Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Klabauter8, Mar 5, 2017.

  1. Eternaloptimist

    Have to admit ist was a mega fight and not typical but the point appears to be made. Thanks for the info. I think that ends my contribution to this thread now :)
  2. BrbImAFK

    By that argument, we should also find some way to completely block any XP earned from: stat-padding, repairing gens / turrets behind the front line, healing / rezzing / repairing anybody in and around the spawn-room, building bases anywhere with a <40% effectiveness, blowing up abandoned vehicles, anything else done behind the front lines that I've forgotten, ghost-hacking empty bases etc. etc. etc.

    Just because something isn't immediately useful, in your opinion, is no reason to stop other players from doing it.

    Unlikely... if all you want to do is farm cortium, you'll want to do it far behind your own lines, where nobody's likely to bother you. If you're building a "helpful" base, it'll be near the front lines pretty much all the time, ever. As such, you won't be competing for the same cortium spawns at all. And if you are building a base far behind the lines.... well... are you really any more useful than the cortium farmer?

    And if we really want to go there, there's a certain argument that even building bases is "not helpful". The majority of the playerbase seems to ignore them, they lead to locking people out of their favourite continents, they kill alerts and fights, and if you're derping around building a base, you're not shooting mans (or being shot by mans) - which is kinda the point of the game. Maybe we should just remove the whole construction system, because it's "not helpful".

    Wouldn't know, never tried. But I gotta ask.... what on earth possessed you to try that one to find this out?!

    And there's absolutely nothing stopping a cortium farmer from dropping down his free turret, three free walls, free HIVE and calling it a base to get more XP.

    I'm sorry, but at the end of the day, this idea is just straight up bad. It doesn't solve a real problem, places unnecessary limitations on player freedom, and doesn't really have any strong arguments supporting it.
  3. Klabauter8

    If you hack stuff behind frontlines or blow up abandoned vehicles, this may also not be that helpful, but at least you do SOMETHING against the enemy. The driver may come back to his abandoned vehicle and save some nanites through this, and those hacked turrets behind the frontlines may give others a bit more time sooner or later before more enemy vehicles arrive.

    There are things you can do which are not really helpful, like giving ammo to people who actually don't really need it and just take it to give you xp, yes, but non of this is so easily exploitable like the silo feeding.
    Most bases are never near the front. And as long as the base has a HIVE, it is always useful, no matter if it's at the frontline or right behind your own warpgate. And when you are farming cortium just for the sake of xp, then you quickly get to the frontlines too. The maps are not that big, that you really can chose there much. You just go from one cortium spawn point to the other, and soon you are near the frontline. The only exception is just if you found a spot where you can stay as long as you want and basically farm cortium without a break, like the area around Vanu Archives for example. However those areas mostly also already have big bases, which actually can be helpful sooner or later, even when they are not near the frontline at the moment. If a base is not at the front at the moment, doesn't mean it can't be at the front later. Frontlines are not static, they always move and shift from one wg to another.

    If the only point of the game would be shooting mans, then you also can remove other abilities like repairing, hacking, healing, etc. What you say here really doesn't make any sense. The thread is not about if construction is a good addition to the game or not, it is about how broken the farming system is.

    I heard that you can feed enemy silos, and just wanted to try it out myself when I was near one. I tested it to underline my argument that the xp system of silo feeding is pretty unpolished.

    Of course he will do this, but only a single time. He most likely won't do it again and again, like how you can do it with silos. With a silo you can just travel over the map, go from cortium spawn to cortium spawn, and always place another silo once you arrive at the next spawn. If you'd have to do this with a whole base, then this would take way too much time to always build the base again. With only a single silo you even can already fill it when it isn't build yet. You just put it down and start filling it.

    I'm sorry, but you also don't seem to understand what I'm even talking about, since your "arguments" are completely illogical.
  4. BrbImAFK

    Given that your post is filled with factual inconsistencies and misunderstandings and outright reaching, calling MY arguments illogical is pretty hypocritical. But hey.... when you're wrong, there's nothing better than doubling down. The Big Donald has taught us that, so congrats on a lesson well learned, I guess?

    But, to paraphrase Thomas Paine : "To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavouring to convert an atheist by scripture."

    So I'm done arguing with you. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the system as it stands. Let people play the way they want and stop trying to enforce your own biases on them.
  5. adamts01

    My solution has always been to have Cortium only appear on the front lines, because of space magic. This makes Cortium gathering more of a group effort where armed escorts are advisable. It also brings farming and base building closer to the rest of the game, instead of being some side-game that sometimes frustrates fighters due to fast continent locks.
  6. stalkish

    I once earned ~275,000 XP / hour shooting sundies with a Vanguard. (we dont see sundy columns like than any more :( )

    Seriously doubt you can earn 1,100 certs in an hour filling silos..........
  7. Crayv

    If you managed to find a large fight in the right place the Lazy Flash is one of the fastest ways I can think of to earn certs. The greatest part of it is, you don't even really have to do much of anything.
  8. PlanetBound

    I filled my Ant with 10k cortium and gained 4 certs. XP I didn't track.
  9. IcEzEbRa

    I think an entire new game could have been created with the construction stuff, build your own base Planetside. And even though there are in-game incentives for being nearer to enemy, don't have to. Even though I dislike the construction in PS2, it's obvious in game, that there are people that do... we are hunter/gatherers for the most part. I'm always reminded when my faction gets XP for Cortium refinement, that there are Ants all over. Was flying ESF to fight near Bio-Lab on Esamir other nite...remarked to buddy that only friendly vehicles below were 9 Ants and one sundie....was odd that no other vehicles. And if you've never had the pleasure of cloaked Ant pull up to your MBT, and 4 Decimators hop out, look forward to it.
  10. PlanetBound

    Cloaked Ants are real easy to see.
  11. ModsFreeAreForTV

    Please leave it. This is what this game has been needing for years. It's an easy cert farm, boring as it may be it does get you certs at the speed of what this game should be anyway.