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Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TriumphOfMan, Mar 12, 2017.

  1. Insignus

    An acceptable strategy also would've been to take 4 prowlers with rep sundies, spammed down the turret towers and skyshields, then used a spawn beacon with light assaults dropping off the cliff to blow the internal wall rep modules, nailed down the walls, and then hammered down the hive using tanks. This has the benefit of emplacing assets for a fast push on Tawrich Depot immediately afterwards. Wouldn't be as fast, but would let you convert that momentum directly into a territory control.

    Since you appear to have had control of cross-roads, a 3 man squad of infils from a Valk could've hacked down the gate shields and vehicle terminals at Tawrich depot.

    If you had a full platoon, an entire forward element squad could've been placed on Tawrich depot to pin them down with rear fire and either draw defenders or camp the spawn room at depot to pre-position for the push.

    Alternatively, you could've flown a pair of loaded Gals/Valks through the skyshields full of Maxes or heavies/medics and nuked the hive before defenders responded. The Hive and Spawn tube appear to have been positioned in campable positions with poor AI turret coverage.
  2. TriumphOfMan

    Why go to any of that trouble when the outfit was already at Crossroads having finished up pushing the Vanu offense out? It literally took a redeploy hop onto a nearby sunderer and then you see what was unleashed.

    There was also no point sending a forward group to Tawrich, our next target after securing the Hive core was Hvar.
  3. boey

    From what i've seen from The Enclave's strategy, as an opposing faction you won't get to kill more people, but you will get killed more often.
  4. LaughingDead

    So vehicles still OP? That looks like something vehicles could never do, and holy crap that looked awesome. But people wanna still complain about vehicles insta-deading them hey, there's this video on how to actually fight back instead of being a forum warrior.
  5. Cyropaedia

    When I flew with BakaRaymoo (Valk) and DonAlfrago (Scythe), Strikers would almost never reach Flight Ceiling. I haven't flown into 40 Strikers though. Would be nice to see if surgical strike at your weak points would hit your momentum. [TEMO], sometimes in concert with Scythe ball, did a good job at this on Connery so it's kind of an interesting fantasy matchup.
  6. Pat22

    I don't know what kind of C4 run you're imagining but clearly it's not the right one. Spawning off the same sundy you did, running off the cliff and blowing up the tanks below is incredibly fast, easy and effective.

    Yes, clearly that TR armor parked literally right outside the Vanu player-made base is way too far from the fight to be of any help whatsoever.
    It's not like Magriders funneled into a canyon and forced into a face-to-face fight versus Prowlers while also being hit from above are at any massive disadvantage at all.

    I've described an accurate and effective strategy to accomplish the exact same goal in the same timeframe with 1/8th the manpower but yeah, keep thinking that anything that requires even slightly more effort than pointing all your guns at the same target is "tacticool" and not worth the effort.
    So far, all of your counter-arguments have been nothing more than a display of your lack of experience and attacks at my outfit tag.

    2 platoons, actually, with coordinated air, vehicle, infantry and small specialized squads all operating simultaneously, and we dominated Indar with it, taking some tough bases ( without needed overpop, I might add ) as well as holding others at 3-to-1 odds.
    But seeing your other replies, I understand that something that requires more than just having your whole force do the exact same thing at once is something that escapes your comprehension.

    Valkyries can easily fly high above striker range to drop their troops. The real problem in this case is actually that a small squad can't realistically C4 an entire platoon of infantry.

    If they act fast, they could temporarily nullify the high-ground sunderers and draw the battle out a little longer.
  7. Ziggurat8

    TE is back....ruining good fights on Emerald.


    Glad I'm on Genudine. Keep on Zerging. It's definitely the "best" tactic. Makes for **** game play though. I give you guys 4 maybe 6 months before you quit again. Make sure you spend some DBC though!
  8. ExarRazor

    this is TE's version of "strategy"

    find a good fight, then throw 50--100 people at the defenders and 'win'

    all in the name of winning a game that by definition, cannot be won.

    ruining fights is just the first step. soon will come the rants, then the flood of people either leaving the game, or jumping to a server that hasn't metamorphosed into a giant toxic waste dump.

    a lot of the players in game now weren't around during TE's heyday, so my bashing them seems like im angry or something.

    but i was there

    i assure you all im not salty, mad, jelly, or any variation thereof. TE's presence is a, to quote buzzchump himself, BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD thing. he is cancer personified
  9. DemonicTreerat

    Meh its Enclave. Personally I never feared them in PS1 as everything they did other Emerald outfits did better, faster, and pulling fewer people from the front lines. The single item TE was marginally capable at was squatting with a full platoon on tech plants, and more often than not only result was the TR having 10 to 30 people being kept away from the important fights by 1/3 to 1/2 their number.
    After all there is a reason that it was an alliance of VS CR5's, outfits, and "zergs" that broke the Amerish-Solsar (sp?) - Seahrus defense of the NC and not The Enclave.

    All I see TE being good for three items in the long run.
    A) Driving decent TR players to the VS or NC when TE gets to blaming everyone but the right person (themselves) for things not going their way.
    B) Instigating head long charges that pull the TR zerg into positions from which it can easily by cut off and left to wither away in stubborn pockets.
    C) Further fracturing the TR command as their leader is constitutionally incapable of working with others if it means having to compromise at any point.
  10. BuzzCutPsycho




    Those are all from PS1 by the way. Check the dates. You can thank me later for correcting your selective memory.

    NOTE: We were also NC at that point in time, too.

  11. ExarRazor

    those arent from ps1's forums

    that is not proof of anything except how eager you are to stroke your cancer-ridden ******
  12. Insignus

    *Shrug* Fair enough.

    I like threatening Tawrich tech plant - taking the depot convinces other factions - particularly NC - that they need to redeploy and spam armor at the tech plant. The actual depot to tech plant lattice itself is kinda crap, but it ties up their nanites and royally pisses them off, allowing you to either:

    A) Withdraw and farm them with a smaller force as they come up the road to cross-roads
    B) Flank them at Scarred Mesa and force a trade.
    C) Tie up their pop on an as-needed basis
  13. Insignus

    Don't descend to an alleged level of cancer until otherwise attacked by said cancer, because it validates said cancer. Even if said cancer is probably there.

    I whimsically sentence you to a 70's folk rock song that's been stuck in my head for the last week, let it seep into your mind.

    Even if you're now thinking like this:

    Thread Non-Sequitur Defusal #79 Completed.
  14. Maecy

    Anyone else play TF2?
    SAXTON HAAAAAAAAAAAALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Huxer

    Welcome back. Please keep in mind the player base has matured and capturing territory from a faction doesn't affect players who have BR 120s on all 3 factions very much.