support. If the harasser team is really bad, you can force them to retreat or even destroy them. If the harasser try to ram your turret, that will stop it : it's time to drop your C4)

    It's usually a bad idea to attack a AV harasser with a lightning or 1/2 MBT, but lightning with Python L100 (AP is better but any will work), Fire Supression, frontal armor and Scrapper combat chassis are surprisingly effective. Shot only when you're sure you'll hit.
    Don't pull a vehicle if you're angry at the harasser and want revenge, you'll just die an other time since being angry lead to mistake.

    Best way to kill Anti-Infantry harasser are :
    Any bullet-proof vehicle
    ESF (nosegun is more effective than rocket pods).
    Sunderer (ramming damage, avoid CQC because you won't be able to fire due to bad gun depression. if you're in CQC, exit the vehicle and use C4 / AV mines)
    Lightning with racer, stealth and Python L100 (don't fight harasser with Viper gun, AI harasser will run away from your lightning so you'll need racer to follow them. Stealth is to surprise them while they're repairing.)

    If possible avoir fighting Anti-Infantry harasser as infantry, especially Caniester harasser because they can OHK you and flak armor won't protect you from them.
  19. Tankalishious

    The client side lag has been awful lately when it comes to harasser and tank mines. It's come to a point now where when I drive harasser I deliberately set off tank mines boosting over them. I know one day I'll get fnucked for it

    Two days ago I even killed an enemy harasser chasing me by setting off enemy tank mines taking him out cuz lag. The icing on the cake was that it was the enemy harassers gunner who had laid the tank mines as a trap
  20. The Rogue Wolf

    Precisely. I probably should've highlighted that somehow- it's very hard to see except at fullscreen.