I actually find infantry combat bearable now.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Diilicious, Jan 15, 2017.

  1. LaughingDead

    Thanks for the tip, I recently found out that all of my deaths made by ALL AI WEAPONS, this including every single vehicle weapon that is used on infantry is 2.3% of my total deaths.

    I suppose that's worth nerfing over!
    Now when are they going to nerf that orion/battlegoose?

    Update on that number, as it turns out, I was killed more by the orion, the exact weapon, not all infantry weapons, just orion, more than all AI weapons on any vehicle, coming out to 3.7%

    Isn't that hilarious.

    Also worth noting that this is with my starter account, when I literally first started THIS YEAR, that means the entire time I was a noob in planetside, the entire ******* time, so even noobs to do not get farmed that much by AI than infantry weapons.
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  2. stalkish

    Thats no suprise, although youd have to count up the AV weapon kills aswel since AI is so bad no1 is using it, even for AI. Its been proven time and again that infantry farm the most, use the most explosives, and are way more numerous at any fight than vehicles.

    Infantry is catered to in planetside 2, have been since launch, it is what it is at this point.

    I mean take a look at the frag grenade, it has a larger explosive splash radius than a Titan HE shell. Thats a small deodorant bottle with more firepower than a 150mm shell. Thats not to mention that 2 c4 anywhere on the tanks hull kills it, yet 2 AP shells to the rear does not. So a cigarette box is more powerful than a 150mm AP shell aswel, sometimes many times more powerful.

    I would argue tho that bases are crudely designed and allow vehicles to prevent spawners defending their base too easily. Infantry being able to hide more easily in these poor bases will help this somewhat.

    I am wondering tho whether we will see some increase in AI potential now we dont have christmas lights optics.
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  3. pnkdth

    Ground units should probably have been unaffected by this. This change was due to the disproportionate effect Air has on fights.

    That said, I'd prefer a general buff on ground AA instead since it is still the single most boring and unrewarding experience in PS2. You gain next to no certs, you're vulnerable to everything, and just begging for a couple of C4 bricks. Skyguards are cert pinatas for Libs and an AA MAX is a slow moving taget which lifespan outside of hugging the spawn room can be measured in seconds.
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  4. LaughingDead

    Guess what? You get to shoot slightly lower in PTS, so now you can shoot infantry AND air. It's almost as if devs feel AA is good.
    Shocking I know.
  5. pnkdth

    Well, if we're going to trust the good judgement of the devs why are we even talking about this? They decided thermals were bad for the game. Case closed.
  6. LaughingDead

    Ah but then there's your conundrum, devs feel like AA is fine, devs nerf AI thermals (and slap them for no good reason). You can't exactly pick a real truth, except this one:
    Devs do not know how to handle vehicles and devs rarely buff vehicles for anything good. The last major pass was valks getting 360 gun rotation, which should've been put in when it first came out, but more gun maneuverability is hardly anything isn't it?

    Last I checked, even if they DID buff AA vehicles, then what would be the point of pulling air at all? Thermals JUST GOT NERFED, AI air is less, which means AA air has no point, AI libs are big targets for the AA already and the starving AA air, so it all just dies out.

    You really want to care about killing them even more?
  7. Dusk117

    Awh, did Tiny Tim lose his crutch? So damn sad.
  8. LaughingDead

    First off, laughing at a storybook kid born with a disease that crippled him and with a family unable to pay for an operation to save his life just really makes you look like a dick.

    Second of, stop looking like a dick.
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  9. m2cent

    I thoroughly enjoyed sniping infantry with the game's largest sniper rifle, the vanguard AP. I'll get over it though, just a small heartbreak. My main concern is that Thermal Optics was reworked and even renamed. In my opinion, it is an entirely new optic. One that I would have never bought with certs. With that being said, I feel we should have a refund of certs. If you choose to have "Threat Detection Optics", purchase it again. If not , invest your certs elsewhere.
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  10. Ziggurat8

    That would be the logical conclusion for this whole mess.

    I always thought thermals were too strong and I'm not really going to miss them that much...

    They did give every vehicle weapon an advantage however, It would seem to me like the swing towards infantry superiority will be pretty significant. It's never been hard to pick out or use lock ons against vehicles. Picking out a swarm of infantry hiding in the hills as they take pop shots with guided rockets should be loads of fun without thermals now.

    I really hope the devs buff some of the AI weapons, but I won't be surprised if they don't.
  11. ColonelChingles

    The funny thing is that for ground vehicles like tanks, infantry rank very high as "threats" to detect. VS C4, for example, kills more tanks than the Magrider's AP weapon. C4 and AT mines kill more tanks than Lightning AP weapons.
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  12. LaughingDead

    I could'nt fathom an AI nerf again, personally I don't care about therms (as much as a reimbursement) but buffing AI to reasonable levels and letting the driver decide where the infantry will be as he thinks about the next move his opponent makes pulling him into trying to maxing out his tactical infantry abilities? Sounds like a fair trade.
  13. OldMaster80

    Same here. The infantry game is now in a very good position.
    Btw sometimes I still die to A2G, and playing G2A still feels hard and unrewarding.
    But now the relationship between air and ground forces is no longer so frustratingly asymmetric as it used to be.
  14. Atrus2g

    This, I actually spent my freshman year on PS2 on foot and in tanks as flying well actually took skill and I was getting filleted by experience pilots. Eventually I became one of the experienced pilots (certainly not elite), and can generally hold my own in A2A and A2G. Then they made air auto-detect standard which I refused to use on principal, and I suffered as a result.
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  15. m2cent

    AbsoFU**INGlutely! I fear infantry 10x more than any vehicle in the game.

    And now, if you're not running radar, you'll have no clue there is a light assault coming for you or that an engineer or heavy is running up beside you.

    "Threat detection optics" are completely useless. I can not imagine a scenario where one would need them to track enemy vehicles. Open your eyes... you can't miss them.

    I have received a response about a reimbursement of certs, there will not be one. Im pissed about that, but whatever, I can crank out the 2000+ over the next few days.

    I've spent the last few hours contemplating the next best way to rock out my vanny. Max zoom and long, long range.

    Just wish I could get that gatekeeper and spam the hell out of that thing too..

    Be on soon, watch those AP rounds, gents!
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  16. Abunis

    Tfw you start bragging about how thermals change has vastly impacted your game experience meanwhile the dude that kept killing you over and over before the thermal change wasn't even using thermals in the first place.

    Stop assuming things. You play session now will be different from the play session a week ago, or a day ago, etc. Obviously different scenarios will play out within the game one a present scenario has been completed. You "feeling" like you're getting farmed a2g less is a broad and pointless assumption. The devs could however gauge the actual power of thermals by taking the statistics for average kills of players using thermals to those who do not. Kills could be recorded separately for each scope equipped and cross check it with the population densities of the areas where the kills were scored. This is to find out just how much easier pilots can spot infantry across large scale battles when and when not using thermal scopes. It is not difficult to spot large clusters of infantry in 99v99 battles. It is not difficult to spot clusters of infantry because each individual troop widens the detect area of the remaining cluster. It is expected that thermals would increase the amount of non-multikill kills at population densities of 1-12v1-12 because a lone troop is theoretically harder to spot than a cluster if not highlighted. But is this really the case? Where are the statistics?

    Please quit the senseless spam about thermals, positive or negative. People CARE, but it doesn't MATTER, and people also don't UNDERSTAND what they are talking about. The thermal *change was a marketing strategy meant to create the illusion of choice among a category of less popular merchandise. A change occurs and as a human you instantly begin to question everything about it and whether or not it matters, meanwhile over reacting and picking a side without a thorough reason.

    This is how I see this situation:
    Mock Patch Note:
    - *VS stock camo is slightly darker now*
    - (Devs decide to troll and actually don't change the stock camo at all)
    - Madness among community ensues.
    - Many threads about camo equality, previous color quality, night battles, etc.
    - Not a single post testing photos of previous model to updated model proving that they are in fact the same color and no change was actually implemented.

    Show some solid statistics before further posting. Thank you, I am interested in the actual statistics myself.
  17. Fishpoke

    You can skim over this thread and get the gist of
    "This is a footzerg game that has vehicles for transportation purposes equipped with subprime weapons"

    Hey now you compete with every other FPS on the market, and baby, other than free (which is terrible for the community) this game has nothing going for it. Dead in 2 years time.
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  18. Eternaloptimist

    Not being a vehicle player, I was wondering what you have to give up in order to equip radar i.e. why you wouldn't eqiuip it, the same way I don't run medkits or aux shiled because I want to take mines.

    It seems like a good thing to have and I guess it is pretty effective becasue I have stalked a lone tank from behind and on foot a few times (turret and top gun pointing away from me) but still been spotted and killed before get near enough.
  19. adamts01

    http://planetside.wikia.com/wiki/Vanguard Armor is iffy if you're in any fight that's more than a standoff. Stealth is arguably the best, as it keeps you from taking damage in the first place, and lets you sneak up and get the first shot in the rear. That didn't sound right. NAR is borderline worthless. Mine-guard can be good, but since it doesn't protect against C4 it's not that great, and can be easily skipped by running the EOD implant.
  20. xXGenesisXx

    Hey look 1 x 1 kg Nuke is more powerful then 10 x 200 mm AP shells ...... OMG But the Shells are much BIGGER that cannotz be !!!! Because BIGGER must be BETTER.
    The Power Toothpick(knife) does more dmg then 44 cal. bullet to the head. And ?