This is unfair.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by minipower, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. Newlife1025

    reloading is a pain. If you're in tense situation, reloading just may kill you
  2. Charlychop

    as a magrider driver..... this is mostly true. Mostly. Your tactic to engange vanguards up close is just dumb. ive jumped vanguards from behind, both my gunner and me dumped on the rear. the dude triggered his shield and proceeded to nuke me. a vanguard is engaged from range and with cover nearby. Engaging a vanguard up close while he has his shield available is suicide.
  3. Towie

    I play all three factions and the one indisputable area where VS falls short is in population. This can make VS feel very under-powered when in fact they are not but some better mechanic needs to be used to even the odds.
  4. No0T

    tanks are over povvered because you cant get on top and slpt a granade inside and kill the people in them like in reality.
  5. Insignus

    Heresy Warning: All participating parties have been awarded +1 Heresy, and OP has been awarded +90 Heresy, for promulgating this perennial necromancy.

    I renew my calls for forum bots auto-assigning "Nerf Whine" tags to certain posts, based on linguistic analysis.
  6. LaughingDead

    You can't? You think tank drivers don't have locked hatches that resist most conventional arms?
    • Up x 1
  7. travbrad

    That's actually more of a problem than the so-called "nerfs". VS is nearly always underpopped and TR is nearly always overpopped already for many months, ever since gatekeeper/.75ADS LMG/ZOE/etc changes. The faction balance in terms of effectiveness/weapons/vehicles/etc is actually pretty good IMO, but the populations aren't. I frequently see TR with 50%ish population on the non-indar continent on both Connery and Emerald.

    It's stupid but the perception almost matters more than the reality, since above all numbers/population is what wins in this game.
  8. DarkStarAnubis

    I always wonder why all the weapons, vehicles, etc aren't in the NS pool, that would end up 99.9% of the discussions about nerfing/buffing and unfair advantage...
  9. TrolKabu

    Faction flavor ?
    Otherwise it would mean nothing to play any faction, out of its color/skin and its background.
  10. customer548

    Because PS2 would loose a lot of its interest.
    I would become a random shooter with large maps.
  11. DarkStarAnubis

    BTW it is already a random shooter with large maps, there is no endgame and there is no real strategy aside from zerging and players spawn-fight-die all the time ;-)

    If all the weapons were produced by NS and sold to all factions, gameplay would be automatically 100% fair and force players to develop better tactics and squad thinking instead of looking desperately for the uber-weapon specific to his/her faction and then crying because that weapon has been nerfed or the enemy weapon has been buffed in the latest patch released by the evil developers ...

    Either way:
    Equipment (shields, jetpacks, ammo pouches, cloaks) is already 100% the same.
    Implants are already 100% the same.
    Ammo is the same (which is ridiculous of course since the weapons are different, right?)
    a lot of camos and helmets are the same
  12. Demigan

    I don't have extensive experience in the Magrider, but the experience I had with it was that you could nuke 2 shielded Vanguards in one go from behind, considering my low experience and not very upgraded Magrider either I do something terribly good or you are doing something terribly wrong.

    From my experience in the Vanguard, and I have a good lot of experience in the Vanguard, if a Magrider attacks you from behind, you only survive if the Magrider decides to drive to your side-armor voluntarily, which some do in their need to keep strafing.
  13. customer548

    Customers are able to choose the product they want to use.
    There are many Online FPS' atm on the market with "Same gear, same weapons for everyone, Don't-be-curious-Please-shoot".
    Make your choice.
  14. stalkish

    Actualy 'Nerf Whine' threads are against the TOS, so they could just be deleted automatically.
  15. FateJH

    That's what C-4 is for.
  16. NubCannon

    I get that the NC have it worse than the TR but we both got it worse than the battlegoose.
  17. Eternaloptimist

    But if you can get that close you can slap C4 on them or throw a tank mine under them. OK, it may not insta kill the crew but then we're playing a game where nanoweave and HA shields mean you have to unload a lot of bullets into someone unlike reality, where one bullet can often do the job.Then they come back to life at a spawn point or thanks to a passing medic.

    Sniper is about the nearest the game gets to truly reflecting reality I think (long killing range, one bullet-one kill weapon) and even then they get a cloaking device instead of a ghillie suit.