MAX is too expensive

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Weylin, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. Weylin

    MAX = 450 nanites
    C4 = 50 nanites
    C4 = Dead MAX

    The only advantage of the MAX is that it's a high health unit that can operate in areas that vehicles cannot reach.
    The weapons generally suck compared to the free infantry, and there's several options to very quickly deal with MAX units, such as the common rocket launchers, extremely common C4, and the less common anti material rifle.

    Also, you can't step outside of your MAX to repair it, you rely on someone else doing that, which never happens, which is why I'm always the engineer repairing the MAX on our squad because nobody else ******* will.

    There's no reason these things should cost more than 300 nanites, they're just garbage unless they have 3 engineers hanging off their ****
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  2. LordKrelas

    C-4 is a suicide mission half the time.
    Given the range of C-4.
    And it's 50 nanites per throw, regardless of success, pre-detonation, death, miss, or similar.

    Eh, suck is a strong word.
    Some are incredible, a lot are sub-par in consideration.

    Boost maxes sure, but don't reduce the damn cost.
    There is a very very obvious reason the Bonus that cut down the cost of Max units died.
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  3. Demigan

    The point about MAX's is that they aren't just fighting C4. By the time someone gets in range and has the time to pull out, throw and detonate C4 the MAX usually has killed a large bunch of enemies.

    MAX's also have the effective health of 10 infantry vs small-arms (20 if you have kinetic armor). They can take a beating, and with Engineers nearby you can survive much much longer.
    No engineers? Ask people. While I also have trouble finding Engineers sometimes, it's absolutely not impossible.

    And lastly, even if the MAX is nailed by C4... You can be revived. MAX's are the only resource-costing equipment in the game that can be restored after use/destruction. They are also the only resource-costing equipment that can be used and change their loadout. That's the reason why MAX's went from 200 nanites per to 450. The skillsuits were too easy to get, too easy to keep using and too powerful to open up an enemy who dug himself in.
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  4. OldMaster80

    A dead Max that can be revived and repaired full health.
    And that usually gets dozens of kills before dying.

    Max Units are perfect as they are and no, the nanites discount should never come back.
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  5. Liewec123

    i seem to post this every week but maxes needs to survive c4 by default,
    roll flak armour into the default max and make the max choose between kinetic or NAR.

    it is ridiculous that the slowest unit in the game with the same pricetag as a liberator will die to a single c4,
    RIDICULOUS! :mad:

    roll flak armour into default max now DBG! :D
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  6. Liewec123

    though in a game with TTK of 0.4 seconds "the health of 10 people" means your 450 resource cert pinata is dead in 4 seconds.
    2 seconds if 2 people are shooting you...

    oops double post :eek:
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  7. Daigons

    Let me fix your list...
    Medic = Infinite revives of your initial 450 nanites.


    You can probably play for hours with just a handful of nanites while you have an entourage of Engineers & Medics earning support certs off of you. Unless the OP is one of those MAXs that I see soloing or running across the field to get to the next fight.

    *** Added ***
    It looks like the OP also made another complaint thread which ties in closely with this thread. Therefore I'll add my comment from that thread to here.

    The OP is just being salty that their MAX was being hard countered by C4. I'm sure the OP would be posting the same salty thread if they were torn to pieces with multiple Archers.

    Here is the timeline of their MAX's activity.

    • Jun 14, 04:43:24 AM KILLED BY Kavusto C-4
    • Jun 14, 04:10:32 AM TheOrrionStaR M3 Pounder HEG
    • Jun 14, 04:09:23 AM KILLED BY TheOrrionStaR C-4
    • Jun 14, 04:09:08 AM KILLED BY TheOrrionStaR C-4
    • Jun 14, 03:46:29 AM KILLED BY lololololole C-4
    • Jun 14, 03:44:52 AM KILLED BY Gunru C-4
    • Jun 14, 03:43:43 AM KILLED BY lololololole C-4
    • Jun 14, 03:36:34 AM panssi M2 Mutilator Headshot
  8. Demigan

    Yes, and in a game with TTK's of 0.4 seconds, 4 seconds is everything :)
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  9. Demigan

    Eh... Buy Flak armor?
    Not only do people waste more than 450 nanites worth of C4 on me before I finally go down (because of repairs), but people die in the attempt most of the time.

    It's ridiculous to swear by Kinetic or auto-repair if C4 is your main threat. You have a viable option to protect yourself against it, use it.
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  10. DeadlyOmen

    What would happen if the max avoided C4 deaths?
  11. Yessme

    i thought maxes are infantery class now :/
    dunno why infantery cost nanites XD
  12. Daigons

    They have to put a cost to chain pulling of MAXs, grenades, C4 and tank mines.
  13. Kdog559

    Make a Max cost 350 certs. It's like a tank but with legs that can walk into buildings.Since they taken the half off maxes at least make it 100 certs less.Some people want to pull two maxes per run.Most people can pull two tanks per run so why not Maxes???
  14. Liewec123

    is there anything that can kill a lib in 4 seconds? maybe hovering infront of an MBT and letting them shell you with AP rounds? still even that might take longer than 4 secs, it also takes THREE bricks of c4 to kill a stock lib,
    rocket launchers? pff save your ammo! (8 rockets from most launchers) archer? forget it! (17+shots)
    why does a slow moving cert pinata die to a single c4 or a few seconds of standard infantry fire when for the same price you can get the 2nd fastest vehicle in the game with THE deadliest weaponry, incredibly durable armour, immunity to small arms and flight?

    3/5 classes now have ranged weapons that can kill maxes in 2-3 clicks.
    4/5 classes have access to c4 which the can hurl across the room to oneshot maxes.
    i'm against changing the resource cost but maxes need to survive a single c4 by default, it is WELL overdue.
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  15. Pikachu

    I've sen videos of people suggesting MAXes should be 750 units. :D
  16. Campagne

  17. DeadAlive99

    OP, I love the idea of being able to step out of the Max suit as an Engy and repair it. They could add some cooldowns and slower repair speed to keep it from being OP. That would rock!

    Medic = Unreliable ba*****

    Swarm of Medics = Swarm of unreliable ba******

    No bonus for reviving a Max (but yet there's a bonus if you kill one). No special HUD icon indicating Max corpse for prioritization (I have a tracker suggestion on this)

    In the right situations, which is fairly often, to be sure, yes, your Max can get a lot done. But quite often you don't have enough support, and that stinks.

    It's not enough that the Max has much more armor. The problem is that the Max is a bullet magnet. As soon as the enemy spots one, they all concentrate fire on him and it doesn't feel like a lot of armor then. When I play Max, most of the time, it feels like regular infantry because the concentrated fire bleeds me so fast.. The concentrated fire negates the added armor a chunk of the time.

    I think it should be lowered to 350.
  18. LordKrelas

    Emergency Repair.
    If you could step out as an Engineer, you could not only repair, but escape, or pull out an Archer.

    That's called pulling a Max without proper support - best used in a squad.

    Exactly the point.
    It's not a one-man army.

    As the Max is a threat, it obviously is focus of enemy weapons fire.
    350 is pretty cheap.
  19. Weylin

    So if a MAX requires a squad to be effective, why doesn't C4 require a squad to be effective? One person lone wolfing is an instant badass when armed with C4. A lone MAX is an easy kill when on their own.

    Hell, most vehicles can act without support, and here the MAX is requiring medics and engineers to follow them around everywhere like lost puppies. Jesus ******* christ.
  20. LordKrelas

    As C-4 is a one-shot melee explosive, requiring a detonation signal after placement \ throw.
    It can not be replaced in the field.
    It can not be retrieved.

    A Max is an armored mechanized infantry, with longer ranged dual weaponry, and secondary abilities all fueled & replenishable by Engineers in the Field, revive-capable by medics if taken down.

    A lone LA with C-4 has 2 shots of C-4, and is easily slaughtered by most things.
    I've off'ed LA's trying to C-4 my Sundy, with an Archer, pistol, or my Knife.
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