How are the flight controls on PC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by fusion322, Mar 5, 2017.

  1. fusion322

    I stopped playing PS4 because the controls are completely unusable.
    I'm building a PC but I'm aware that they made some changes recently that weren't accepted well and a lot of pilots quit. Are the controls in a good state currently/ is it worth getting back into flying?
  2. Insignus

    Depends on your setup. If you're willing to do mouse and keyboard and learn for awhile, then sure, I'd give it a shot.

    If you're a joystick flyer, Valk is the only thing you'll be able to fly competitively. The pin-point accuracy on ESF weapons is still there, which tilts it towards M&K flyers.
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  3. fusion322

    What was it that changed and caused everyone to get upset?
    I was planing on using mkb for the accuracy so that should be fine, just worried about the flying that others complained about for a little while.
  4. TR5L4Y3R

  5. asmodraxus

    I believe they made it so the reverse maneuver is a little harder to pull off these days.
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  6. fusion322

    how so?
  7. SoljVS

    They are fine. Analog throttle - E. Ctrl - Descend, Space - Ascend, Eject - SCroll lock, F and Caps lock for roll. Pitch up and down bound to a mouse key. I run at 2000 dpi.
  8. Nabutso

    Planetside uses roll (rather than yaw) on mouse X axis, which is garbage. Nearly unusable unless you've flown with such a setup before; which is quite rare.
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  9. Insignus

    There's only one other game that uses it. I can't remember off the top of my head.
  10. PinkHurtsMyEyes

    I presume you are talking about the changes made when it the game was adapted to ps4. It ****** up a lot of things but very noticeably flight controls and also vehicle turret controls. It's been mostly fixed. This was a fairly long time ago tho...
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  11. TR5L4Y3R

    cant´switch roll to rotation with the mouse which leads to me not getting a good aim on the opponent
    having to slightly roll and then to hit the risebutton in order to strafe while trying to fire is just even more difficult
    imo they could allow players to do atleast these more easier ..
    let me just strafe via simple buttonpress and let me configure what i want to do with my mouse ..
    WHAT is the reason they don´t allow me to rotate/yaw my esf via mouse? i don´t understand ...
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  12. FieldMarshall

    Flight controls in PS2 is ok once you get used to it.

    But to be honest, its the worst i have ever seen in any game.
    I would honestly be very interested in knowing exactly why they made flying in PS2 like this.
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  13. adamts01

    I quit this game for Arma and stuck with PS2 controls but it actually works with that game, but not PS2. ESF yaw just fine at speed and a mouse letting you yaw/pitch would be ideal. Arma aircraft don't yaw well once you're at speed (apparently like real aircraft) so it's nice having roll/pitch on the mouse. I've since moved to a joystick in Arma and can't look back now.
  14. HisokaTheRed

    Stupid, in a word. A2A game is dead, it will stay dead because what makes it "special" and "rewarding" is the same thing killing it.


    A2G is constantly being nerfed because we have an infantry dev (and team) who knows **** all for balance. So cert into infantry or vehicle unless you really liked flying then watch some video guide or get someone to teach you.
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  15. Insignus

    I feel sorry for y'all sometimes. Then I remember you're flying a snork-berry powered flying curtain ring and I moderate my opinion.
  16. HisokaTheRed

    If you're judging me because I fly a sycthe; you're a petty individual and I wouldn't want your pity normally either.
  17. Insignus

    I'm just razzing ya ;)
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  18. IcEzEbRa

    I have no idea how u guys fly on PS4, but originally, SOE was trying to combine PC and console play together...but they dropped it. Even I complained when they were trying to merge code, and was making PC controls more sluggish. I can only think that you will enjoy flying more on PC. I believe the stock afterburners were nerfed a bit to make way for extended and quick recharge fuel tanks. And ESF pilots especially, upset about loss of thermals showing infantry at all, Hornet nerf, rocklet bailers, etc.

    TBH, I love to fly ESF, the most fun vehicle I've ever found, in any game, ever...just to operate. I know some people complain about the controls.....don't listen to them. Remap your "exit vehicle", analog throttle on keyboard, pitch up and down perhaps to mouse buttons. I've even re-mapped roll on key-board to Q and E. This older site.. learn2flyESF | Piloting Aircraft in PlanetSide 2
    is invaluable.
  19. stalkish

    I seem to recall thinking that at some point, im probably getting confused again tho.
    You can do it in star citizen alpha, but you have to change the defaults quite a lot, you can change absolutely everything in that game tho, and its still alpha....
  20. TR5L4Y3R

    why? ... what makes our complaints this invalid? ... explain me that
    and don´t come at me with "gid gud" ...