Time to buff Sundy Health

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Trebb, Dec 19, 2016.

  1. YouWannaGetHigh

    Same case as you said, reducing C4 to 1 brick doesn't only nerf damage to sundies. It nerfs damage to tanks, to turrets, to infantry, to MAXs, to Cores, to Aircraft... Rocklet isn't even that strong. Dumb-fire is insanely inaccurate and single firing is too slow. I'd replace my other brick of C4 with Rocklet any day.
  2. LaughingDead

    Personally, I wish the rocklet was geared more to fight infantry instead of tanks, turrets should die to 1 C4 (unless they're player made but even then, 3 c4 should kill a tower), and if you're operating at C4 range with a tank then you're easily going to get the burst in. 1 C4 for a light is like if all medics had one rocket, people really undervalue the power of one rocket, aoe, kills maxes in 2, you can do a lot with less.

    So I literally meant it was the fairest suggestion I've ever seen in context of this thread.
  3. Valenz

    3. Nerf the ability to spam C4 across all classes.

    That way, instead of nerfing the light assault we actually get some needed balance on everyone's favorite toy, which happens to go really well with the rocklet launcher
  4. ResearchPrevails

    Actually never play vehicles, but thanks.
  5. ResearchPrevails

    As opposed to, y'know, having fun and capturing the base instead of sitting in a turret for 10-30 minutes shooting at the odd LA who wanders by every so often. Awesome gameplay that.
  6. LtBomber1

    Then get a shield sundi, or a blockade sundi...
    Place a motion spotter... players that spawn at the sundi will defend it (never discussed), otherwise if no one spawns you wont need it anyway. Also, by that logic Harassers should be banned, JUST 150N, fast, better hitpoints and can oneclip a sundi, good luck defending this one, and it is class independend, has range is fast, can be soloed with ease... if you have troubles with infanty players, what about these then???
    Also defending a sundi could be boring, it is often a very powerfull defense station, eg if air shows up und you have a basi/walker combo.

    Sundi placement should also been discussed: If i see parking a lot of ppl right next to walls, cover etc i want to move the sundi myself, 'cause you have no field of view to defend it, that renders its weapons useless, steals your reaction time and all that just for Infantry having to run 10m less... The sundi garages are also a death trap: sure, air will have a hard time, but fear the Infatry coming from behind.
  7. VhynSeven

    As I stated in another thread about that, buffing Sundies (or nerfing C4) is a really bad idea, considering the upcoming ES weapons for Sundies. Especially Siegebreaker.

    Seriously, stop crying over every little detail and get a whole picture. Do you really want a TR Sundy with Siegebreaker rolling over all your tanks, while being almost immune to everything, including C4 faeries ?
  8. blackboemmel

    What we are talking about:
  9. Makora

    The very LAST thing the sunderer needs is a buff. If anything sundies need to get nerfed. There are many options for it, but personally I go towards the idea that AMS should become a utility unlock again, not a passive. One with a downside much like that of stalker cloak, sacrifice weapons for a critical feature. It's a spawn point, not an APC. Want one of those, then build one for that purpose.
    I'd also completely remove the passive squad spawn option on ALL vehicles. Get some logistics going.

    Or at the very least, double the damn price already. 200n for something considered so mission critical is just laughable.

    As for C4, I think how they work needs to be changed. My idea of them would be that they'd do considerably more damage, BUT can only be deployed on any surface you can reach, much like a turret or Recon's Sensor but also on walls and vehicles. Throwable C4 has always been incredibly stupid, made much more infuriating with jetpacks.

    DBG has got it into their heads that everyone needs to have some sort of a counter against everything else. Which is a bad idea in the extreme. This is a CLASS BASED shooter. When you choose a class, you do so with the full knowledge that just as you can do something others can't, you are also limited in what you can do. LA's are a HARASSMENT class. They are there to be MASSIVE pains in the ***, supporting the general infantry in their assault. When faced against vehicles, your go-to should always be your own vehicles followed by HA and MAX.